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[QUOTE="NVIDIATI"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] The 2014 OUYA model will have the Tegra 4, and be priced similarly as this years OUYA's worth it to be a little behind with the processor if it can hold a $100 price point....Especially if every game you buy can be played on every future OUYA model which the OUYA people guarantee you will be able to do.HadOne2Many
The two most popular phones of 2013 (so far) are the Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One. Both of these devices use a variant of Snapdragon 600 that runs circles around Tegra 3 and can almost match the 2014 OUYA's Tegra 4. Not to mention, Snapdragon 600 has already passed the OpenGL ES 3.0 conformance test. Other flagship devices of 2013 are likely to be using a Snapdragon 600 equivalent, or better.Â
These devices can easily be hooked up via HDMI to a TV, and they offer support for almost any bluetooth controller (including but not limited to, Sony's DualShock 3).
b-b-but those cost more than $99 - Slimmin360 I'm with you though. I already have a smartphone and use it for much more than gaming, so the cost of the phone is justified elsewhere. The controller based HDMI gameplay is just gravy. Lets be honest how many people in here who actually have these great and powerful phones with all these games, have taken the time to buy or use the controllers with an HDMI cable and connected it all to there TV to play, very few i'm sure. If they had to buy the cable and controllers on top of the phone and the games, we all know it equates to more than an OUYA's cost.IT'S A PHONE!!! Who in there right mind would choose to game on a phone over a console, even if it's connected to your TV, the phones battery will run out of charge and it requires wi-fi to play online. OUYA is always plugged in and hardwired to the internet, and has a larger variety of games than android alone.Slimmin360You do realize phones can be plugged in too right? And all modern consoles are wireless (so is OUYA for that matter). Face the facts man, a very common device that many people already have can do everything the OUYA does BETTER than the Ouya does it and even more things that the OUYA can't do.
EDIT: and your comment about have to be joking right?
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]Also, they both use google play. And you can use your games from previous purchases from google play.HadOne2ManyExactly. Ouya = good idea, poor implementation.
Poor baby you should've just waited for the retail version, then you could've purchased the redeemable OUYA cards and bought your games for OUYA that way like the rest of us are doing, then you wouldn't be in here whining... "wahhhh they don't use Google play......booo--hooo i have to re-buy my games"
So sad too bad, thats what you get for your impatience, ya' just should've waited for the retail version.
"the rest of us"? Who else? All I see is you. I ALREADY have an OUYA and I'm trying to warn people about it. You don't have one yet and think somehow miraculously the retail version will somehow be different next week. The retail versions that came off the assembly line days, if not hours after mine did. From the same factory. Using the same software. And the same hardware. HadOne2ManyReally, you work there at the factory?, you know my OUYA that i'm picking up next week came off the line mere hours after your kickstarter version that you ordered almost a year ago. Even though my OUYA is in a completley new revamped box and has no kickstarter engravings on it,,,,,not possible that mine could've rolled off the line a week ago with it's new controller and updated software? Wheres your crystal ball because i would love to know how you know mine is only mere hours newer than yours instead of 10 months newer than yours, which is more likely....especially since the official launch got pushed back, because of demand for more units and repair of the controller issues. So i would say chances are probably greater mine was manufactured much more recently than yours.
[QUOTE="HadOne2Many"][QUOTE="NVIDIATI"]b-b-but those cost more than $99 - Slimmin360 I'm with you though. I already have a smartphone and use it for much more than gaming, so the cost of the phone is justified elsewhere. The controller based HDMI gameplay is just gravy. Lets be honest how many people in here who actually have these great and powerful phones with all these games, have taken the time to buy or use the controllers with an HDMI cable and connected it all to there TV to play, very few i'm sure. If they had to buy the cable and controllers on top of the phone and the games, we all know it equates to more than an OUYA's cost.The two most popular phones of 2013 (so far) are the Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One. Both of these devices use a variant of Snapdragon 600 that runs circles around Tegra 3 and can almost match the 2014 OUYA's Tegra 4. Not to mention, Snapdragon 600 has already passed the OpenGL ES 3.0 conformance test. Other flagship devices of 2013 are likely to be using a Snapdragon 600 equivalent, or better.Â
These devices can easily be hooked up via HDMI to a TV, and they offer support for almost any bluetooth controller (including but not limited to, Sony's DualShock 3).
it's a normal controller and an MHL cable. it's not that much money
Slimmin360, at this point you are becoming belligerent. I'll just leave you with this bit of advice. Cancel your preorder and wait until next year. Maybe by then they will finally have a product worth buying.
