i bought the ps3 to play games, not to watch sales charts.ZoomZoom2490
log on to www.gamespot.com on your ps3 browser and you can watch sales chart on your ps3.thank me later
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i bought the ps3 to play games, not to watch sales charts.ZoomZoom2490
log on to www.gamespot.com on your ps3 browser and you can watch sales chart on your ps3.thank me later
PS3 is to exspensive with everything that is going on in the economy still doesnt mean it's not a great console, it's the best piece of hardware out there.bigLLL
how did this "harsh economy", which just started a few months ago, affect sony since 2007?
[QUOTE="bigLLL"]PS3 is to exspensive with everything that is going on in the economy still doesnt mean it's not a great console, it's the best piece of hardware out there.EndorphinMaster
how did this "harsh economy", which just started a few months ago, affect sony since 2007?
It was $600 for the first 6 months and $400 for the holiday season; yet it still sold better than last holiday season. With the same price and a larger hard drive. It is funny that you make so many references to 2007, but joined the site last month
[QUOTE="EndorphinMaster"][QUOTE="bigLLL"]PS3 is to exspensive with everything that is going on in the economy still doesnt mean it's not a great console, it's the best piece of hardware out there.thelastguy
how did this "harsh economy", which just started a few months ago, affect sony since 2007?
It was $600 for the first 6 months and $400 for the holiday season; yet it still sold better than last holiday season. With the same price and a larger hard drive. It is funny that you make so many references to 2007, but joined the site last month
you're right. One can only acknowledge the existance of PS3 by joing Gamespot
you would figure that a console priced at half the price of its competitors would put up"ps2 monthly" (like last gen) numbers.mclovin401
PS3 isn't THAT much cheaper. It's only $100 cheaper than the 360, unless you include its BC accessory
[QUOTE="ZoomZoom2490"]i bought the ps3 to play games, not to watch sales charts.TheNextOrderI'm sure Sony is watching the sales charts very closely, and wondering if it will be feasible to make a PS4. R U KIDDING??? the fact that sony had 2 extremely successful consoles..ps1 and 2 netting them together what xbox,360,wii,DC, etc combined sold. you honestly think 1 gen that didnt go their way, their gonna cut bait??? LMAO delusional much?? even if sony completely bombs the ps4, they will still comback with another shot at it lol. MS and nintendo have to put up big numbers this gen because of how badly they bombed previous gens.
[QUOTE="TheNextOrder"][QUOTE="ZoomZoom2490"]i bought the ps3 to play games, not to watch sales charts.mclovin401I'm sure Sony is watching the sales charts very closely, and wondering if it will be feasible to make a PS4. R U KIDDING??? the fact that sony had 2 extremely successful consoles..ps1 and 2 netting them together what xbox,360,wii,DC, etc combined sold. you honestly think 1 gen that didnt go their way, their gonna cut bait??? LMAO delusional much?? even if sony completely bombs the ps4, they will still comback with another shot at it lol. MS and nintendo have to put up big numbers this gen because of how badly they bombed previous gens.
chill out dude. it's not worth it to yell
[QUOTE="mclovin401"]you would figure that a console priced at half the price of its competitors would put up"ps2 monthly" (like last gen) numbers.EndorphinMaster
PS3 isn't THAT much cheaper. It's only $100 cheaper than the 360, unless you include its BC accessory
Do you not know how to calculate?? cheapest retail 360 (NEW) 199.00 USD http://www.gamestop.com/Browse/Search.aspx?N=133+196 cheapest retail ps3 (NEW) 399.00 USD http://www.gamestop.com/Browse/Search.aspx?N=141+196[QUOTE="EndorphinMaster"][QUOTE="mclovin401"]you would figure that a console priced at half the price of its competitors would put up"ps2 monthly" (like last gen) numbers.mclovin401
PS3 isn't THAT much cheaper. It's only $100 cheaper than the 360, unless you include its BC accessory
Do you not know how to calculate?? cheapest retail 360 (NEW) 199.00 USD http://www.gamestop.com/Browse/Search.aspx?N=133+196 cheapest retail ps3 (NEW) 399.00 USD http://www.gamestop.com/Browse/Search.aspx?N=141+196nope, 360 is more expensive, coming straight from Sony
I see people are still trying to spin this into something other than Nintendo stomps M$ on their home turf, and stomps Sony even worse. Kinda pathetic really.ANeuralPathway
No particular response to anything you said, I just remember your sig saying the Steelers were going to get beat by a "grocery boy". How's that whole thing working out for ya?:lol:
[QUOTE="ANeuralPathway"]I see people are still trying to spin this into something other than Nintendo stomps M$ on their home turf, and stomps Sony even worse. Kinda pathetic really.bez2083
No particular response to anything you said, I just remember your sig saying the Steelers were going to get beat by a "grocery boy". How's that whole thing working out for ya?:lol:
Eh, they were the sentimental favorite, seeing as my team sucked *** this year, and I just have a plain distaste for the Steelers, they're the Red Sox of the NFL as my sig says. I do wish that Warner would have gotten another ring, he deserves it a lot more than Roethlisberger.
