Poll Out of the big 3, who do you think will win E3? (160 votes)
I hope it's Nintendo.
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I hope it's Nintendo.
Depends on what you think is important. Sony will show some titles for 2016-2017, Microsoft on the other hand will focus on 2015-2016...
I think Nintendo will be scaling back until their new set of hardware, but they could definitely use the games. For me, the more games they move to the new console the better as I don't like the Wii U. I'll get Zelda and maybe Star fox and be done with the thing.
Microsoft has to show the rareware game, scalebound and crackdown 3, those 3 games alone have me excited. If they turn out good and there's more than that they'll probably win.
Sony has the generation in the bag but they haven't shown me 1 exclusive I care about, so hopefully they pull out all the stops and surprise us but i'm not counting on it. I guess they'll show ratchet, that could be good.
Depends on what you think is important. Microsoft will show some titles for 2016-2017, Sony on the other hand will focus on 2015-2016...
For some reason I find it hard to predict this year.
For Nintendo we know they have announced games, and they have things to show. Even though they have revealed and semi revealed quite a few games (for Nintendo standards). I think the showing of said games might go a long way. They were also incredibly classy last E3 ompard to the other two.
For Microsoft I suspect that we will see a huge effort this year. They kind of need it. We know of some games MS is making, and likely will be showing in some form. But MS will like to extend thier install base, they do not have the most powerful console, so they will have to do it with Price and games. I suspect that we might see alot of games/reveals/concepts to try to get a foot ahead. They have struggeled for almost a year and a half now. I suspect they might make an abnormally large push.
For Sony we have an odd case, Sony sold us on the console, but they have NOT followed through on the games. a series of bad to mediocre games, and Bloodborne, in the span of a year and a half. Yet they still have the faith of the consumer base. They will need to show the faith is well placed, so they might go make good of peoples hopes for the console. THey will have some fairly big games that we know of, but I suspect that we might see alot of diversity in thier showings. They need to keep the interrest going, and so far they are indeed hurting on the games front.
Ironically I think the best showings will be from a 3rd party. But all 3 of the console makers might do something rather incredible in this landscape that I suspect is not as solid as many might think. In short I expect a rather good E3 this year.
Nintendo spread their legs throughout the whole year with directs so I doubt they'll have much for E3 especially with no Zelda .
Between Sony and Microsoft, there's no contest.
Really wanted to say Ninty, but with no Zelda, SMTxFE looking like shit, it's up to Star Fox and hopefully a new Metroid and F-Zero. With these, and some XCX, Splatoon footage and some otehr stuff, i'm in.
Sony has the new GOW, GT7, more UC4 footage and, perhaps, GG's Project Horizon
Microsoft has the new GeOW, FM6, more Halo 5 fooatge and Scalebound fooatge (**** yes)
But SF5 is a PC exclusive
@Legend002: P5 is on the ps3 aswell, unless they pull a DQ Heroes, which could happen.
Still, i don't see that game being showcased at E3. I don't even see it getting released in the west this year. (Char's gonna lose the bet)
@Legend002: P5 is on the ps3 aswell, unless they pull a DQ Heroes, which could happen.
Still, i don't see that game being showcased at E3. I don't even see it getting released in the west this year. (Char's gonna lose the bet)
Come again? The OP clearly states Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo and not PS4, Xbox One or Wii U. It'll be out 2015.
For the consoles -
Nintendo wins the handheld battle by default (lolVita) , and they don't embarrass themselves by avoiding a proper E3 conference once again.
All I know is, MS knows their backs are to a wall. If their infinite money Game Genie codes are worth a **** still, we will see it used at E3 or the XBox brand is toast. Joe Montana rumor is likely true, but that also means they have alienated EA and pushed Sony to revive GameDay. They might get fallout from their own megaton in the long-run. The biggest surprise that I am expecting from MS is an XBone Slim that drops the HDMI input so they can make it to $300 for the holiday season. As far as obvious things to expect, Halo5 campaign footage and a teaser at least for Gears of War.
As far as Sony is concerned, they have the market share and all the leverage in the world to have the third party drop bombs for them. Bombs am dropping. It's not wishful thinking but more of a sure thing. Pushing Uncharted 4 back may be a blessing in disguise depending on the holiday launch schedule for other big franchises such as whatever Bethesda has cooking. I am also 50% expecting a PS4 slim and a price drop. The EA drama over Joe Montana has led to TF2 going to PS4 as well as the Battlefront marketing deal imho.
Nintendo has been pretty vocal throughout the year trying to get the WiiU to move. They've lost a lot of third party support already and some of the stuff they revealed they were working on last year has yet to show up like StarFox. Nintendo will likely stay the course and perhaps drop a Metroid or Pokemon game to show the WiiU still has some life left in it as well as an update to StarFox. Behind closed doors, though, they are probably much more focused on getting NX to have less of a struggle and we won't see that til E3 '16. Until then, a big price drop or a strong bundle will have to do. Perhaps even a replacement for Club Nintendo to build excitement around the brand as well.