You do realize phones can be plugged in too right? And all modern consoles are wireless (so is OUYA for that matter). Face the facts man, a very common device that many people already have can do everything the OUYA does BETTER than the Ouya does it and even more things that the OUYA can't do.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] IT'S A PHONE!!! Who in there right mind would choose to game on a phone over a console, even if it's connected to your TV, the phones battery will run out of charge and it requires wi-fi to play online. OUYA is always plugged in and hardwired to the internet, and has a larger variety of games than android alone.HadOne2Many
EDIT: and your comment about have to be joking right?
Yeah and? There is always going to be a better piece of hardware out there that plays prettier looking games,,,and it will also always cost more. However us poor folks will always choose whats more affordable, and hooking up phones to a TV and using them in addition with a bluetooth controller is not the way i play video games, nor' is it more affordable. I buy consoles, that you can plug into the wall and play on your TV, whether they have inferior specs or not. There are millions of people out there who will only own a Wii-U and yet an Xbox-One and PS4 can do tons of things a Wii-U can' by your logic, everyone who owns a Wii-U should forget it or trade it and choose an Xbox-One or PS4 because there more powerful and can do things that the Wii-U can't? What about the die hard Nintendo fans who love Nintendo 1st party titles?, where do they get them. OUYA will have exclusives too, you know what exclusives mean don't you, in other words, not on android, not in Google play, only on OUYA....but people should just game on a more powerful phones or tablest because they can do more right?.....NO THANKS, that not my kind of logic.On another subject though, i noticed your sig.....are you a fellow guitar player, and if so what setup do you have?Slimmin360, at this point you are becoming belligerent. I'll just leave you with this bit of advice. Cancel your preorder and wait until next year. Maybe by then they will finally have a product worth buying.
[QUOTE="HadOne2Many"]You do realize phones can be plugged in too right? And all modern consoles are wireless (so is OUYA for that matter). Face the facts man, a very common device that many people already have can do everything the OUYA does BETTER than the Ouya does it and even more things that the OUYA can't do.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] IT'S A PHONE!!! Who in there right mind would choose to game on a phone over a console, even if it's connected to your TV, the phones battery will run out of charge and it requires wi-fi to play online. OUYA is always plugged in and hardwired to the internet, and has a larger variety of games than android alone.Slimmin360
EDIT: and your comment about have to be joking right?
Yeah and? There is always going to be a better piece of hardware out there that plays prettier looking games,,,and it will also always cost more. However us poor folks will always choose whats more affordable, and hooking up phones to a TV and using them in addition with a bluetooth controller is not the way i play video games, nor' is it more affordable. I buy consoles, that you can plug into the wall and play on your TV, whether they have inferior specs or not. There are millions of people out there who will only own a Wii-U and yet an Xbox-One and PS4 can do tons of things a Wii-U can' by your logic, everyone who owns a Wii-U should forget it or trade it and choose an Xbox-One or PS4 because there more powerful and can do things that the Wii-U can't? What about the die hard Nintendo fans who love Nintendo 1st party titles?, where do they get them. OUYA will have exclusives too, you know what exclusives mean don't you, in other words, not on android, not in Google play, only on OUYA....but people should just game on a more powerful phones or tablest because they can do more right?.....NO THANKS, that not my kind of logic.except the exclusives have to be good to draw people in. Â And a lot of people already have smartphones or tablets, so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to buy an OUYA
except the exclusives have to be good to draw people in. Â And a lot of people already have smartphones or tablets, so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to buy an OUYAI guess we'll just have to wait and see....the OUYA will either sell or it won't , my guess is that by this time next year we'll know better if it's a viable alternative to other consoles or not.
. I guess we'll just have to wait and see....the OUYA will either sell or it won't , my guess is that by this time next year we'll know better if it's a viable alternative to other consoles or not.Slimmin360
i have a feeling we will know in a week when it flops
[QUOTE="HadOne2Many"]On another subject though, i noticed your sig.....are you a fellow guitar player, and if so what setup do you have? Nothing too fancy, I have 3 electrics. Epiphone SG G400, Schecter C1 Classic, and a Schecter Damien Elite Avenger. I play through a Fender Mustang Amp. I also have a cheap Yamaha Bass and an Acoustic Bass amp. Here's a pic of two of them:Slimmin360, at this point you are becoming belligerent. I'll just leave you with this bit of advice. Cancel your preorder and wait until next year. Maybe by then they will finally have a product worth buying.
