@Vatusus said:
@MBirdy88 said:
To a device that is completely playable on PC and has far less games.
Maybe those games are the ones he cares about? Having a library composed mostly of MMOS/MOBAs and indies arent everyone's cup of tea ya know?
hyperbole and stereotyping, nice.
And I don't want to put words in your mouth, but if those games (and countless others on PC) are not his or your's cup of tea, then what are? The decaying alleged-AAA games? How disappointing have those been getting these past few years? I mean don't get me wrong I am totally going to get me some Far Cry 5, but ME: Andromeda? Uncharted 4? I mean the only good game on console people still mention is Horizon: Zero Dawn and Zelda. Never really hear about anything else out, only what is apparently coming and might be good.
Let's see what PC gets:
Strategy games, including: real-time, turn-based, real-time tactical, turn-based tactical, 4X, action-strategy, and probably a few more.
RPGs: classic DnD, action-rpg, rpg-action, massively multiplayer, JRPG (more and more each year, though still not at console levels)
Action: shooters, first-person action games, tactical shooters (Rainbow six-type stuff), third-person action, action-adventure, stealth games
Independent games: PC pretty much has them all. Console might get a few when they can afford the insane and rediculous price of entry to publish on console. Thank God PC is an open platform and literally anyone can make a game for it. That can't be said for consoles.
Simulations: does console have any non-arcade sims? DCS A-10? Falcon 4.0?
City Builders and micromanagement: how do those fare on console? Factorio, War for the Overworld? No? Damn, that sucks. Even when you do get one like Cities: Skylines, it's so much better on PC with mods, mouse, keyboard, etc.
Fighting Games: consoles have more, but PC is getting better
Sports games: PC might not get them all, but there are good ones on PC all the same.
Let's not forget that PC also is infinitely backwards compatible, looks great, get's a huge selection of free to play games, game prices are lower in general, and modifications. Oh, forgot about the new Skyrim where you guys have to pay for mods. My bad!
PC has all genres, and exceeds at them well. Sure, a couple times each year PS4 gets some artsy or cool game, but outside of a handful (and by that, I mean a few) of exclusives there is nothing to miss out. I mean what did I miss out on last year? Horizon: Zero Dawn? The Last Guardian?
No thanks I'll stick to PC.
Not that there is anything wrong with console, it's just you seem to be working with bad information, wanted to help you out with that.
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