1) lol Pacther
2) lol -Damien- thread
This, no need for further discussion really.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
None of those franchises you named will do what Titanfall will do in the next five months. Mass Effect 1, while a fav game of mine, never sold outrageously. Neither did NG2, which I also loved. Titanfall will outsell both by leaps and bounds, and have a longevity neither enjoyed. This is all about money and the long term vision. MS and EA have been great partners and EA isn't dumb. If MS wants Titanfall to remain on Xbox and not on PS4 they will have to pay a grand sum. And if the powers that be deem Titanfall a pillar the One needs to stand on they will cut the check. I do not see how you don't think this is about anything other than money, and that MS has enough to pay anything should they determine this game is a part of the entire ecosystem of the One. Whatever EA thinks it would sell on PS, MS will have to pay that and can, plus foot the bill for marketing, Azure servers, ect. The only question I have is will the final Titanfall product be what MS thinks it will be. From my 3 days with the beta I think they have a winner and will pay the money. Again, this is all about money and long-term relationships with powerhouse companies. Plus its not like EA can't give the PS4 an exclusive too. This is one very important game and MS foot the bill to keep Gears off of PS even after PS sales grew leaps and bounds. They will do it again this time if they feel the game is worth it to them.
The better Titanfall sells on the 360 and PC, the more EA will weigh their options. You can write that on stone. EA is in the business of making games, not being a corporate lapdog. EA answers to its shareholders just like any other company. As long as the PS4 keeps its momentum, the shareholders and board will be asking the obvious question.. "Why aren't we getting our software out to the largest current gen fanbase?" and a check from MS will not be the answer.
It never has been. It never will be. This is why having a first party is important, as anyone with an N64 would be happy to explain to you. Good day sir.
The One version if Titanfall is at the top of the US and UK sales charts, and the bundles are within the top 10-15. The 360 version is no where to be found, and we have no clue of the marketing campaign they will even do for it. As for stockholders and the board, if they list the prospective sales on the PS4 and reveal MS has written a check for that amount now versus having to see if that number comes to past, no one will give a crap except fanboys. This is about money, period, and MS will pay should Titanfall perform and sell as expected. PC sales don't factor into what MS does, lol. Games aren't free, they are sold for profit. MS will pay if TF delivers. Have a great day, sir.
Your entire premise is predicated on MS paying a boat load of money for the rights....which I doubt. I think multi plat would probably pay them more.
EA will make great money with this games,so will respawn and MS who knows maybe they make enough to get back half of what they are investing,i am sure the game will sell well..
Sadly this game is been publish by EA and we all,know what that mean,the game will land on PS4 one way or another just like Mass Effect did for the same reason EA was behind it,as good as 8 million or 9 million copies sound 13 or 14 million always sound better and that is all EA and its share holders care for.
EA bet on the wrong horse they even admit it already,they believe MS would win this one,so yeah i would not be surprise to know that the decision to bundle the game free was also tied to Titanfall having to sell certain number of units to keep EA happy,who knows maybe EA did include a clause to protect the investment that if the game didn't reach certain sales in certain time it would go to PS4 as well,an i am talking about this one not the sequel is which basically confirmed for PS4 already.
@lostrib: facepalm.. auto correct (gotta hate swift key) .. anyway are you hitting f5 or something? Im pretty certain that i deleted it a few seconds after. but hey some feel the need to "do justice and pointing people out" by pointing out obvious spelling errors(phone correction). Pretty low dude, and nothing of value was contributed - other than worthless trolling.
It's pretty much common sense that once a title has been established on one platform it is very very difficult to then make it on another console years later when like the 4th or 5th game in the series is coming out. I'm not saying that it'll take TitanFall that long before we see it on ps4 or anything like but just making a point.
While I don't know the factual numbers, I'm willing to bet that a game like Tekken 6 never sold as well on the 360 as the Ps3 version,
Also willing to bet that Mass Effect never sold as well on the ps3 as the 360
Willing to bet that any of the final fantasy games release on the 360 didn't sell as well as the ps3 version or that a game like devil may cry probably sold better on the PS3 than the 360.
So if EA wanted TitanFall to be the COD killer... I mean like really really wanted.... then perhaps they might have shot themselves in the foot.
