[QUOTE="Aljosa23"][QUOTE="super_mario_128"][QUOTE="Aljosa23"] OOT isn't even that good...
Mario Galaxy should be on the throne.
You're joking, surely?
No I am not joking.OoT gets all this praise only from Nostalgia. The game is terrible compared to todays standards.
I'm sure you'll be saying that about Galaxy in a couple of years.
Galaxy gets all this hype now but lets see in 5 years. Ocarina of Time is one of the greatest games ever made. Not the greatest in my eyes but great. Games (especially Nintendo games) are only good in one aspect - Gameplay. The music is pretty much the same. The graphics are a big meh considering the PS3 and 360 kill them (not saying they are bad but comparing it to other games from the current generation). The story sucks and is nonexistant. Finally, no multiplayer which is not a terrible thing in some great single player games like Bioshock or Metal Gear Solid that have great stories.
Galaxy is probably a solid game but not gods gift to gaming like most people say it is. Ocarina of Time did what games should at the time. Like IGN said, the game "it means a game is pushing boundaries, expanding a genre, and doing many things to a level so far above and beyond its competitors". And thats what Ocarina of Time did at the time and what GTA IV is doing now. Galaxy hasn't really pushed anything. Sure its motion controls are unique but forgetful.
So you're saying Galaxy doesn't fit that description? Even though it single-handedly revieved the platforming genre.OoT is a great but doesn't deserve to be the best in the series. WW>>>>LttP>>>MM>>>>TP>>>OOT>>>LoZ>>>>>LoZII
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