I think sony is really on the verge to making one of the biggest and fastest comebacks in video game history.. I mean WOW, i still cant get over this news. For the last year critics and media have been saying that sony needs to win the format war or else and BAM, Just 4 days into 2008 and sony manages to make history by winning the format war in just one day! Now that the format war is over sony will now move on to plan B. Make great games and win back the gaming war that belongs to them..
there are times i had my doubts about the PS3 even though ive always been a hardcore PS3 fan but I honestly think we are about to witness a comeback of epic proportions. You may think that sony winning the format war has nothing to do with gaming but i say it does.. More people now will be more inclined to buy the PS3, you have to think that Devs are now starting to second guess, thinking the PS3 is here to stay and blu ray is needed afterall.. Sony has put MS in one of the hardest positions.. A. either MS creates a format of their own for the next xbox much like the Dreamcast did with GD-roms. or B.swallow that pride and adopt blu ray as the drive for the next xbox either way sony will still have the upper hand.
As time goes on, MS is getting weaker slowly but surely.. HD-DVD is now dead, 360 is failing hard in Japan, PS3 outselling 360 in japan by large margins and is starting to outsell it in Europe, All the Heavy hitting PS3 games for this year are a lot better than 360s games, Xbox live getting sued recently over network problems and ofcourse the RROD. As someone said previously, the 360 is built on quick sand.. PS3 is built on solid ground.
By the way, i would love a copy of that issue of EGM with the cover called "Battle station" which shows a tomato being thrown at the PS3, that will be a good thing to keep for history sake when sony makes the biggest comeback ever!
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