If you buy a game and don't like it it's your fault, you can read on reviews and maybe play a demo if there is one to decide if it's for you. Or you can just wait a couple months and get the game on one of Steam's sales.
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No not at all, If anything If it wasn't for steam I'd probably never gotten to play most of the games I Love now. not to mention I save money by steam on Day1 games even though most of the time new games are the same price as retail because I'd have to drive 30+ miles one way to even get to buy retail.
I buy all my Games DD now days the last game I bought retail was SCII only because it wasn't on any of the DD's nor Blizzard's own DD service when I bought it, and before that the last game I bought retail was in 2004.
I feel ripped off. It sucks having 150 games at my disposal on any computer with an internet connection, physical media is vastly superior.
The sales also kind of stink, getting GTAIV and all DLC for $8 broke the bank.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Getting Dirt 2 for $5 was such a rip off. Paying the full $40 for the console version is a much better deal imo. Too bad I won't be able to sell it on e-bay. I could have sure used that $4-$5 if I had sold it on e-bay.I definitely feel "ripped off" for paying such low prices buying games through Steam. I especially hate those weekly sales, weekend sales, different holiday sales that Steam has. I would much rather pay the full $30-$40 for the full-price of the game instead of $5-$10.
I also find it real annoying that I can no longer put in the disc for different games instead of hitting "Play". Steam is such an inconvience.
Well lets see. A quick recap of games i've bought:
Point is.... Pc gamers don't just use Steam. For example, right now D2d has another 20% off everything code going on for any game in their catalog.
I feel for those who get caught buying sticker price on new release games. On that point I do agree with the TC as its a rip off. Luckily, like with everything, frugal shoppers will always get what they want at the price they want it.
FYI... depending on location in the world, D2D can be 100% tax free.. (It is for me woot). Thats another savings right there.
"Sure, you get the same experience as a physical copy but that's only if you liked it.... what happens if the game ends up sucking? you don't have the physical copy to sell on Ebay or trade with a friend... do you just accept the fact that you wasted $50 and move on? Seems pretty awful to me...." That's why we have review sites :wink:lawlessx
Pfft, reviewers. Soooo overrated.
Thats why we have System Wars! :P
I can get 13 games right now from Steam for $38.72. A bit more than half of what a console game costs. Do I feel ripped off? Hell no. :)tagyhagThat's a good deal, but console games aren't that expensive. I can get 13 console games for $65 without any deals or bundles.
That's a good deal, but console games aren't that expensive. I can get 13 console games for $65 without any deals or bundles.[QUOTE="tagyhag"]I can get 13 games right now from Steam for $38.72. A bit more than half of what a console game costs. Do I feel ripped off? Hell no. :)Mr_Cumberdale
Name them.
Now I'm obviously not talking about all PC gamers, mostly Steam users (which are apparently the majority of PC gamers.) I often hear how DD sales represent the majority of game sales on PC so I always wondered if all you people actually paying $50 for a digital downloads of a full games don't feel ripped off.
Sure, you get the same experience as a physical copy but that's only if you liked it.... what happens if the game ends up sucking? you don't have the physical copy to sell on Ebay or trade with a friend... do you just accept the fact that you wasted $50 and move on? Seems pretty awful to me....
There is obviously DD on consoles now too but rarely anyone uses it as few games are actually available on it so that's why I'm asking PC gamers who are always talking about Steam. Do you guys like being ripped off? why don't you go out and buy a physical copy for the same price?
Because of how rarely I buy games, this doesn't effect me as much. I only own 5 games I bought through Steam and one of those I bought in a store. I also rarely buy games that don't score AAA -- I did buy Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat but I got those two for around $5 for the two, so it wouldn't have been that big of a deal if I hadn't enjoyed them.
That's a good deal, but console games aren't that expensive. I can get 13 console games for $65 without any deals or bundles.[QUOTE="Mr_Cumberdale"]
[QUOTE="tagyhag"]I can get 13 games right now from Steam for $38.72. A bit more than half of what a console game costs. Do I feel ripped off? Hell no. :)Kinthalis
Name them.
Yeah,I really want to see that.this^If PC gamers felt ripped off for buying DD copies why would they continue to do it?
I rarely buy games that don't score AAA
You are missing out on some great games my friend. Those scores are just somebodies opinion
[QUOTE="Kinthalis"][QUOTE="Mr_Cumberdale"] That's a good deal, but console games aren't that expensive. I can get 13 console games for $65 without any deals or bundles.
Name them.
Yeah,I really want to see that.Lets give it up for... TUMBLEWEED!
i feel a little ripped off, I mean, activision charges $30 more than the US store does, even though there's no shipping involved and the AUD is actually stronger than the USD at the moment. At least it's still a better deal than we get in stores.
