thats because even if ocarina is an amazing game you cant compete if the console is being beaten by the psp
ooooooor because its a series thats been surviving on nostalgia thats finally wearing off. The OoT remake really didn't help, shows how flawed the original actualy was.
By improving it greatly?
Seriously, do you play Zelda's start to finish? Coz every single Zelda since OOT has been different form the last, I doubt they are surviving on anything but the quality of the games. I can't see how someone who's finished every single Zelda since OOT would make this statment, so I doubt you have.
Also, maybe because the industry is only paying attention to the casual "I need my bloodz in my guns/shooting games because I'm an adult gamer who plays mature games with lots of tough dudes who never truly express their feelings for the women they love before those women get murdered and I can relate to that" gamer that has risen in the last few years
Making a game be good because of its adventure, and puzzles isn't exactly the popular thing right now. The kind of gamer the industry caters right now doesn't like thinking, or puzzles like those found in Legend of Zelda games.
I get it, you don't like Zelda, Cool beans dude. You aren't the world.
LOL different. Sure. If I remember correctly, the last console Zelda got a 8.9? Yep.
Also, thats a pathetic excuse. There were plenty of games that got attention at E3 that didn't involve any of that. Heck, look at Journey, a little downloadable title, that got tons of attention. People are not tiring of Zelda type games, they are tiring of Zelda.
And no, im not the world, but OoT is failing to make any impression and Skyward Sword is getting ignored so i'd say my views are not too far from the general populations.
dude go play halo seriously, some of us here like games that arent mindless fps. Even if it hurts you zelda is a bigger franchise than halo will ever be, and skyward sword will sell as good as any zelda
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