MGS4 > GTA4 or SMG2
Split them up and MGS will be top in everything even if you hate the game or if it aint your favourite...
It surely made a massive impact this gen.
Uncharted 2 should have also got a 10.
HA HA Ha... If by 10 you mean a 7-8 then I'd be enclined to agree with you... There are just way too many faults that I find in that game
However, I've yet to play a game this generation that I felt truly deserved a 10/10 score. The closest games were
-Super Mario Galaxy 2
-Batman Arkham City
-Rayman Origins
-The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
so I gues the one that deserved it most was Super Mario Galaxy 2 because of it's insane variety and level of originality in each level. It's a showcase of what the human imagination can create, but it's still the my least favourite of the games I listed
Skyward Sword?
as 10's?
God, what a strong Nintendo fanboy you are.
Those games are great for the Wii but compared to the PS3 and 360 and the limitations of its hardware, it can only be so great.
Mario 64 stomps on all of those.. So does Ocarina of Time and Banjo and Kazooie...not to mention the Donkey Kong games.
Is there any Non-kiddy and Non-Nintendo game you like besides Batman...?
Uncharted 2 got heck of a lot of awards and it is Game of the Year for many people and one of the recognisable games this generation.
Also HALF LIFE 1/2 should have got a 10And..Human imagination, Creativity and Originality... that belongs to Little Big Planet 1/2, also Game of The Year for many too.
I know PC have high standards, but valve, changed the industry.. for the better... not some casualware/sales/profit making game.
Off in your 'shell' sheep.
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