But on the other hand, I bought GTA4 for $5 so I'm cool.
I've never bought a $50 DD game. I agree it is a rip off and was disappointed with pc gamers when they went along with it. What happened to passing on the savings from not having to pay retailers? Instead Steam just keeps the difference.
I'll buy 10-20 dollar DD games but for new multiplats I buy on the 360. At 50-60 dollars I want to own a licensed copy. That means no DRM, no maximum install, no requiring Steam, etc.
Very simple: I don't buy DD, only the boxes from the store.
Makes me a PC gamer who isn't getting ripped off.
Yeah,I really want to see that.[QUOTE="Arach666"][QUOTE="Kinthalis"]
Name them.
Lets give it up for... TUMBLEWEED!
Heh. Nice choice of words. "Give it up."I've never bought a $50 DD game. I agree it is a rip off and was disappointed with pc gamers when they went along with it. What happened to passing on the savings from not having to pay retailers? Instead Steam just keeps the difference.
I'll buy 10-20 dollar DD games but for new multiplats I buy on the 360. At 50-60 dollars I want to own a licensed copy. That means no DRM, no maximum install, no requiring Steam, etc.dc337
good think then there are other services like impulse and gamersgate ( you know DRM free ) Also what happens if your disk is scratched on DD at least i get to redownload the game as many times in any PC i want. Even if DD games cost the same as retail i still prefer DD due to convinience of autoupdating, never worrying about scratching a disk and been ablw to play either on my laptop or desktop
I've never bought a $50 DD game. I agree it is a rip off and was disappointed with pc gamers when they went along with it. What happened to passing on the savings from not having to pay retailers? Instead Steam just keeps the difference.
I'll buy 10-20 dollar DD games but for new multiplats I buy on the 360. At 50-60 dollars I want to own a licensed copy. That means no DRM, no maximum install, no requiring Steam, etc.dc337
360 games have DRM. Also the xbox itself is basically the "steam" of your console game.
I've never bought a $50 DD game. I agree it is a rip off and was disappointed with pc gamers when they went along with it. What happened to passing on the savings from not having to pay retailers? Instead Steam just keeps the difference.
I'll buy 10-20 dollar DD games but for new multiplats I buy on the 360. At 50-60 dollars I want to own a licensed copy. That means no DRM, no maximum install, no requiring Steam, etc.adamosmaki
good think then there are other services like impulse and gamersgate ( you know DRM free ) Also what happens if your disk is scratched on DD at least i get to redownload the game as many times in any PC i want. Even if DD games cost the same as retail i still prefer DD due to convinience of autoupdating, never worrying about scratching a disk and been ablw to play either on my laptop or desktop
I've never actually scratched a disk to the point where I couldn't play it. They even have CD fixers. Short of that, there are fixed .exe files so you can at least play it on the computer where you installed it without the disk.
There is a nostalgia to getting a physical copy of the game. In the late 90's, games came with extensive and sometimes beautifully produced manuals. Spiral bound and over 100 pages long. Now they're 10-page printed PDF's, but the urge to buy a physical copy hasn't left me. :P
good think then there are other services like impulse and gamersgate ( you know DRM free ) Also what happens if your disk is scratched on DD at least i get to redownload the game as many times in any PC i want. Even if DD games cost the same as retail i still prefer DD due to convinience of autoupdating, never worrying about scratching a disk and been ablw to play either on my laptop or desktop
Yes there are DRM free games on the internet but $50 pc games typically come with strings attached. Fallout NV is a good example. You had to install Steam to play it, period. What annoys me about the Steam requirement is that it does not prevent piracy. Companies keep requiring it and yet their games are always pirated. It's annoying.
As for disc scratching I've never had that problem. I keep my games in the case or the drive. You like $50 lifetime rentals, well I don't. I wouldn't mind pc games requiring Steam if it actually prevented piracy but it doesn't and I don't like rewarding companies that continue to require it.
good think then there are other services like impulse and gamersgate ( you know DRM free ) Also what happens if your disk is scratched on DD at least i get to redownload the game as many times in any PC i want. Even if DD games cost the same as retail i still prefer DD due to convinience of autoupdating, never worrying about scratching a disk and been ablw to play either on my laptop or desktop
Yes there are DRM free games on the internet but $50 pc games typically come with strings attached. Fallout NV is a good example. You had to install Steam to play it, period. What annoys me about the Steam requirement is that it does not prevent piracy. Companies keep requiring it and yet their games are always pirated. It's annoying.
