Tamasi: "Its no longer possible for a console to be a better or more capable graphics platform than the PC. Ill tell you why. In the past, certainly with the first PlayStation and PS2, in that era there werent really good graphics on the PC. Around the time of the PS2 is when 3D really started coming to the PC, but before that time 3D was the domain of Silicon Graphics and other 3D workstations. Sony, Sega or Nintendo could invest in bringing 3D graphics to a consumer platform. In fact, the PS2 was faster than a PC."
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Thank you Captain Obvious. This isn't even news. Consolites could care less I'm sure. It's never been about power and graphics. It's about gameplay, fun and entertainment. You can have all the POWER & GRAPHICS in the world, but if the game SUCKS and isn't FUN, what's the point?
Gameplay, Fun & Entertainment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graphics, Power, Specs.
You consolites are hilarious. Acting as though this was some marketing blurb from Nvidia or somehting.
It was an interview. Where he was asked questions. Questions he answered ACCURATELY.
Answers that have you consolites butthurt as all hell apparently.
"Graphics don't matter!"
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