Wow, genius. I would have NEVER figured that out.
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I'm pretty sure that 50/50 being bandied about is in relation to number of consoles out in the wild. They said the US was about 50/50 while NPD numbers put the 360 version significantly higher(nearly 2 to 1, just like there are nearly twice as many 360's as PS3's in NA). That leads me to believe they're talking about relative numbers to userbase and not absolutes.He's got a point. The game sold about 50/50 on PS3 and the 360. Unlike PS3, you have to pay for the online service Xbox Live, so right off the bat that eliminates some of your potential market for DLC on the 360.
and you know that Take Two confirmed that the game sold about 50/50 on PS3 and 350 and, thus, hasn't been a system seller despite M$ having exclusive DLC for it, right?
It can still sell copies, you know, they actually have them in the store down the street from me! Guess what console's been selling more than PS3 this year... :PThe year is still going, but guess how many 360s and PS3s were sold in 2008: over 10 million each. Yup, despite PS3 costing twice at much, it sold about the same amount of consoles in 2008 as the 360.
Do you believe your own lies?[QUOTE="PSdual_wielder"]
MS thought a GTA4 DLC would've changed the way people would look at the subject, guess they thought wrong.
They also thought it would sell 360s and copies of GTA IV on the 360, which they were also wrong about.
I'm not too sure about that, a lot of these things are designed to get people who've only bought Sony consoles in the past to not dismiss the 360 out of hand. Remember even WITH the high price point the PS3 was expected to pass the 360 a long time ago...things like this, and the pricepoint are what has kept the 360 ahead and kept PS2 owners from simply getting the PS3.It's because the game is already fun enough. No need to spend more money on it.TheDuffman26Your justas smart as patcher
I would like to see the numbers and data that Pachter gleened this from............Oh yeah thats right he is talking outta his a-hole.and that's why M$ and Rockstar refuse to release sales numbers according to Pachter.
"I just don't think it has met their expectations, and it would have been better if they had set their expectations realistically."
Pachter opined that the Live attach rate is one of the reasons The Lost and Damned hadn't hit the intended mark.
"The main reason is because not too many Xbox 360 owners are hooked up to Xbox Live," he said.
"100 percent of GTA IV owners are not hooked up to XBL. Therefore by definition, not every single person who owns GTA IV has Xbox Live. Because of this, I don't think the numbers were as high as they had hoped for.
DLC hasnt sold as well has hoped?? That could mean anything. They couldve expected it to sell 1.50m and it sells 1.30m and that would be "not as well as hoped" Anyway, TC is a known cow, he posted this for a reason, MS has stated that if the DLC was sold at retail, then it wouldve OUTSOLD Killzone 2, so my question to TC is, Did killzone 2 "not sell as well as hoped"?? Let me guess......NO right??? Because its on PS3. Now cows take Pachters word as the truth, but somehow he doesnt know what he is talkin about when he talks bad about PS3 :roll:
I sold decent enough and it isnt on PS3.
Nice try.
And thats what really bothers Sony fanboys.
I thought cows didn't care about sales.
and that's why M$ and Rockstar refuse to release sales numbers according to Pachter.
"I just don't think it has met their expectations, and it would have been better if they had set their expectations realistically."
Pachter opined that the Live attach rate is one of the reasons The Lost and Damned hadn't hit the intended mark.
"The main reason is because not too many Xbox 360 owners are hooked up to Xbox Live," he said.
"100 percent of GTA IV owners are not hooked up to XBL. Therefore by definition, not every single person who owns GTA IV has Xbox Live. Because of this, I don't think the numbers were as high as they had hoped for.
Weird.l. Whenever a PS3 game doesn't sell alot cows claim they dont "play sales". Isn't this the same?[QUOTE="-M117-"]
I sold decent enough and it isnt on PS3.
Nice try.
And thats what really bothers Sony fanboys.
I thought cows didn't care about sales.
U kidding?
cows played sales ever since PS1 was sales king.
Sales in in Cows blood. They dont know how to NOT play sales :lol:
IGN is pretty slow to update that site. The PS3 exclusive project is LA Noire, and Rockstar confirmed it coming to the 360 a long time ago.poor rockstar, M$ set them up borrowing that 50million$ :/
no wonder they are working on a PS3 exclusive new franchiseRhubarb9
Maybe it would have sold better if they put it on all 3 platforms (granted the pc one wouldn't sell at all but that something else entirely).
Michael Patcher is back at it again huh? People do know this is the same guy that predicted that GTA IV would help the PS3 and 360 outsell the Wii, The Wii's sales bubble would burst fairly quickly, GTA IV would sell more on the PS3 than the 360 and that Sony would have dropped the price of the PS3 by now.
With a track record like that, how could he be wrong? :|
IGN is pretty slow to update that site. The PS3 exclusive project is LA Noire, and Rockstar confirmed it coming to the 360 a long time ago.[QUOTE="Rhubarb9"]
poor rockstar, M$ set them up borrowing that 50million$ :/
no wonder they are working on a PS3 exclusive new franchiseToriko42
IGN is pretty slow to update that site. The PS3 exclusive project is LA Noire, and Rockstar confirmed it coming to the 360 a long time ago.[QUOTE="Toriko42"]
poor rockstar, M$ set them up borrowing that 50million$ :/
no wonder they are working on a PS3 exclusive new franchiseRhubarb9
no its coming to 360. I believe Phil Harrison dropped the ball. Either way if u search L.A Noire on, u should find something.
IGN is pretty slow to update that site. The PS3 exclusive project is LA Noire, and Rockstar confirmed it coming to the 360 a long time ago.[QUOTE="Rhubarb9"]
poor rockstar, M$ set them up borrowing that 50million$ :/
no wonder they are working on a PS3 exclusive new franchiseToriko42
Exactly, they sure did.
[QUOTE="Toriko42"] IGN is pretty slow to update that site. The PS3 exclusive project is LA Noire, and Rockstar confirmed it coming to the 360 a long time ago.
no its coming to 360. I believe Phil Harrison dropped the ball. Either way if u search L.A Noire on, u should find something.
Or IGN.He's got a point. The game sold about 50/50 on PS3 and the 360. Unlike PS3, you have to pay for the online service Xbox Live, so right off the bat that eliminates some of your potential market for DLC on the 360.
what? gold is just to basically play online...thats it
and their is silver which is free too you know
to Download Dlc or anything else you don't need gold
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