MACs are wonderful computers with advantages overwindows based PCs.
Video editing, photoshopping, design work in general is smoother on the MACs.
Smoother how?
Allright you caught me. I've never done any serious work on a MAC (net browsing). I just thought it was the general consensus, or maybe it's just an old argument that MAC users fall back on.
Any experienced MAC and WIN user that can shed some light on the matter?
I have been taking College level MultiMedia Classes that maily revolve around video editing. our primary computers are brand new iMacs, and we have around 18 in our classroom. i sm in the minority that prefers PC, mainly because amost everyone in my media class is like super rich, and have their parents buy them stuff. almost none of them really have any experience or knoledge about hardware.
Although the OSx snow leopard is a very good OS, windows 7 is just as good IMO. it really just depends on user preference. our primary video editing software for mac is final cut pro, and that software is superior to any PC video editor IMO, but i think that is just because i am more experienced with it than any PC video editor. i am growing fond of sony vegas though. we also use a lot of photoshop, and photoshop between PC and mac is pretty much identical.
Mac users pretty much fall back on the "mas are smoother for multimedia editing" because mac has that reputation and most Mac and PC fanboys really dont have much experience in this feild.
also sinse this is a gaming forum, windows is obviously a better choice for gaming. and IMO, the PC is better for the money hardware-wise. macs apple isnt the m,ost reliable computer maufacturer according to consumer reports so don't buy into that. the only reason to buy a mac is for its wide array of mac exclusive multimedia editors and the OS itself. other than that, PC is the safer choice among the casuals. or gamers. IMO.
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