None of those franchises you named will do what Titanfall will do in the next five months. Mass Effect 1, while a fav game of mine, never sold outrageously. Neither did NG2, which I also loved. Titanfall will outsell both by leaps and bounds, and have a longevity neither enjoyed. This is all about money and the long term vision. MS and EA have been great partners and EA isn't dumb. If MS wants Titanfall to remain on Xbox and not on PS4 they will have to pay a grand sum. And if the powers that be deem Titanfall a pillar the One needs to stand on they will cut the check. I do not see how you don't think this is about anything other than money, and that MS has enough to pay anything should they determine this game is a part of the entire ecosystem of the One. Whatever EA thinks it would sell on PS, MS will have to pay that and can, plus foot the bill for marketing, Azure servers, ect. The only question I have is will the final Titanfall product be what MS thinks it will be. From my 3 days with the beta I think they have a winner and will pay the money. Again, this is all about money and long-term relationships with powerhouse companies. Plus its not like EA can't give the PS4 an exclusive too. This is one very important game and MS foot the bill to keep Gears off of PS even after PS sales grew leaps and bounds. They will do it again this time if they feel the game is worth it to them.
The better Titanfall sells on the 360 and PC, the more EA will weigh their options. You can write that on stone. EA is in the business of making games, not being a corporate lapdog. EA answers to its shareholders just like any other company. As long as the PS4 keeps its momentum, the shareholders and board will be asking the obvious question.. "Why aren't we getting our software out to the largest current gen fanbase?" and a check from MS will not be the answer.
It never has been. It never will be. This is why having a first party is important, as anyone with an N64 would be happy to explain to you. Good day sir.
The One version if Titanfall is at the top of the US and UK sales charts, and the bundles are within the top 10-15. The 360 version is no where to be found, and we have no clue of the marketing campaign they will even do for it. As for stockholders and the board, if they list the prospective sales on the PS4 and reveal MS has written a check for that amount now versus having to see if that number comes to past, no one will give a crap except fanboys. This is about money, period, and MS will pay should Titanfall perform and sell as expected. PC sales don't factor into what MS does, lol. Games aren't free, they are sold for profit. MS will pay if TF delivers. Have a great day, sir.
Your entire premise is predicated on MS paying a boat load of money for the rights....which I doubt. I think multi plat would probably pay them more.
If they paid for it I doubt we'd see it on PC since, correct me if I'm wrong, MS gets jack shit from PC game sales.
Yet that kind of transaction would cause Microsoft to take a huge hit on any new installment. In order for Microsoft to cover what EA wouldn't be making on the Playstation, they would always have to take a substantial loss on the title. Always throwing money at it while never making a profit. The only reason EA accepted their deal to begin with is because they thought the PS4 was going to fail.
If they paid for it I doubt we'd see it on PC since, correct me if I'm wrong, MS gets jack shit from PC game sales.
Yes but remember this deal is by EA,Respawn and MS,not just Respawn and MS,which mean it needs a fail safe and PC and 360 were those fail safe,remember EA was already going on 1 leg when they agree to give the game to the xbox one,so i am sure that the PC version and xbox 360 versions exist because the they could literally couldn't put all the eggs in 1 basket.
If PS4 is generation 8, then PC is generation 9. But anyway, anyone who'll have the chance to play Titanfall should be in CLOUD 9 regardless of platform!
Gamers win, fanboys lose!
Well said. The X1 is a fun console. I know I'm enjoying mine, and look forward to Tuesday!
Have you not yet clicked that MS lack of sales is not due to price. It's because lots of people don't want it and don't appreciate the direction MS wants to take the games industry.
Titanfall isn't enough to convince a lot of people to buy an Xbox One. The vast majority of Titanfall's intended audience are people who already have an Xbox 360 for games like CoD and Battlefield. Unless these people are already set on buying an Xbox One, paying $499 for a single game on a console which has as lot less hype is a difficult pill to swallow.
I have a feeling that Titanfall is going to do the best on the 360 as a lot of people aren't going to bother buying Xbox Ones just to play one game. They'll just stick to the 360 as it's cheaper.
If you look at the Xbox One's current lineup of games it's not that impressive. Forza is niche like all racing sims, Dead Rising 3 is the sequel to a pretty small genre, Killer Instinct is not a huge franchise either. I'm not saying Killzone and Knack are big and popular exclusives either, so the race really comes down to multiplats like CoD, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, and in the future games like Watch Dogs, The Division, and Destiny. People know they can get them on a console that costs $100 less.