[QUOTE="mclovin401"][QUOTE="EndorphinMaster"]Do you not know how to calculate?? cheapest retail 360 (NEW) 199.00 USD http://www.gamestop.com/Browse/Search.aspx?N=133+196 cheapest retail ps3 (NEW) 399.00 USD http://www.gamestop.com/Browse/Search.aspx?N=141+196PS3 isn't THAT much cheaper. It's only $100 cheaper than the 360, unless you include its BC accessory
nope, 360 is more expensive, coming straight from Sony
Yep how sad the PS3 which is a "better" value and cheaper overall than the 360 can't even sell as many units as the 360 even if you include the cheaper PS2 #s into it. Sad day for sony when they sell a "cheaper" console than the 360 and can't even compete.PS3 is in troubleweb966it amazes me how ps3 bashers continue to act like these sales are something new every single month knowing that all PS3 needs is a pricedrop. come back when ps3 isnt 200 -250 dollars more then the competition. By your logic, Lexus is in trouble because its selling less cars than Ford.
[QUOTE="stiltzsy"] QUOTE] Yep how sad the PS3 which is a "better" value and cheaper overall than the 360 can't even sell as many units as the 360 even if you include the cheaper PS2 #s into it. Sad day for sony when they sell a "cheaper" console than the 360 and can't even compete.mclovin401ive already stooped as low as possible responding to outlandish fanboy comments so im gonna leave this alone.irony intended?
[QUOTE="genfactor"][QUOTE="CWEBB04z"]I dont get why people are buying PS2's....
How else are we supposed to get BC?
I still cannot believe the 80gig BC PS3 was canned. I mean...really Sony. Seriously? I say this every time the BC issue comes up, it's all i'm waiting on to get a PS3, an affordable console WITH BC.The Wii is taking over the software chart now too. :shock:Lionheart08The Wii is taking over the world man!
I still cannot believe the 80gig BC PS3 was canned. I mean...really Sony. Seriously?Verge_6I would have done the same if I were in their shoes and had 2 consoles on the market.
[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="genfactor"]I still cannot believe the 80gig BC PS3 was canned. I mean...really Sony. Seriously? I say this every time the BC issue comes up, it's all i'm waiting on to get a PS3, an affordable console WITH BC.How else are we supposed to get BC?
I got a BC 80GB PS3.
I just found out a few days ago that I could probably sell it for $100 more then I bought it for :lol:
I'm not going to though.... MINE!! :twisted:
Sony should use the browser on one of them PS3s and see that they should have a BC model again. :P
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]Wow PS3 sold almost 70K less then it did in Jan 08. That is 3 months in a row the PS3 sold less then it did for the same month a year ago. I wish I was in the Sony board room tommorow :lol: Nice after holiday numbers for the other two though. Grats to the Wii and the 360.TiefsterI'm sure they realize it is because PS3 is priced $200 more than the other two consoles :|Didn't sony put out a litle propaganda sheet that said the 360 cost more than the ps3 in the long run.
You know the one that said...
PS3= uber right out of the box $400
360= controller, charge kit, wireless adapter, gas money, 10 years of live, and a sandwich= $9000
or something to that effect.
So in regard to your post... no it seems like sony doesn't realize that their console is $200 more than the others.
It's call USERBASE!!!
The reason why Wii is slowly starting to terriorize everyone in Software along with hardware is those 45 million people!
Even if subtract as much as 5 million "Those old folks and youngons", it still leave 40 million people who are buying games. And with an attach ratio of 6, that's 40*6=240 million copies of software sold per year.
Actually, PS3 attach ratio is sthe same as the Wii, around six. But the problem here is this. the userbase is only around 20 (subtract 2 million cause that's shipped). so, 20*6=120 million! No wonder developers are getting more and more leery at the PS3.
And what about the X360? 28*8 = around 240 million units of software sold per year!
And as the years go by, the Wii software sales gonna be terriorizing the other two!
