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[QUOTE="TX360"]Wow the ps3 really needs to pick up sales 309k to 203k not good for sony.sirk1264They really need a price drop. They can't be too happy with how the the PS3 is selling. It wont do much, and even then, whos to say that theyll maintain current revenue? They might start to make a bigger loss If you ask me, the PS3 is selling okay, the Blu-Ray royalties are now pouring in, PSP and PS2 are cash cows still. Simply said, the PS3 is fine, lets just hope the economy picks up soon
[QUOTE="TX360"]Wow the ps3 really needs to pick up sales 309k to 203k not good for sony.sirk1264They really need a price drop. They can't be too happy with how the the PS3 is selling.
Trust me, if Sony could afford to drop the PS3's price, they would. The problem is, the PS3 probably still hasn't broken even yet, much less started to turn a profit on each unit sold, and they can't afford to lose any more money than they are now, which a price cut would undoubtedly cause.
at least the ps3 has been beating the ps2. do cows still think the ps3 is going to overpass the 360 this year?shoeman12it was impossible for it to happen last year. it's impossible for it to happen this year. i don't think people actually look at the math when they say it'll overpass the 360. that or they're incredibly delusional.
remember cows.."the ps3 will overtake the 360 in 2009" :roll:lawlessxMaybe if the 360 quit selling completely and ps3's were free..! :P
guess the world ain't as hardcore as you mate :) guess some people just buy what they enjoy and not you. weird how that works eh? weird how people forget about opinions after being in here a while, eh?Lol. Kind of funny how the console with the worst lineup sells the most. Seriously, what should be selling on the Wii is SSBB a real game not some casual garbage like Wii Fit, balance board or not.
They really need a price drop. They can't be too happy with how the the PS3 is selling.[QUOTE="sirk1264"][QUOTE="TX360"]Wow the ps3 really needs to pick up sales 309k to 203k not good for sony.The_Game21x
Trust me, if Sony could afford to drop the PS3's price, they would. The problem is, the PS3 probably still hasn't broken even yet, much less started to turn a profit on each unit sold, and they can't afford to lose any more money than they are now, which a price cut would undoubtedly cause.
Oh trust me I know. I'm just saying that at the current price tag it's going to be hard for it to sell good even with some blockbuster exclusives like LBP, KZ2, and MGS4.I dont get why people are buying PS2's....
PS2 = "PS3 backwards compatibility accessory" :lol:
And cows bash 360 for charging for wifi..........Sony charges $130 for backwards compatibility lol.
thats true man .... i agreeXbox 360 improved over last year's January sales where as the PS3 sales declined. I could have sworn I've heard the PS3 would overtake the Xbox 360 in sales from the cows by 2009 ... I heard this in late 2006, and throughout 2007. What happened cows?Stevo_the_gamerYou also heard it in 2008. It didn't happen then either. At this current price the ps3 will continue to sell poorly.
[QUOTE="Shadow2k6"]What in the world is wrong with Wii Fit?Lol. Kind of funny how the console with the worst lineup sells the most. Seriously, what should be selling on the Wii is SSBB a real game not some casual garbage like Wii Fit, balance board or not.
Absolutely nothing, unless there starts to be two Wii Fit games for every Super Mario Galaxy, then we have a problem. And unfortunately, with the way its selling compared to the cost of production, Nintendo just may switch the ratios over that way.
Wow, someday, the average 4 person family in a home will have 4 Wiis for each of its family members... I swear...GodofBigMacsLOL!:lol: True. for the lazy, and Actic, it truly isn't that difficult to link urls.
Ah, all is well -- I'm just apart of that "lazy group". :PI actually just forgot. Sorry, I'll be sure for next time.
[QUOTE="-Ichigo1987-"][QUOTE="web966"]PS3 is in troubleGh0st_Of_0nyxit amazes me how ps3 bashers continue to act like these sales are something new every single month knowing that all PS3 needs is a pricedrop. come back when ps3 isnt 200 -250 dollars more then the competition. By your logic, Lexus is in trouble because its selling less cars than Ford. The car industry in general is in trouble if you haven't noticed :?
The thing is, cows are hopping for a price drop and they think once PS3 drops to $200, everyone will go foaming at the mouth and walk into the stores like zombies to get the PS3. But the thing is, it's now over 2 years since PS3 launch, will the people, non of these are hardcore cows care?
The answer IMO is no, not just no but a big fat HELL NO!
I mean, throw out the fact that when PS3 finally, finally drops to $200, both the X360 and the Wii can be easily at $99 to cope, the fact of the matter is, after two years of bruhaha from Sony, and after two years of this and that that saw most of the hardcore gamers going X360 and most of the casuals going Wii, do you think people would really care when PS3 finally drops? After all of them already got their fill from competitor's consoles? If Sony drops, it's a bucket in the ocean. It will like the X360 price drop, make it jump up for a period of time, but don't change a thing (especially against Nintendo). PS3 will sell great for like 2 months, then its back to the same ol' same ol'. That's becaues regular average joes, unlike die hard cows, will not wait. They've already either purchased a X360 for their hardcore gaming, or a Wii for casual gaming or me, both. PS3? Unless they have really compelling exclusive games to go along with the low price, I just don't think people would care much.
Besides, by the time Ps3 is at $200, this gen is probably almost over. Sony can't afford a price drop at the moment and if they do drop, it won't be anywhere close to $200!
[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]It's a incredibly shallow game--I'm not sure why I even bothered to call it a game--filled with mediocre mini-games. I found it hardly entertaining; however, my girlfriend enjoyed it and she wants to buy it now. I'm trying very hard to talk her out of it.Stevo_the_gamerum. it was never billed as a game. it's not meant to be a game. i know people that have lost 15-20+ lbs using it since launch :) it's like a billy blanks tae bo DVD, but interactive, and apparently more effective :PThat's nice -- thanks for going off on a different tangent. Willy merely asked what's wrong with the game and I pointed out what's what wrong. yeah, and you're the one that for some reason referred to it as a game - self owned?
Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros have incredible legs.Sig12047
Mario KArt DS and NSBM don't have legs........
They have motherfreaking wheels powered by a 500 hp HEMI engine equiped with the world's most powerful NOS system!!!!
VARRRRROOOMMMM!!! VARRRRROOOOMMM!!! Someby STOP ME!!! IF YOU CAN!!!! That's what they are saying!
Feel bad for Sony. They cant do anything with the price of their system until the end of the year most likely. shameski11buzz*stares at the signature* Perhaps the consumer will realize soon that those 400$ are really worth it, I dont know, God of war, Infamous, White Knight, Team Icos those can push lots of people over the fence, lastly Final Fantasy XIII Versus and gran turismo, lets get heavily drunk (j/k) and assume square does leave that game exclusive as a goodbye gift it would help to push the FF fanbase to the Ps3, then Gran Turismo... Explanation is unneeded with this one. note: The Ps3 wont catch up the other two, it will stay in third place I was just saying that some games might help it to improve the year over year sales.
[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]That's nice -- thanks for going off on a different tangent. Willy merely asked what's wrong with the game and I pointed out what's what wrong. Stevo_the_gameryeah, and you're the one that for some reason referred to it as a game - self owned?And why can't I refer it as a game? I called it a game before in my previous post as well. :? because it's not a game, and you criticize it as a game. it's like me calling a cat a dog and criticizing it for not being like a dog. just silly.
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