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pretty much and PC gamers always play no named games till they go big time like Crysis 2, FEAR, Dungeon Siege, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Bad Company 2 and the future victim will be Diablo 3. Such a shame that because it's popular they'll stop playing it, but it's the way of hipsters.Luxen90You're joking right?
Ok, well one game, company of heroes, seemed to outscore Gear 3...but here's the thing, Gears 3 has most likely already sold more. And let's not forget about the other poor rated PC games. You people love fabricating the truth, and posting the very few and miniscule results that favor PC gaming. And nope, i own both the 360, PS3, 3DS and im planning on getting the PSV on launch Not a hermit, never used a PC to play games on in, in my life, like i said, there's no point. You get cheap games?...big deal, i rather buy a good game, then many poor quality steam games.CODMan2014
Your the one that said Company Of Heroes is a BAD game, your just makgin yourself look bad stop it already.
Ok, well 1 game, company of heroes, seemed to outscore Gear 3...but here's the thing, Gears 3 has most likely already sold more, lets face it, most of you people are pirates, and please don't be hypocrites and say you dont, we all know you guys do. And let's not forget about the other poor rated PC games, which are many. You people love fabricating the truth, and posting the very few and miniscule results that favor PC gaming. And nope, i own both the 360, PS3, 3DS and im planning on getting the PSV on launch Not a hermit, never used a PC to play games on in, in my life, like i said, there's no point. You get cheap games?...big deal, i rather buy a good game, then many poor quality steam games.CODMan2014
and now the fall back on piracy..classic trolling right here folkes.
there are so many things I want to say.... but ill get banned or modded DiviniuzHow is the TC not banned or modded yet? He's already had like 8 troll posts including the OP.
[QUOTE="Diviniuz"]there are so many things I want to say.... but ill get banned or modded DragonfireXZ95How is the TC not banned or modded yet? He's already had like 8 troll posts including the OP. It´s only a matter of time,but until then this is great amusement. :lol:
[QUOTE="Iantheone"][QUOTE="CODMan2014"]Ok, well one game, company of heroes, seemed to outscore Gear 3...but here's the thing, Gears 3 has most likely already sold more. And let's not forget about the other poor rated PC games. And nope, i own both the 360, PS3, 3DS and im planning on getting the PSV on launch Not a hermit, never used a PC to play games on in, in my life, like i said, there's no point. You get cheap games?...big deal, i rather buy a good game, then many poor quality steam games.CODMan2014Because sales dictates whether or not a game is good right? Depends, most of the time, more sales mean a better game. seriously whose lemming alt are you? this account isn't going to last long, so just tell us
this is the first time i used the term lemming,cow,sheep in like a year....
[QUOTE="dkdk999"]I live off of about $20 a week for food and Im still able to get recentish PC games due to how cheap you can get them. PC costs more in the initial investment, but over time it ends up costing just as much as a console. I think that your going to spend about as much on a gaming pc as you will on a console + pc or laptop for yourself.well I'm not so sure about the rich snobs thing. I'm quite a poor guy and steam is the only way I would be able to buy games. I just bought 12 games for $22 through steam sales. Where as you are paying $60 for your games.
[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"] You're actually going along with this? ....:lol:Luxen90Am I wrong? The consolized term is thrown around like crazy, but it's just fear that your favorite franchise is expanding to a bigger audience. PC gamers just want games to themselves, it's absurd, but that's why they love their indie games, because indie developers can't afford to make bigger and better games on consoles.
Wrong..PC gamers want games designed for the PC....nothing else
Megaman ;) quality console game mascot. .I'm almost certain this is a hermit in disguise to make console gamers look bad:lol:
The username gives it away :lol:
[QUOTE="Diviniuz"]there are so many things I want to say.... but ill get banned or modded DragonfireXZ95How is the TC not banned or modded yet? He's already had like 8 troll posts including the OP. Because i disagree that makes me a troll? Like said, whatever makes you feel better about console gaming, you guys don't like the truth very much i can tell.
[QUOTE="nitekids2004"] Megaman ;) .[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"][QUOTE="Diviniuz"]there are so many things I want to say.... but ill get banned or modded CODMan2014How is the TC not banned or modded yet? He's already had like 8 troll posts including the OP. Because i disagree that makes me a troll? Like said, whatever makes you feel better about console gaming, you guys don't like the truth very much i can tell.