MS. Halo 5 will have a big presence and there will possibly be some early teases of the next Gears game. QB should also receive a lot of attention. Although I say this unenthusiastically because BLOPS 3 is probably going to get another 10-15 min showing to start or end their show.
Nintendo isn't going to talk NX, probably won't show up beyond limited floor demos, and will opt instead to do a 1 hour digital presentation again. Sony will have some new reveals but I have a hard time believing they're going to be showing things for this year.
Personally, Bethesda looks poised to be the company to steal the show. Fallout 4 announcement, Dishonored 2, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, and potentially some talk about the next ES.
I choose Sony to win E3 because they will show new games. Nintendo needs to show new games and their new system that they announced and also try to get better 3rd party support please. Not sure what Microsoft is doing but they should be fine. The poll shows what is going on with the big 3.
Every E3 is worse than the previous, always a disappointment.
Dont even care cuz it generally it never even matters how good a show it is cuz games either turn out to be flops or get delays.
Sony but not by much. MS don't have much coming this year apart from Halo 5 which I can't wait for along with Persona 5. My most highly anticipated games all have 5 at the end of them. Devs take note: put 5 in your games and I'll probably have to have it.
Nintendo won't even try as their install base pretty much knows they're stuck with whatever Nintendo throws at them for the duration of Wii U's life cycle. I'm not saying the games will be bad, just that there's no need to promote them. They're never going to win people over from PS4 or X1.
Nintendo spread their legs throughout the whole year with directs so I doubt they'll have much for E3 especially with no Zelda .
Between Sony and Microsoft, there's no contest.
Ladies and gents, we got a new king cow.
Nintendo spread their legs throughout the whole year with directs so I doubt they'll have much for E3 especially with no Zelda .
Between Sony and Microsoft, there's no contest.
Ladies and gents, we got a new king cow.
How about you put it on the line and give us your predictions then?
Oh, you got it backward. But you are probably right, Sony tends to announce game very early and expected to be released very early.
I got it forward.
SONY has won the last 2 years, dont see this year any differently.
This is debatable...
I think all 3 will have a pretty strong showing. But Sony needs something to bolster it's lead-up to Xmas because at the moments it's looking a bit empty.
I don't really care. With each passing year, I grow more and more pessimistic about E3. Boring conferences that are mostly there to waste people's time with a few surprises and mostly empty promises.
I'm sure each company will introduce something new that will surprise forum goers and get them pumped and interested into buying a console, saying the game will be out within the year and then release 3-8 years later.
Edit: I'm hoping some prices drops hit some consoles, but I'll probably just end up waiting for holiday sales instead of actual price drops.
Nintendo won last E3, mainly because PS4 and Xbone had nothing great to show. So it won't be them. Probably Sony, just because people are still riding the PS4's hype train of dick.
@FoxbatAlpha: They destroyed MS in 2013.
I am pretty sure he was being sarcastic and joking. 2013 for Microsoft was... I mean... Sony didn't even show or say anything great and remarkable. All they had to do was say the exact opposite thing MS said (whether they meant it or not). On the plus side, MS can definitely say they are outpacing their presence in the last two E3s in their PR.
Edit: Depending on the exact details, Nintendo may steal the post E3 hype with more info on their next system. Let's hope they don't go for hardware gimmicks and they raise the graphics/performance bar past the PS4 with NX.
No PC option? it usually has the best games shown running on it.
hows gabe newells steam box doing?
is valve working a new franchise or anything?
they haven't made a game in years is steamin gonna be showing off some new exclusives or?
Dunno, but almost all the best shown games are running on PC most of the time.
Nintendo spread their legs throughout the whole year with directs so I doubt they'll have much for E3 especially with no Zelda .
Between Sony and Microsoft, there's no contest.
Hard to say Sony will win marketing rights to Battlefront with EA access being only on Xbox One and being able to play Battlefront early through access. No way EA isn't going to promote that to try and get people to buy access plus when has any company announced marketing rights to a game at E3 lol. Don't see the point of Sony wasting anytime with Street Fighter news about being exclusive forever, they already announced that. With MS, you forgot to mention Crackdown, Quantum Break and Scalebound as possible news and footage and we definitely going to see new game IP's from both companies. Plus, you think MS will announce Tomb Raider is a timed exclusive on their own conference? lol.
E3 has sucked overall since this gen started.
MS destroyed themselves right out of the gate, Sony has yet to show anything really worthwhile and have not done much other than tell people they wont pull the same crap MS did. Nintendo seems to be the only ones actually putting any effort into their shows in recent years. Their show last year was easy the best of the three.
This year MS is going to try to play catch up again, and go on and on about Halo 5. Sony will be as boring as ever and probably talk about the few games that have not been delayed to next year. Nintendo will continue to try to win people over with showing games and maybe give first snippets about the NX.
"Winning" E3 has done absolutely nothing for gamers. I don't know why people still care about who puts on the best show because thats all it is, a show.
Didn't MS ****-up at E3 mold this gen into what it is with regards to public perception of the big 3? Isn't it the very reason why PS4 is selling at the rate it's selling?
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