Just finished ME3, full paragon Synthesis ending and I was a little short of words on the whole thing. I absolutely loved the game up until the ending and I by no means want or thought that the ending would be a happy one but there are just so many things wrong with it currently.
First off there are the plot holes. Why is Joker and the Normandy running away from the fight? How did the team members that I have to assume were killed by Harbinger in the final assault appear on the ship unscathed? How did the illusive man get inside the citadel? Why is the original creator the child from Shepards visions?
Those are all quite minor; the main holes come in the lack of closure. Non of my choices mattered.. Whether or not to spread the real genophage, the saving of the rachni queen, the whole situation with the geth it all accounted for nothing more than numbers on my Galactic readiness report. They were worth nothing.
I guess what hurts the most is the squandered potential. Mass Effect was always about two things, the Galaxy, and your companions. If bioware wanted to put a final touch that would have been emotional as well, why not hang those two against each other in the final decision. Have it be the Normandy and Earth die, so that the other species can remain or Vica Versa. I am not saying this would be a perfect ending, but I do feel that Bioware could have taken some of the fans out for beers and pizza and right then and there come up with a better more complete ending.
Thoughts SW? Also, since this is SW, PC is expensive, Xbox breaks easily, PS3 has no games and the Wii is a fad.
**edit for spelling and spoiler title
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Due to the spoiler lock down in the sticky thread, I'm going to give a green light to this thread to operate outside the sticky, for the express purpose of spoiler discussion. But just this one thread here. All others will be locked for avoiding the sticky. Now play nice y'all :)
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