Titanfall just isn't enough especially since it too has a more specific audience than something like CoD or Battlefield.
EA did bet on the wrong horse. They looked at the Xbox 360's early success and just determined that Microsoft was going to repeat while Sony was probably going to blunder like they did last generation. The exact opposite is true.
Who's going to pay $499 for one game? A game like Titanfall may lure people who were waiting on the next gen Halo or Gears.
It's a no brainer for a Halo fan who's interested in Titanfall.
Also a good mp game is much more bang for the buck than a good sp game.
MS is the one doing the betting when they picked Titanfall to be the game to buy exclusive rights for.
Have you not yet clicked that MS lack of sales is not due to price. It's because lots of people don't want it and don't appreciate the direction MS wants to take the games industry.
The high price is the translation of their philosophy .... They wanted to control all kinds of your entertainment, that's why they forced kinect and the cable features into the X1 and that added to the price.
But I won't mind if these useless features are added for no additional costs, that's why the X1 at 400$ may be work for them even with kinect. Of course kinect-less X1 is a much better thing but it's all about the price at the end of the day.
One last thing, TF as a game is the defintion of what americans want, mindless multiplayer shooter so what all matters to consumers is how much they are gonna pay to get it.
They deserve everything bad coming their way. Just like xboners they deserve to go down with ms and hopefully whine in the process for the real gamers amusement.
You mad?? LMAO!! Microsoft and XBox isn't going anywhere. I thought John Riccitiello retired from EA. Does he really have anything useful to say? I don't think so. Considering on the bad things his company have done over the past 15yrs. EA should be lucky M$ haven't bought them out yet. I would have bought them and SEGA a long, long time ago.
None of those franchises you named will do what Titanfall will do in the next five months. Mass Effect 1, while a fav game of mine, never sold outrageously. Neither did NG2, which I also loved. Titanfall will outsell both by leaps and bounds, and have a longevity neither enjoyed. This is all about money and the long term vision. MS and EA have been great partners and EA isn't dumb. If MS wants Titanfall to remain on Xbox and not on PS4 they will have to pay a grand sum. And if the powers that be deem Titanfall a pillar the One needs to stand on they will cut the check. I do not see how you don't think this is about anything other than money, and that MS has enough to pay anything should they determine this game is a part of the entire ecosystem of the One. Whatever EA thinks it would sell on PS, MS will have to pay that and can, plus foot the bill for marketing, Azure servers, ect. The only question I have is will the final Titanfall product be what MS thinks it will be. From my 3 days with the beta I think they have a winner and will pay the money. Again, this is all about money and long-term relationships with powerhouse companies. Plus its not like EA can't give the PS4 an exclusive too. This is one very important game and MS foot the bill to keep Gears off of PS even after PS sales grew leaps and bounds. They will do it again this time if they feel the game is worth it to them.
The better Titanfall sells on the 360 and PC, the more EA will weigh their options. You can write that on stone. EA is in the business of making games, not being a corporate lapdog. EA answers to its shareholders just like any other company. As long as the PS4 keeps its momentum, the shareholders and board will be asking the obvious question.. "Why aren't we getting our software out to the largest current gen fanbase?" and a check from MS will not be the answer.
It never has been. It never will be. This is why having a first party is important, as anyone with an N64 would be happy to explain to you. Good day sir.
The One version if Titanfall is at the top of the US and UK sales charts, and the bundles are within the top 10-15. The 360 version is no where to be found, and we have no clue of the marketing campaign they will even do for it. As for stockholders and the board, if they list the prospective sales on the PS4 and reveal MS has written a check for that amount now versus having to see if that number comes to past, no one will give a crap except fanboys. This is about money, period, and MS will pay should Titanfall perform and sell as expected. PC sales don't factor into what MS does, lol. Games aren't free, they are sold for profit. MS will pay if TF delivers. Have a great day, sir.
Your entire premise is predicated on MS paying a boat load of money for the rights....which I doubt. I think multi plat would probably pay them more.
If they paid for it I doubt we'd see it on PC since, correct me if I'm wrong, MS gets jack shit from PC game sales.
Titanfall was originally to be on PS 3/4 as well. Source engine was chosen for how well Portal runs on PS 3.
What else would cause EA to drop the PS 3/4 versions beside a MS payoff?
