You watched Overwatch gameplay and you felt reminded of Destiny and Division? I seriously question your knowledge of games...
Has no single player: why would it need one?
I'm glad this comes with a (full) price tag. This will already keep out many F2P morons that destroy so many communities (just look at MOBAs) and future updates will be "free", so there won't be any of the nonesense like paying for an additional character or map. I think that's a great move.
You say it looks like a generic shooter? 21 different classes with different skills isn't something I'd consider generic. The artstyle is also rather unique, so once again, not generic.
Most of all, the game just looks like fun. I've watched plenty of streams the past weeks and people always had a blast. The maps seem well designed, skills are fun to use, I dig the character design and their backstories, visuals look lovely...
If you don't like fast paced, team based shooters, I guess this is nothing for you. I myself and many of my friends can't wait for its release.
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