In system wars, sales matter. To me, unless i'm being cut a royalty/payroll check from any of the console manufacturers, I could care less. Having said that, the PS3 is off to a fantastic year, and lets see how the 2nd half turns out. Personally, I think Sony absolutely squandered this 6 month period that they had in '09 pretty much giving them a free reign of unchallenged exclusives. They barely advertised either of the games, much less the console itself. Which is a shame because of all the titles that they did push to get people to buy PS3's for, inFamous and Killzone 2 are the two games people should've been buying the system for, which makes me think Sony could be in for a rough future.
As for MS needing this E3, I wouldn't say all that. They need some exclusive, high profile games sure, but those are coming. Whatever Mistwalker is working on will probably be revealed on monday along with some other games. I guess what makes it so difficult is that alot of the 360's high profile games are multi-platform while the PS3 gets the majority of those titles with some really substantial exclusives of their own.
Either way, games will be announced in less than 48 hours, lets just hope its what gamers want. Honestly I think this whole motion control thing has got to just stop, focus on the games and let Nintendo have their thing. Just because it worked for them don't mean it'll work for you. That goes double true for Sony. If they both announce motion control periphs this year, i'ma just throw out my console and focus on PC gaming.
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