Everyone knows that the PC has better graphics duh lol. Its funny though, PC gamers are always upset that the consoles are downgrading thier games.....well maybe if more people bought the PC versions of games that would not happen, most games sell better on consoles so it makes sense for the consoles to be the lead platform. PC gaming is just too expensive and those of you claiming your 500.00 rigs will get the best graphics are liars and you know it.You just like starting wars with consoles owners.
It would seem that Hermits aparently just can't be happy playing their games, they have to spend most of their life on here complaining about why game companies are abandoning the PC.......and you wonder why people stereo type PC gamers HMMM gee I wonder, do you ever do anything but spend your time on the computer complaining on game forums? Why do you have to turn EVERY THREAD into a PC vs Console thread?
Its sad, PC versions of games are miles ahead of the consoles, and you guys just can't be happy with that. Games aren't being dumbed down because of consoles, its because of devs, because as a general rule, casual gamers are the target audience now, look at CoD look how its taken off, a game that (now)requires little skill. looks like crap, resuses the same engine every year, yet its the top selling franchise of all time. Blame developers, not us console users, they just don't want to cater to the PC crowd anymore when the games sell way better on the consoles. And a s a console owner I have to except that while it sucks, parent will buy their kids a console for gaming before a PC "sigh"
I'm sorry but really you need to get your priorities straight, I'm sick of coming here seeing the PC users get all butt hurt in every thread thats up. I'm going back to playing Skyrim on my inferior xbox 360, because unlike most PC users, internet forums are not my life, and I enjoy my platform to the fullest. SO have fun not getting laid, playing WoW, living in your parent's basement, I'm not using gamespot anymore, this site is full of crybabies. Peace out F*GS!
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