[QUOTE="NinjaMunkey01"][QUOTE="scottiescott238"][QUOTE="NinjaMunkey01"] I find reviews to be misleading sometimes I have played games that Got AA which should have gotten AAA.
Also the surge of ps3 owners (I don't stoop to mere name calling) is probably linked with the fact it has outsold the 360 most of the months this year.
Also woning all 3 systems i also think that the ps3 has a great selection of games atm, and for me the ps3 has the best 08 lineup and by the looks of it it will have the best 09 too.
Yeah it all about the games, and the ps3 is doing great in that respect. This year has not been great for the 360, apart from NG2 there has not been any majour releases at all.
Nice work on the GCSE results :)
i think so far this year the playstation 3 has got the better, but when december comes and gears 2, left 4 dead, fable 2 , banjo and all the others come , then i think teh 360 would have come out on top.
Thanks it was better than i expected. You are the first person to congratulate me! Have a trophy!
I have a list of games coming out for both consoles in my blog:
Little big Planet: October 21st ,2008
SOCOM confrontation: 16th October 2008
Resistance 2: November 2008
Moterstorm 2: October 7th 2008
Ratchet and clank:QFB: August 21st
Wipeout HD: TBA 2008
Valkyria Chronicles: 11th november 2008
Gears of war 2:7th november 2008 (though someone else says 15th)
Fable 2: October 11 2008
Banjo- kazooie: 28th November 2008
Too Human: 29th August 2008
Viva piniata: 2nd or 5th September 2008
Infinite Discovery: 2nd September2008
Tales of vesperia: 29th August 2008
Both are great but for me the ps3's is better. More action orientated games like socom, resistance and moterstorm (to an extent).
You missed alot of games on both systems :*( what happened to left 4 dead, what happened to disega 33? you just picked out games u are looking forward too and not all the games on each system.Actually if you saw my thraed you would see that I started out with a very small list and others gave me other games too add. No one mentioned the games you just said.
And no I cant be bothered to add those right now. They are not just ones I am looking forward too anyway the only one I am looking forward to on the 360 is gears 2, and maybe fable 2 if it gets a good review. I have no interest on viva pinyata or banjo kazooie.
also you still have that sig:
Its annoying you keep reminding me of that song and I dont like it! :P
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