oh yeah, you know what im talking about...
nintendo and ergonomy have never been friends...
nintendo always makes the worst controllers as far as design goes, they are all so uncomfortable, you want to cut off your hands after playing for 15 minutes.
lets take a look
NES controller
it was just a rectangle, it was plain, flat and it was tough to hold.
but ok, lets allow this one to pass...after all, videogames were emerging at this era, and people didnt know much about ergonomic controllers.
snes controller
same problem: too small, too flat, and terrible triggers.
then again, gaming was still young.
virtual boy
extremely goofy looking, unnecesary long handles, it had 2 fricking d pads, 1 to control x axis and other for y. and just look at the overall button position...did nintendo built this for the aliens from the simpsons or something?
N64 controller
even more goofy looking than all of the above, terrible placement, why the hell do you want 3 handles? and you couldnt even use d pad+ analog...you had to choose between one of the 2.
and lets be honest: perfect dark and goldeneye were great games, but playing FPS in an N64 was hard as hell.
not to mention that N64 controllers would usually break after 2 months of use...rendering the analog useless or at least screwing it up so badly your fingers would get calluses from moving it.
gamecube controller
the best controller they have...not really much to say against it, except that z was really hard to push and would usually break down in half.
wii controller
ok...this...is just awful
first of all: you get sweaty hands after 5 minutes of playing...and like...really sweaty.
it kind of makes your wrist and hand hurt a bit after holding it for a few minutes (since its a freaking rectangle...which is not a very good form to grab)
the button layout is horrible...seriously, I think we have all played SMBB with the horizontal wiimote, its terrible, its so hard to reach some of the buttons.
and finally: the motion just sucks...I really cant consider this a motion controller, just a cheap rip off...its so badly innacurate, it even sucks with the WM+...
seriously, blame sony for not making new controller design...but at least they are very comfortable and have a good button layout, and nor do they feel attracted to create extremely goofy looking controllers...
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