Now I'm obviously not talking about all PC gamers, mostly Steam users (which are apparently the majority of PC gamers.) I often hear how DD sales represent the majority of game sales on PC so I always wondered if all you people actually paying $50 for a digital downloads of a full games don't feel ripped off.
Sure, you get the same experience as a physical copy but that's only if you liked it.... what happens if the game ends up sucking? you don't have the physical copy to sell on Ebay or trade with a friend... do you just accept the fact that you wasted $50 and move on? Seems pretty awful to me....
There is obviously DD on consoles now too but rarely anyone uses it as few games are actually available on it so that's why I'm asking PC gamers who are always talking about Steam. Do you guys like being ripped off? why don't you go out and buy a physical copy for the same price?
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