hmmm top notch gfx card is same price as ps3, - That's a bad thing
pc has way better gfx(we all know that) - Not necessarily. It may have better graphics potential, but it lacks the gameplay found on consoles.
way more precise controls on pc(and if i wand a controller ill hook up a 360 controller or a wiimote) - Big deal, the PS3 Sixaxis or 360 controller are fine (both very well made.) They also have keyboard and mouse support.
way better sound on pc - Only if you have the hardware for it.
same phisx but pc gets is much sooner - Actually, the Cell has great potential in this department and currently a PC would need an add-on physics card to reach the level of PS3. Says that right here on Gamespot in the tech area.
better games on pc - In general, you know that's not true. That may be your opinion, but the number of consoles sold vs. PC's sold for gaming says otherwise. More people game on consoles. There is a very important reason for that. Far more games with far more variety.
stop tryin to make me get a ps3 once i get the money, it doest even compare - Stop trying to push the PC on people. It's far more expensive than a PS3.
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