As for disc scratching I've never had that problem. I keep my games in the case or the drive. You like $50 lifetime rentals, well I don't. I wouldn't mind pc games requiring Steam if it actually prevented piracy but it doesn't and I don't like rewarding companies that continue to require it.
man i totally agree with you. it's so hard to get the fallout NV exe LAA flags enabled and interop with mods because of steam. i don't really want to crack it though...
good think then there are other services like impulse and gamersgate ( you know DRM free ) Also what happens if your disk is scratched on DD at least i get to redownload the game as many times in any PC i want. Even if DD games cost the same as retail i still prefer DD due to convinience of autoupdating, never worrying about scratching a disk and been ablw to play either on my laptop or desktop
Yes there are DRM free games on the internet but $50 pc games typically come with strings attached. Fallout NV is a good example. You had to install Steam to play it, period. What annoys me about the Steam requirement is that it does not prevent piracy. Companies keep requiring it and yet their games are always pirated. It's annoying.
As for disc scratching I've never had that problem. I keep my games in the case or the drive. You like $50 lifetime rentals, well I don't. I wouldn't mind pc games requiring Steam if it actually prevented piracy but it doesn't and I don't like rewarding companies that continue to require it.
I much prefer Steam to the other DRMs out there. At least Steam actually helps you in a way. And yes, Steam does prevent quite a bit of privacy and from what I can tell increases the sales of games. Especially a couple of months after release.
I've never bought a $50 DD game. I agree it is a rip off and was disappointed with pc gamers when they went along with it. What happened to passing on the savings from not having to pay retailers? Instead Steam just keeps the difference.
I'll buy 10-20 dollar DD games but for new multiplats I buy on the 360. At 50-60 dollars I want to own a licensed copy. That means no DRM, no maximum install, no requiring Steam, etc.Espada12
360 games have DRM. Also the xbox itself is basically the "steam" of your console game.
DRM that prevents me from duplicating the game, not giving it to friends or selling it used. I can also install 360 games without having to make an online connection.How sad that so many pc gamers like yourself even defend the "maximum installs" crap. I bet if Steam required a constant connection you would defend that as well.
Maybe my problem is that I can remember when all pc games came on DVD and the only DRM they had was securRom. $50 customers should not have to install third-party DRM that doesn't even work.
I've never bought a $50 DD game. I agree it is a rip off and was disappointed with pc gamers when they went along with it. What happened to passing on the savings from not having to pay retailers? Instead Steam just keeps the difference.
I'll buy 10-20 dollar DD games but for new multiplats I buy on the 360. At 50-60 dollars I want to own a licensed copy. That means no DRM, no maximum install, no requiring Steam, etc.dc337
360 games have DRM. Also the xbox itself is basically the "steam" of your console game.
DRM that prevents me from duplicating the game, not giving it to friends or selling it used. I can also install 360 games without having to make an online connection.How sad that so many pc gamers like yourself even defend the "maximum installs" crap. I bet if Steam required a constant connection you would defend that as well.
Maybe my problem is that I can remember when all pc games came on DVD and the only DRM they had was securRom. $50 customers should not have to install third-party DRM that doesn't even work.
So what games are using this? I seriously havent seen one in a game since Dead Space 1, and even that one you could get rid of IIRC.
I much prefer Steam to the other DRMs out there. At least Steam actually helps you in a way. And yes, Steam does prevent quite a bit of privacy and from what I can tell increases the sales of games. Especially a couple of months after release.Steam does not prevent piracy for months, that is a myth. The big name games like Fallout NV get cracked quickly since pirates take it as a challenge. All Steam does it delay piracy for a few weeks which means pirates just play something else until they can get their cracked version. Companies just end up annoying legit customers.Iantheone
Steam does not prevent piracy for months, that is a myth. The big name games like Fallout NV get cracked quickly since pirates take it as a challenge. All Steam does it delay piracy for a few weeks which means pirates just play something else until they can get their cracked version. Companies just end up annoying legit customers.[QUOTE="Iantheone"]I much prefer Steam to the other DRMs out there. At least Steam actually helps you in a way. And yes, Steam does prevent quite a bit of privacy and from what I can tell increases the sales of games. Especially a couple of months after release.
Yes, because Halo Reach wasn't pirated nor was Alan Wake. :roll:
That must mean the 360 is a joke. Oh and the PS3 now too, because that doesn't stop it either! According to you, every system is a joke.
Steam does not prevent piracy for months, that is a myth. The big name games like Fallout NV get cracked quickly since pirates take it as a challenge. All Steam does it delay piracy for a few weeks which means pirates just play something else until they can get their cracked version. Companies just end up annoying legit customers.[QUOTE="Iantheone"]I much prefer Steam to the other DRMs out there. At least Steam actually helps you in a way. And yes, Steam does prevent quite a bit of privacy and from what I can tell increases the sales of games. Especially a couple of months after release.