Also MS may have not offered enough $ for xbox exclusivity. EA makes huge profits for pc games due to Origin. 1 pc version sale is probably worth 3 console version sales. MS would have to offer up quite a bit to make it worthwhile to EA. Obviously more than MS was willing to pay.
MS sees PS 4 as a bigger threat than pc and rightfully so.
just like one poster said,
Microsoft paid them for a console exclusive,
and not only that, is paying for advertising,
man ms is just to rich to see that it is a crack deal,
and ms is sucking dick.
while ea is making money on every origin version sold,
must not be getting much off of each console version sold,
nothing will stop the titanfall 2 train though,
I wonder if Microsoft will be willing to EAt another dick to keep it "exclusive"
And while all this happen MS fail to beat sony again,the PS4 normal sku is at number 9 in amazon UK best selling,and the Infamous Second son sku is on 35 spot,the xbox one first bundle is at 36,so in this very moment in amazon UK the PS4 has 2 sku on top of Titanfall i think is safe to say that Titanfall failed to move console they way lemming predicted or MS wanted,even with the game been bundle for free and a price drop in UK.
If the price drop and free game didn't spark those sales nothing will.
Amazon US the PS4 at number 1 spot the xbox one titanfall at number 15...
Gamestop the same PS4 infamous bundle is number 1,Titanfall bundle at number 14...
So much for Titanfall changing anything,oh and to add insult to injury,the Infamous bundle on gamestop is $570 dollars include 2 controllers,Infamous and a PSN card,all been charge for,unlike Titanfall bundle that is $500 and Titanfall is free.
EA most be freaking kicking the ass of those responsible for this deal..
Pachter is an old suburban white guy that only wants short term profit with no passion in his life. He forces himself to play games to look credible. The Xbox One has fundamental image problems. You can remove Kinect and price it the same as PS4 and PS4 would still outsell it. If he actually liked games, if he was actually one of us, he would realize that.
Titanfall will make a difference though cause at the end of the day, AAA exclusives like that are what matters. But Titanfall alone won't do it. They need way more of those. Microsoft has the cash to do it but not the willpower since its now mostly owned and run by old people like Pachter with no passion in their lives. A company like Google would do it cause more than money or anything else, it's a fun thing to do.
when the game comes out it will be a different story. its going to have legs, its going to shift into a much higher gear once people start playing.....no amount of tears or damage control can stop it dude.
You are giving to much credit to a game that can be had in 2 other platform other than the xbox one,one require minimal investment,and the second could be argue that could also cost less than the xbox one as well while giving better performance to.
This game is not exclusive which is the biggest blow the game has for the xbox one,if the game was exclusive at leas you will have a point,but is much cheaper to get it on 360,and some can ever argue is cheaper or equal on PC but with better visuals.
It doesn't matter that its not exclusive, it does however matter that it is not on PS4. The XB1 version of the game is doing well across the board it seems. if the game gets incredible reviews, it will be a good thing for XB1, you cannot deny that. the PC version probably wont sell as many as the xbone version because its an FPS.
As for the 360 version, if I was a 360 only owner right now I'd be nervous....http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/titanfall-season-pass-confirmed-360-port-lagging-behind/0129063 I cant see it being up to par with the other versions.
I think there is a good chance it will sell better overall on the XB1 than 360, some 360 owners have moved on to the XB1 or PS4 and the likes of minecraft etc are keeping folks happy.
I've said before, i had more fun with the titanfall beta on XB1 than i did in all of the COD's and BF's / Halos (besides Reach). It is that good, i honestly cannot see this game not having a huge impact on not just sales, but FPS games in general. I am really looking forward to it.
I might even stream the game for you so you can watch me play it whilst you cry.
Oh it does matter there are no invisible wall or artificial crap that you people invent outside of this forum fact is if i want Titanfall i have 3 different choices,1 is considerable cheaper,and the second still is cheaper or can be argue that way.
Titanfall is not xbox one exclusive it can have in other platforms period and the xbox one can be argue to be the most expensive version of the 3 without necessary been the better version.
The xbox one version is been given free already and is failing to do what you people claim it will,worse is been outsell by Infamous bundle which comes like 2 weeks after Titanfall when Infamous hasn't receive 100 awards and all the publicity titanfall has get,something is not adding up and is the fact that to play Infamous you need a PS4,to play Titanfall you don't need and xbox one.
