Well, i'm a PC gamer, ive played and loved halflife 1 and 2, duke nukem, battlefield andthestarsiege tribes series and i'm currently playing quakewars... i also have halo 3 on the 360....
I don't see how halo 3 is years behind pc fps gaming, honestly? I don't even see how it's just "average" and "done before"?
It's an fps, granted, but for me the melee and grenade hotkeys, sticky grenades and arcadey vehicles give it a pretty unique feel compared to other shooters, just like how jetpacks are unique to tribes. Then, certain events like the Scarab battles in the SP campaign... where you're taking down this giant 4 legged metallic monster with a tiny atv , dogfights going overhead, squadmates getting crushed underneath, WHILE taking on the scarab's crew and trying to blow it's generator.... Sorry but i don't know any other fps that has that same scope nor "rush" that halo 3 can put on the table... And what about COOP?? No pc game has yet to include the feature even though the SVEN mod for HL 1 was awesome/popular.
Oh and to the PC guy in the the link, ewoks RULED :P
SWAT 4 and most tom clancy's games have co up
They hate it due to jealousy.dracula_16
Says the guy who think Halo 3 is the best FPS out there
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