[QUOTE="Banhammer3000"] You talk about sequels and rehashes and then you mention Dragon quest and phoenix right and a lot of mediocre RPG really thats what I'm talking about most of those games are bad and you know it.
No i talk about remakes and ports. and although phoenix wright is a remake of an old japanese only GBA game, just like Dracula X it was never releeased in the west. Sequels are something different, but you wouldn't know what that is being a PSP owner and having to make do with ports.
Ninja gaiden,Draogn quest and Zelda holds but the rest of those games are unknown and Heroes of mana don't look like the mayor Ds killer app,In fact Ds only has 2 worth buying games coming while the PSP has at least 5.
:lol: poor deluded PSP fanboys and their flop handheld. You go on about a Final Fantasy 7 spinoff as if it's the best thing ever (OMFG it's like dirge of cerberus teh ownage!!!!) and then you complain that no-one knows what Advance Wars, Front Mission or Contra 4 are. Here's a thought son, Maybe you can start complaining about the quality of a series when you've been playing games for more than 2 years
Also ASH is a new game from the maker of Final Fantasy. You know that old NES game that recently got a port on the PSP :lol:
Really the DS=/= the GBA.In fact Ds like the wii didn't deliver the Old Nintendo Experience,Ds is really going casual those RPG are quite bad.
Really Ds has potential but it seems Nintendo rather grab the casual market instead of bringing us more cool games,Ds could do a House of the dead but we aren't going to see it.Also some of the RPG DS have could be done in the GBA.
So what you're saying is that games like NSMB DS, Yoshis Island 2, Tetris, Starfox and Zelda do not deliver the old Nintendo experience? You must be some kind of genius!!!!!!
and you're right. The DS is not like the GBA, it is far better. Anyone gamer worth his salt knows this, fanboys who follow brand names and lack any thoughts of their own do not
Really PSP while under looked it has one of the best great games maybe you should give it a try now that is redesigned.Sony failed to announce the original PSP maybe these redesign will bring the PSP back in track.I recommend you Pursuit force is like Crackdown but good
Weird I think i had this same conversation not long ago,Deja vu.
The only people that'll be impressed by a slightly thinner version of a flop handheld will be the fanboys that bought the original in the first place (to play crap like "pursuit force").The redesign does not go far enough and looks to suffer from much of the same problems of the original so it'll no doubt be a failure like the original as well
Wow troll much,First I doubt you have ever played GBA games,While yeah some of them were Snes ports they did they job and bring us back to the Gaming Golden era but the Ds what you Get Brain age,Sodoku and 5th graders homework?,Really You just slapped Nintendo with that claim,Is not far better in fact it was a step backwards to the original Nintendo.
If you support all the crap Nintendo does you only get more crap.Try to play more GBA Games.Check the top rated list.Ds games like yoshi island could be played in the GBA without any problem so there isn't any innovation there,Starfox ds was just a mere soul less spin off to the series,It didn't provide a depth strategical gamplay or the Rad Starfox 64 we were all expecting.I can believe you like that sort of games,really you taste in game sis just awful
-5 for not even mentioning March of the Minis of Metroid.
Now You haven't even play the have and you say its crap?,Really is the kind of mindless reply from fanboy,I guess is what fanboys do when they don't have an argument and really you sounded really desperate for an argument there how sad is that.You cant judge a game you haven't played and if arguments like that game is crap is the best you can say I don't think you have the necessary level to talk with me or sustain any sort of argument
Most of your post is trolling if you don't want to sub-stain an intelligent argument and just bash the PSP well sad for you,Most of the games you are hyping are uninspired RPG how sad is that also that Phoenix right have 5 games in less than one year.If you don't consider that bad well...
The fact is that the PSP is getting more games from famous companies such as Konami,Capcom and a Strong first party the Ds only has 3 worth buying games and thats it.
Really you give Ds owners everywhere a bad name.BTW most of the DS suck just check Metacritic ;).
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