[QUOTE="ZoomZoom2490"]i bought the ps3 to play games, not to watch sales charts.EndorphinMaster
why don't you guys buy more games then lol
I think they buy more bluray movies!
I'm sure they realize it is because PS3 is priced $200 more than the other two consoles :|Didn't sony put out a litle propaganda sheet that said the 360 cost more than the ps3 in the long run.[QUOTE="Tiefster"][QUOTE="rybe1025"]Wow PS3 sold almost 70K less then it did in Jan 08. That is 3 months in a row the PS3 sold less then it did for the same month a year ago. I wish I was in the Sony board room tommorow :lol: Nice after holiday numbers for the other two though. Grats to the Wii and the 360.Huff
You know the one that said...
PS3= uber right out of the box $400
360= controller, charge kit, wireless adapter, gas money, 10 years of live, and a sandwich= $9000
or something to that effect.
So in regard to your post... no it seems like sony doesn't realize that their console is $200 more than the others.
If I may ask, do you own a arcade sku with none of those additions?
360 cant outsell the ps3 2 to 1 with a lower price, lol what a failure.
and the playstation family outsold the 360, YET again. M$ should just give up
You have to include the PSP handheld now , PS2 and PS3 consoles combined is not enough anymore to win .
You can always hide behind the Wii like most Cows these days !
[QUOTE="ZoomZoom2490"]i bought the ps3 to play games, not to watch sales charts.EndorphinMaster
why don't you guys buy more games then lol
:lol: ouchAlso looks like Wii pretty much sold just as much this month, as PS3 did in Christmas month (December). And Wii was supposed to be a fad lol.
I'm starting to think that even if Sony dropped the price of the PS3 to $100, it would still get outsold by the Wii. Same with the 360. Who exactly are these 700,000+ people that are buying the Wii? I dislike the direction the gaming industry is heading in...CStheGreatDitto, I really REALLY hope the rest of the industry dont pull a ''Wii way'' next gen or flow in that direction during this one just to make a quick buck...I mean its fine for a selected audience, but its not what the real fans and gamers (in general) want.
I honestly don't get all the hypocrisy that goes on in SW. But then again, it's SW. It's like when 360 is getting higher sales numbers than sony, sales matter all of a sudden. If thats the case, Wii is literally the GREATEST! SYSTEM EVER! Can we all agree on this? No. and this goes the same for sony and nintendo too. Everytime sales matter / dont matter. Make up your mind people! Look, In my opinion, sales dont matter. Period. Maybe to a certain extent, but numbers dont = quality. If so, Halo 3 is the greatest FPS ever. You'd rather own a Camery than a Ferrari. You'd rather play a Wii then a ps3 and 360. This list goes on. ps3 owners...buy a 360. 360 owners.... buy a ps3. Why would you deny yourself of playing amazing exclusives by being ignorant? Im going to enjoy an amazing game of gears, Im also going to enjoy an amazing game like killzone 2, and also an amazing game like smash bros. In short, STFU, and play games. Simple. Stop revolving your life on this so-called thing called "sales" They dont matter to the extent that you people make it out to seem. :|VideoGameRosadoThere is no rivalry between the Wii and PS3/360 crowds as the Wii isnt exacty the same kind of console that they are, they produce vastly differnt games, cator to vastly differnt people. hence it is rightfully left on the side lines of any S.W compition.
Okay so Wii sales own, PS3 and X360 sales stink. Maybe next month people will get a clue. EmperorSupremeThe clueless people are those buying PS3s and 360s. Wii will Wii will rock you.
If I recall when the PS3 outsold the 360 last January, didn't MS say they had shortages? Well if they did have em that 230k would've been a lot more and their year over year sales would probably be flat, possibly lower. Unless of course they were lying about the shortages. Anyway these numbers aren't surprising at all, Sony needs a price cut desperately
[QUOTE="UGCoat"]One more thing Sony is doomed and the PS3 is in serious trouble. This is the 1000th time this has happened. R.I.P Sony Playstation 3rd America=The world What you lemmings gonna do when the mods lock this this thread, put up the Killzone 2 review, and cows run wild on you? Most likely damage control, like the cows in this thread. The roles will reverse soon. Or maybe if you all pray, GS just might flop Killzone 2.rybe1025If anything I expecting more of a self destruct for PS3 fans since at this point in gamerankings which is the average of all reviews Gears 1 and 2 and Halo 1 ,2, and 3 are all higher then Killzone 2. Doesn't stop it from being a great game, 92 avg on Meta(bigger collective group of reviews than GR) is fantastic considering KZ1 flopped hard. Why would PS3 fans self destruct, the game is great.
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