Right now I have nothing to play but my wii as my PS3 has ylod and psp screen has cracked. Wii is a good system with some good games like mario galaxy, brawl, NSMB, the wii spots type stuff, ect. However While Ive been sitting playing Ive noticed that aside from Nintendo's first party there really isnt anything good on wii to play. While its true some gems like RED STEEL 2 and dead space extraction have come out I feel almost as if waiting for some good stuff on Wii means just waiting formiyamoto to make some new stuff. Another prob is there isnt really any of this new stuff. While remaking the ****c adventure of saving the princess while mixing up gameplay is good it can only go so far. Miyamoto needs to make a new good ip and not just some old core gameplay mechanic hes used for the past 25 years. I know they guy has stated he doesn't like making M rated games and thats fine because M rating doesnt equal better. However it be nice if he could try thinking up a new epic tale with a champion story like mgs, or uncharted series.
I know questioning anything Nintendo on this board will get me flammed enough to heat my house for the winter but doesn't anyone else kinda Nintendo would dare I say..............Try something Completely NEW. And by new I dont mean making another mario/zelda/brawl/cart game add a new mechanic and slap on the word new I mean NEW HERO, NEW VILLAIN, NEW STORY, MIXED UP GAMEPLAY (no game can be completely new gameplay wise but that doesnt mean they can mix up of ideas from other games and evolve them), ect. If you've read my OP before posting start your reply with chicken :-)
Edit: GS doesnt like the word C L A S S I C
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