serves you well EA....
I think this might be the last exclusive you see for a long long time that's third party. I think [EA], had they known at the time when they made they made the decision to go exclusive Xbox, had they known that the Xbox One was going to be $100 more than the PS4 I think they wouldn't have done it. I think that they believe that Microsoft was going to kick Sony's butt this cycle.
Pachter continued with a startling discovery:
I am quoting John Riccitiello (former EA CEO) back in 2012 who told me that he thought that Microsoft was going to eat Sony's lunch the next cycle. But we all thought so because we thought that Xbox 360 had a large, loyal install base and multiplayer and we thought that Sony would price [the PS4] about the same as the Xbox, but we didn't think Xbox One would be $500. I frankly thought they were both going to be 400 and the possibility that the Xbox One would be 350. I thought Microsoft might be that bold. They made a mistake and they priced too high and I think that caught everybody by surprise. So I haven't talked to John Riccitiello about this since, but it's pretty clear that at a $100 price advantage Sony is going to beat out Xbox until the price is the same.
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