Not just sales! its the leader in being the most fun FPS online ever, most players ever online everyday and every minute, most addicting and so on with sales is just a bonus. You cant convince me personally and say there are other good FPSs, of course their good but average at best, i played lots of FPSs form halo, killzone, counter strike to resisitance, BC, BF and others. all are garbage compared to Call of Duty and people around the world also agree. but as i always say if you cant do well on CoD and prefer the other generic FPSs out there then dont buy it :P.
Excuse me while i go play some MW3, havent touched it for 2 days lol. ACR weapon is ftw!
Yeah, I play lots of FPS too. They're better than Call of Duty.
As far as generic goes, Call of Duty is the most generic, so I'm not sure where you're going with that statement. You do know what generic means, right?
As far as doing well in Call of Duty, it's easy with all the aim assist and perks. It requires minimal skill from the player.
Now you can think its fun, you can join the masses and play it, but let's be real- game is the same since 2005. It stopped being the best a long time ago. It sells the most and so devs try to copy it. Thankfully, a few, like Bungie, Epic, Platinum,Valve and other devs have made excellent games by steering away from Call of Duty. Others have tried to copy it, like High Voltage, DICE, Insomniac, etc.
Let's just say, the reason why only one shooter scored over 9.0 on GameSpot this year, is the one shooter that hasn't copied Call of Duty. That's saying something about being the best.
I played more and i think Call of Duty beats every garbage FPS out there.
apparently you know what generic means so yeah it seems like i dont know what it means totally :|.. when i said every other generic shooter out there i actually mean that other FPS are generic yes! but hey you know better than me it seems :P
Games dont need good graphics to be fun, look at BF3 for example, the game looks very good but its far from fun to play ( at least according to the beta ), more like camperfield 3. nobody move in that game as for call of duty it may look a bit old but its worth that $60 since it had unlimited replay value, the online is where it shines and MW3 improved lots over MW2. sadly all the devs you mentioned havent come close to making a game as addicting as Call of Duty. Since when review scores matter? :o Call of Duty >> all FPSs :cool:.. haters need to deal with it :oops:
Back to MW3 again :P
I have played FPS since Wolf3D, I don't need a lecture on FPS. And you clearly don't know what generic means if everything else is generic but Call of Duty isn't. Don't insult me just because your knowledge of FPS started with CoD4. You have no clue how to use the term generic properly, and you have not played more shooters than me. We both know this. The kids are into CoD. The grown-ups have seen better times for shooters.
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