[QUOTE="Slimmin360"]. I guess we'll just have to wait and see....the OUYA will either sell or it won't , my guess is that by this time next year we'll know better if it's a viable alternative to other consoles or not.lostrib
i have a feeling we will know in a week when it flops
I must admit your cynnacle attitude makes me laugh, you are a fanboy in the truest sense of the word,,, no optimism in you what so ever. I never blaintantly wish any company to fail especially a start up gaming company. I say the more there is to choose from the better it is for gamers, but not you, your literally hoping for it to got some issues i think that go beyond a healthy dislike for the OUYA , and thats a shame.[QUOTE="lostrib"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"]. I guess we'll just have to wait and see....the OUYA will either sell or it won't , my guess is that by this time next year we'll know better if it's a viable alternative to other consoles or not.Slimmin360
i have a feeling we will know in a week when it flops
I must admit your cynnacle attitude makes me laugh, you are a fanboy in the truest sense of the word,,, no optimism in you what so ever. I never blaintantly wish any company to fail especially a start up gaming company. I say the more there is to choose from the better it is for gamers, but not you, your literally hoping for it to got some issues i think that go beyond a healthy dislike for the OUYA , and thats a shame.alright! we've moved on to the personal attacks. excellent argument. and we are done here
On another subject though, i noticed your sig.....are you a fellow guitar player, and if so what setup do you have? Nothing too fancy, I have 3 electrics. Epiphone SG G400, Schecter C1 Classic, and a Schecter Damien Elite Avenger. I play through a Fender Mustang Amp. I also have a cheap Yamaha Bass and an Acoustic Bass amp. Here's a pic of two of them:[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="HadOne2Many"]
Slimmin360, at this point you are becoming belligerent. I'll just leave you with this bit of advice. Cancel your preorder and wait until next year. Maybe by then they will finally have a product worth buying.
I must admit your cynnacle attitude makes me laugh, you are a fanboy in the truest sense of the word,,, no optimism in you what so ever. I never blaintantly wish any company to fail especially a start up gaming company. I say the more there is to choose from the better it is for gamers, but not you, your literally hoping for it to got some issues i think that go beyond a healthy dislike for the OUYA , and thats a shame.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="lostrib"]
i have a feeling we will know in a week when it flops
alright! we've moved on to the personal attacks. excellent argument. and we are done here
Nothing personal man, you wanna' hate on the OUYA go ahead, it's a free country, it just sounded like you were wishing that this company fails before it really even gets going, and i just think thats a bit harsh....No offense intended.Onlive and Ouya, both died before arrival, got buried at launch.NationProtectorTo my knowledge OUYA and Onlive are just getting started and now there teaming up, so i think if people embrace the OUYA enough they both can do well,,,i'm certainly hoping anyway.
The cops came too :)They didn't even allow Ouya inside E3
i heard they had booth outside and few hobos came for free water
If I have one regret in life it is that I didn't pick up the Guitar sooner, so I envy that you have been playing for 20 years. I have 2 sons myself, hopefully they show an interest and I can get them started at an early age.HadOne2ManyYeah i know what ya' mean, since i got married i only get to play on saturdays when my wife takes the kids to her moms where near as much time as i used to have to play, but it's better than nothing, probably why i'm down to just one guitar and one amp and a pedal board.
The cops came too :)[QUOTE="Zurrur"]
They didn't even allow Ouya inside E3
i heard they had booth outside and few hobos came for free water
[QUOTE="lostrib"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Oh yeah the over 100 new titles released on the OUYA in the past 6 months right? because 6 months is soooo old...gimmee' a break.Slimmin360
just because there are a 100 games, does not mean they are 100 good games
Even if less than half of them are good thats like 45 good games in 6 months....what other console puts out that kind of average? less than half? U'd be lucky to have 1/100 games which are good.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="lostrib"]Even if less than half of them are good thats like 45 good games in 6 months....what other console puts out that kind of average? less than half? U'd be lucky to have 1/100 games which are good.just because there are a 100 games, does not mean they are 100 good games
Have you even ever seen any gameplay footage from the OUYA library?, there are plenty of fun games, but it is afterall an indie console.
So that means there will, unfortunately, be more shovelware to sift through than usual....but if anyone is willing to take the time to look and try the games then they'll discover there are quite a few gems to be found...such as,,,
Stalagflight, Bombsquad, The little crane that could, The Ball, Beast Boxing Turbo, Knightmare Tower, Chrono-Blade, Final Fantasy 3, Flashout 3D, God of Blades, Guns-n-Glory, Ice Rage, Polarity, Rage Runner, The Bards Tale. These are just a few of the great titles i'm downloading when i get my OUYA, look up anyone of them on Youtube and see for yourself, there lots of fun.
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