NPD Coverage: August 2-29, 2015 (4 weeks, July was 4 weeks)
NPD Release: Thursday, September 10th @ 4 p.m. EDT
Notable events in August:
- XB1 MCC bundle + 40" 1080p TV at Best Buy - $500 (August 9-15) - 7 days (reports of selling 12K the first day of this sale)
- XB1 Madden 16 bundle - $399 (August 18, 1 week before game release) - 12 days
- 2DS price drop to $100 announced on Aug. 20 starting Aug 30 - 10 days
- Buy PS4 and get Madden 16 included at no additional charge (August 25-30) - 5 days
- Madden 16 PS4/XB1 (August 25) - 5 days
Results for July 2015:
1. PS4 - 218K
2. XB1 - 189K
3. 3DS - 105K
4. WIU - 46K
5. Vita- ???
There we have it, folks. The NPD results are coming up (they go live this Thursday) and while I imagine a lot of the drama from the last few months will now not happen, it is still interesting to speculate just which system will pull ahead and why.
This will be the official thread for NPD September 2015 discussion. Keep all NPD discussion here.
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