@Vatusus said:
@R4gn4r0k said:
@Vatusus said:
@MBirdy88 said:
To a device that is completely playable on PC and has far less games.
Maybe those games are the ones he cares about? Having a library composed mostly of MMOS/MOBAs and indies arent everyone's cup of tea ya know?
That cliche is about as true as saying consoles have nothing but movie games.
Not really a lie. I should have specified I wasnt talking about multiplatform games when I said "library" but it isnt a lie that when it comes to exclusives (i.e. games I cant play on consoles) most PC games are composed of MMOs/MOBAs (or some other type of heavy onlinegames ) and some indies that often come out sooner on PC before consoles. If one wants single player AAA or AA games, sorry, but PC definitely isnt the platform to go to, unless its multiplatform, but those games can be played on consoles.
Let's not beat around the bush here.
"PC Lacks these movie/cut scene focused eye candy like games made by 1st party studios" is essentially what it boils down to.
Because when I look at Sony's Library in particular the only non-bought exclusives are heavily focused on this, HZD being about the exception.... but its repetitive mission structure and limited gameplay loop prevent it from being in the realms of the top open world games.... I treat it in a similar category as ubisoft games personally... pretty, but limited.
Sony has a template, in which they now won't deviate from (rarely) because like Ubisoft... it works.
Microsoft has no exclusives now, and they focused on MP.... going up against PC in MP is impossible.
Nintendo - Very well balanced..... not reliant on "ooo shiny" , good mix of SP and MP (local and online) games ... focus on gameplay.
So yea, if I was to put 3 consoles against PC... it would total up to some Sony AAA "I'm like... totally movie quality man!" and then Nintendo actually carrying the 3.... in which case, Emulation is never far behind.
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