The games length, which will reportedly clock in at a respectable 12-15 hours.
12 to 15 + depending on your play style.
Whether or not Lara can swim. Hint: she cant. At least there wont be water levels.
Lara can swim, but just not in this game.
The game will most likely have a few references (and maybe Easter Eggs) to the first game.
Youll just have to wait and see.
The story will have plenty of twists, much like my favorite drinking straw.
We love twists here at Crystal D.
A sequel is definitely on the cards if the game does well.
Why of course.
Finally, the subject of health was touched upon. Lets just say no medkits will be found within the game.
Regenerative. No need for items.onlysp
So much for an open world survival game. This is going to be just another sub-par Uncharted rip off, I had faith in this but it seems like all the developers are interested in is cinematic flair. Seems like another case of style over substance.
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