By prevent I mean decrease. Sorry for the confusion.
So far no DRM that I know of has thwarted pirates. Even the ridiculous AC2 DRM was cracked.
Like I said before, I much prefer Steam to some of the other DRMs.
DRM that prevents me from duplicating the game, not giving it to friends or selling it used. I can also install 360 games without having to make an online connection.[QUOTE="dc337"]
360 games have DRM. Also the xbox itself is basically the "steam" of your console game.
How sad that so many pc gamers like yourself even defend the "maximum installs" crap. I bet if Steam required a constant connection you would defend that as well.
Maybe my problem is that I can remember when all pc games came on DVD and the only DRM they had was securRom. $50 customers should not have to install third-party DRM that doesn't even work.
So what games are using this? I seriously havent seen one in a game since Dead Space 1, and even that one you could get rid of IIRC.
Well Bioshock and Dead Space were major games this gen but I'm also counting games that are non-transferable or have an online key that can only be tied to a single account. Who cares if you can install it on a dozen of your own computers, the problem is that you can't hand it off to a friend.Is this a joke or something? Do you really think that a consequence of one own's misinformation weighs enough on the advantages/disadvantages scale to warrant a "ripped off" feeling, when compared to the fact that you can effectively bring ALL your games around with you?
[QUOTE="dc337"] DRM that prevents me from duplicating the game, not giving it to friends or selling it used. I can also install 360 games without having to make an online connection.
How sad that so many pc gamers like yourself even defend the "maximum installs" crap. I bet if Steam required a constant connection you would defend that as well.
Maybe my problem is that I can remember when all pc games came on DVD and the only DRM they had was securRom. $50 customers should not have to install third-party DRM that doesn't even work.
So what games are using this? I seriously havent seen one in a game since Dead Space 1, and even that one you could get rid of IIRC.
Well Bioshock and Dead Space were major games this gen but I'm also counting games that are non-transferable or have an online key that can only be tied to a single account. Who cares if you can install it on a dozen of your own computers, the problem is that you can't hand it off to a friend. Ive never run into limited installs on Bioshock, but I have the Steam version. Also, I have lent friends my Steam games before. You just let them log into your account on their computer in offline mode, simple as that.I like this argument...(note i dont buy physical games anymore either, but still...) Steam's massive inventory of servers and all that electricity and the power plants keeping them going is REALY good for the environment, huh? :)I'm very anti-physical media:
a) ruins the environment (paper is dead too IMO)
b) over time becomes unreadable (hence wasted)
c) limited access: I have my entire game library on any computer with internet
The REAL question: physical media purchasers - do you feel ripped off and sorry for destroying the planet?
Steam does not prevent piracy for months, that is a myth. The big name games like Fallout NV get cracked quickly since pirates take it as a challenge. All Steam does it delay piracy for a few weeks which means pirates just play something else until they can get their cracked version. Companies just end up annoying legit customers.[QUOTE="dc337"]
[QUOTE="Iantheone"]I much prefer Steam to the other DRMs out there. At least Steam actually helps you in a way. And yes, Steam does prevent quite a bit of privacy and from what I can tell increases the sales of games. Especially a couple of months after release.
Yes, because Halo Reach wasn't pirated nor was Alan Wake. :roll:
That must mean the 360 is a joke. Oh and the PS3 now too, because that doesn't stop it either! According to you, every system is a joke.
The DRM in the 360 isn't something I have to install and it doesn't prevent me from transferring the game to a friend. It isn't comparable.But way to defend a failed system.
What are you talking about, bro? I asked a question about DD day one sales and people went off on steam sales and enviromentally friendly stuff. Everyone on the first just went "OMG he is bashing PC gaming. gotta prove him wrong" took 2 pages for someone to actually answer my question.
People answered your title as to why they didn't feel ripped off. Just because it's not the answer you were hoping to hear (For whatever reason ;) ) Doesn't mean anyone is attacking you.
people didn't answer as to why they buy DD copies on day one.... again, they just said that there is other good things about Steam. that's not an answer. I'm not questioning the quality of Steam so I don't need to hear about that.
saying there is good sales all the time doesn't answer why anyone would pay $50 for a DD, I don't why you would think that....
Ive never run into limited installs on Bioshock, but I have the Steam version. Also, I have lent friends my Steam games before. You just let them log into your account on their computer in offline mode, simple as that. IantheoneYea well read about the Bioshock DRM fiasco. Like a lot of pc games the DRM requirements have changed since release.
I'll just buy multiplats on the 360 and support the few remaining pc companies that release games on DVD that are transferable.
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