How is paying for the service a bad thing? You already pay for a console which could be $400. 400/15 = about 26. That means that you could pay the monthly fee of $15 for 26 months (over 2 years) for the price of a console, but then you still have to buy $60 games.... By the time you factor in your second console (after the one you have becomes obsolete due to a new design change), you could have played onlive for 3 or more years for the price of what you pay for the console. The price difference is even more extreme for high end gaming PCs which are usually upgraded every 2-3 years.
I'm not going to get it because i really don't need it, but the hate for it seems to be kind of baseless. The point is that you don't need an expensive ($600 + ) gaming computer to play PC games that look good.
How much does it cost to buy the game on Onlive, 40-60$? Thats the same price for a console games and you don't own the game when you buy it from Onlive, so when they say you can't play this game anymore then you've just wasted a lot of money or maybe half of them. Not everyone buy a new PC every 2-3 years My PC is around 3-4 years old and I can play most of the new games on High or Very High setting and the games from Onlive doesn't look good anyway. Many people that tried Onlive says that Shoot games doesn't work good on Onlive, but games like Batman work ok. Have you see people that use Ipad with Onlive? You can't play games on Ipad or Iphone. The touchscreen controller doesn't work too well or actually Its really awful. Here a video of Onlive Borderland on Ipad.
Lets see what you need to have to be able to use Onlive:
-15$/month - You need to pay for a service to get a service that let you buy/rente games.
-40-60$/a game - I don't think that they will low the price on these games, but gamestop, Amazone or any game stores will low prices of a game after a few months after release of that game + that you don't own any of the games that you bought from Onlive.
-Fast Internet Speed to play Single Game - Not everyone have fast internet speed and if you don't have one, then you need to upgrade one.
-Be able to pay a big electricity bills
By the time you pay all these then you'll see that buy a computer or a console is alot cheaper.
Use Onlive is just like that woman that rente a PS3 for 2500$ ->Link
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