I never played it until a year ago and still see why it's the best game of all time. The graphics were amazing, the combat system was revolutionary and the story and atmosphere were amazing.
For the sake of taking the less popular choice, that is why it's NOT the best game of all time. The game changed the way games were made. But now, graphics are bettter, combat is better, and storys are better. Uncharted has a better story, graphics (given) and (IMO) a better combat system.Is Uncharted 2 the best game ever, ATM, yes, but in a year or 2 something will be better.
The day OOT released, it was the greatest game EVER. It was no contest. I was friggin brilliant. I beat it back in the day, and I beat it off of the Wii virtual console. I still think its a revolutionary title. Hell it was my favorite game until... I forget. But today, games are out that are (subjectively) better than OOT in just about every way.
No game has ever been as inovative as OOT, or as great as OOT the year it released, but compared to games of the past 2 gens, its been surpased. The student surpases the master as the student peaks and the master gets older.
Better story is completely subjective, graphics are a total given and therefore don't count (proper context and standards, people) and the combat system argument makes no since since the two games' combat systems are night and day: OOT's combat is based on sword-fighting; UC2's is based heavily on shooting.
Ok, I'll give you that, its a bad comparison. But I've been playing Uncharted 24/7 so its all I think about. Lets compare it to Twilight Princess, which clearly (but also subjectively :)) has a more developed combat system. It feels and plays fluidly and has more options when in an action sequence. There are also many enemy varients which change up the combat and make it more interesting. The story is meh but there are many other games out there with great storys that prove OOT doesn't have a story that exactly holds up. I won't name names, but guess what I'm thinking. Come on guess. (your wrong, I was thinking MGS4, but nice try). And yeah, graphics is a given.
The OP also talk about how the game had an amazing atmoshpere at the time. Guess what game I'm thinking of this time :)
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