Maybe PC not declined, but instead Console got better?
I actually think all platforms declined, the difference between console and PC being that consoles have a 1st party to hide the impact.
All platforms lost a large quantity of exclusives this generation, the reason being rising content development costs. There are far less games that can afford to stay exclusive and take advantage of the individual merits of each platform, in PCs case its hardware advantage.
This wouldn't have made PC look bad because the exact same thing is happening to 360 and PS3. In fact it would have put PC in the advantage, the reason being all platforms would share the same cross platform games; all of which would look and run better on PC.
However games that by every right shouldn't exist started appearing, high budget exclusives that take full advantage of a platform. These games should be going cross platform to accommodate their high costs, however Microsoft and Sony are funding these games and keeping them exclusive. Pretty much every game a Cow would try to use in an argument against PC is a Sony funded title, Killzone 2 and Heavy Rain wouldn't exist exclusively in their current form without Sony's funding.
So that's the way I see it. We are all in the same boat, it is simply PC is on its own while consoles are getting support from their owners to hide their similar condition.
The way I see it, console of today look more and more like PCs, they have better online community then previous consoles... which makes a world of difference.
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