[QUOTE="donny666"][QUOTE="whocares9"] [QUOTE="donny666"]Not to sound like I am being all down on Crysis but from what I am hearing it deserves GOTY for things that we have come to expect from FPSs? I mean, having good physics and smart AI is kinda well... expected now isn't it? In so far as "epic" battles go that is like saying C&C3 should when GOTY becuse it is a RTS. I mean, the Rainbow 6 series doesn't have "epic" battles but the gun play is top notch. Just seems like more run of the mill with pretty graphics to me.cobrax25
Halo 3 does nothing new either, from what I hear is that it does what a shooter is supposed to do well. What Crysis does though is not just only have these insane physics and gameplay elemnts but it at the same time just drops you on an island and say PLAY!...not walks you through the game. That is what made bioshock suck, the entire game was so linear that it made me angry.
I never really mentioned specific games for GOTY when I posted and I certainly think neither Bioshock nor Halo 3 should get the gold, though I can site reasons they would be in the running over Crysis. Your statement about Halo 3 is just wrong, like have you even played the game or tryed any of the features? For Forge alone I would give it a serious nod for GOTY. Bioshock blends an atmosphere and story together better than anything this year, or maybe even ever. Nevermind the freedom it gives you to accomplish things the way you see fit.
For games with an intricate story ala Bioshock you can't just drop them into the city and say PLAY! It needs some amount of structure, otherwise it would be like telling a reader to open the book to a random page and start reading, and every ten pages have them close the book and do it again.
forge is nothing new at all...the crysis sandbox editor is decades ahead in power....
and bioshock....well bioshock is bassiclly identicle to system shock 2....except its been towned down for casual gamers....bioshock doesnt give you any actual freedom...you might get the illusion of freedom at first....but actual freedom is being able to approach any situation in any way like you can in crysis.
Ah what? Your telling me we are seeing something in a video game now that we wouldn't otherwise see until at least 2028? As far as Forge goes nothing has ever been seen like it in the console market, nothing else can be said about it after that, it is the first of its kind for consoles. Therefor it broke ground. Just to reiterate one more time though, Halo 3 isn't in my opinion worthy of GOTY. Crysis having an editor that is better than games before it is again expected.
Bioshock isn't identical to System Shock 2 because System Shock 2 has a completely different story and setting. It is like saying The Tale of Two Cities is like X-Men #64 becauseboth areprinted on paper.
Maybe I am expecting to much from games? Maybe the advancement in Crysis's technology and game mechanics are revolutionary. I sure hope not though, cause the way I see it Crysis is just Doom with todays video game know how applied to its face.
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