Hell i would not be surprise to read that MS on purpose is holding the 360 version so people jump on the $560 xbox one version,after all MS is doing everything in its power and even offering $100 for 360 in trade in and PS3 as well..lol
Is a COD clone with some new elements from the same creators of Modern Warfare,so yeah it is fun but is nothing revolutionary.
lol cows want Titanfall so badly
Only to laugh at lemz, i think the game sux... Destiny will destoy it:P
lol that's how I know you havn't even played it before passing judgement, you're comparing it to a game that is nothing like it. Sit down scrub, you are spouting idiocy.
lol cows want Titanfall so badly
Well, considering you can play Titanfall on a 4 year old laptop. I think most of them will be able to experience the game without needing Xbox One.
lol if you think you're gonna get good performance and good visuals running the game at minimum settings.
yep, you have three choices, but the pre-order charts you cows suddenly became so fond of seem to show only the XB1 version riding high (practically everywhere) XB1 is a new product and this is potentially it's biggest game of the year, people will be getting an XB1 for it, even if you are not. So no it doesn't matter.
no, its not exclusive, but its not on playstation, which if it turns out to be a huge success isn't good for PS4 fanboys.
Titanfall will sell more than infamous, not that it matters.
Neither would I, it'd make good business sense, the 360 version isn't being made by respawn either....so another reason to ignore it.
Its not a cod clone either, it pisses all over cod from outer space. you are upset that people are looking forward to a game which is set to shake up the FPS genre as we now it, just like Halo did.
nearly 10 years we've been reading your bullshit, i dont know why i bother.
You have either way you don't need and xbox one to play Titanfall that is a fact.
Titanfall been a success of not will have no effect on PS4,one game mean little and the sequel for this game has been almost confirmed by EA,which has been screaming all over that this was a 1 game deal and not the series something respawn also say.
Not even Halo did anything to the PS brand so this game will do little by fall no one will even care about it.
Yes it will sell more than infamous is on 3 platforms dah..
lol now the excuse to not get the 360 version is that Respawn isn't doing it..hahaha any more excuse on why people should buy the xbox one version for $560 when on PC i can get it cheaper with better performance.?
Down to the perks and sh** is COD..hahaha
Heh, Lems are talking that good stuff now but we're talking about EA here. If Titanfall doesn't sell by the boatload on XBone and does far better on the other platforms, they WILL abandon ship.
EA wants a Call of Duty sized franchise worse than you know. They will not weigh anchor on a struggling system. In that, you can trust.
lol cows want Titanfall so badly
Well, considering you can play Titanfall on a 4 year old laptop. I think most of them will be able to experience the game without needing Xbox One.
lol if you think you're gonna get good performance and good visuals running the game at minimum settings.
It's not as if Titanfall looks anything special on maximum settings.
The mental gymnastics your average lemming has to pull off to support the Xbone on SW is truly outstanding.
Supporting the Xbox One is easy as there are many positives about it. I could talk about the games, the controls, the OS, Xbox Fitness, future games, ect. But when talking to someone who's a complete fanboy who isn't interested in anything resembling a reasonable debate/exchange of opposite viewpoints then of course to that person everything looks like mental gymnastics. I see positives in the PS4, juts not enough for me to buy one, but I'd discuss/debate them anytime.
Back on topic, I fully expect a Titanfall exclusive announcement for the game and all its sequels to be one of MS's big E3 statements. This is all about money and MS has it and will pay.
You think its going to sell better on the One? I guess you are forgetting that there are over 76 million more 360's on the market then there are Xbox One units. Also, no game has ever sold to even close to 100% of a platforms userbase like the lemmings are anticipating. Even Halo games don't really do any better then 10%. This game is anticipated to sell more copies on the 360 then the amount of Xbox One consoles that even exist. Most people don't even care about a next gen console until its already been out for a few years.
Cover thread for Titanfall crying. Let me get my tear collector and start drinking up.
If anything is crying atm is EA
Here's the thing though. The lack of a next gen audience is the exact reason GTA5 wasn't focused on for next gen consoles. And if you look at Ghosts, it has sold almost 8.5 million copies on the 360 and only 1.5 million on the Xbox One. While Battlefield 4 has done pretty bad all around, its still sold over over double on the 360 as its sold on the Xbox One. This is also why games like Watchdogs and Destiny are not next gen only. Its also why The Last of Us was kept on the PS3.
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