It's great that you're trying to make a point and all,but insulting an entire commuinty is going to get you modded
So what you are saying, you want the games to yourself. They develop the games for everybody, they just try to please, but there's no pleasing PC gamers unless it's exclusive.Wrong..PC gamers want games designed for the PC....nothing else
[QUOTE="Iantheone"][QUOTE="dkdk999"]I live off of about $20 a week for food and Im still able to get recentish PC games due to how cheap you can get them. PC costs more in the initial investment, but over time it ends up costing just as much as a console. I think that your going to spend about as much on a gaming pc as you will on a console + pc or laptop for yourself. Hell no. Not where I live. Here, I can buy a new Steam games for $60 or so. To buy it for a console in a shop it costs $120+. Thats release as well. If we are going for sales, Other than RO2 I havent spent more than $10 a game for the past few months and Ive bought 5-6 of them. Then there is the cost of XBL if I had gotten an Xbox and the cost of a laptop or cheap desktop since I need one of those.well I'm not so sure about the rich snobs thing. I'm quite a poor guy and steam is the only way I would be able to buy games. I just bought 12 games for $22 through steam sales. Where as you are paying $60 for your games.
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]So what you are saying, you want the games to yourself. They develop the games for everybody, they just try to please, but there's no pleasing PC gamers unless it's exclusive. What they should do is for every multiplatform game, give the PC version a whole completely different name and watch PC gamers eat it up without even knowing the same exact game is on consoles, but with a different name. Obviously you don't get it. He means that multiplatform devs should cater to the PC audience by making different design choices FOR the PC VERSION. NOT that they should be exclusiveWrong..PC gamers want games designed for the PC....nothing else
Depends, most of the time, more sales mean a better game. seriously whose lemming alt are you? this account isn't going to last long, so just tell us[QUOTE="CODMan2014"][QUOTE="Iantheone"] Because sales dictates whether or not a game is good right? Diviniuz
this is the first time i used the term lemming,cow,sheep in like a year....
Lemming? No, im neither a lemming or a sheep or w/e, i'm a console gamer, not a fanboy, i can tell when something is good or not...PC gaming isn't. You people love bluffing yourselves, that lame RTS games are fun to play, must be nice in dreamland.[QUOTE="Diviniuz"][QUOTE="CODMan2014"] Depends, most of the time, more sales mean a better game. Killzone 1, sold was a bad game. Killzone 2, sold good....and it was a good game to play, i enjoyed it, and many others did. So yes, sales do dictate whether a game is good or not, like i said, why buy a bad game.CODMan2014you are assuming all situations are the same....what college accepted you? Cal State Sac. And no, i didn't say all situations are the same, i said "depends". but then you said more sales means a better game. then you listed an example... then said "so yes"
i feel bad for sacramento state, don't pursue any mentally demanding career path
So what you are saying, you want the games to yourself. They develop the games for everybody, they just try to please, but there's no pleasing PC gamers unless it's exclusive.[QUOTE="lawlessx"]
Wrong..PC gamers want games designed for the PC....nothing else
Read what i said again..PC gamers want games that take advantage of the PC's hardware..after that they really don't care if the game gets ported or not. You think PC gamers really care that Crysis is about to head to the 360? No..because they already got what they wanted..a PC title with tons of mods. What PC gamers don't want to see is former PC series get butchered to work on a console..
[QUOTE="CODMan2014"] In fact i'd go as far as saying PC gaming, lowers I.Q, and is an anti social channel of gaming.jun_aka_pekto
Um, no. I play a lot of FSX and you actually need to know a lot of things, eg making flight plans or in my case experience in meteorology, to maximize use of the game's features.
But, then, you'll just say using a brain is boring...... So, don't bring IQ into the mix.
That's a simulator... considering it can be used as training for a pilot's license I wouldn't exactly consider that a game. But I do agree :P
Obviously you don't get it. He means that multiplatform devs should cater to the PC audience by making different design choices FOR the PC VERSION. NOT that they should be exclusiveDragonfireXZ95
No, we just dont want compromises. We all know the PC can handle more than consoles, there is no question about that. A good example of what PC gamers want is BF3. It has features that the PC can handle and the consoles cant. So instead of just taking them out completely and making the game equal across all platforms, they keep what they originally wanted and made it work for consoles. That way PC gamers get what the platform can do and console players also get to play the game. Seems kind of condescending as a console gamer, but you need to see it from a PC gamers view as well.So what you are saying, you want the games to yourself. They develop the games for everybody, they just try to please, but there's no pleasing PC gamers unless it's exclusive.
What they should do is for every multiplatform game, give the PC version a whole completely different name and watch PC gamers eat it up without even knowing the same exact game is on consoles, but with a different name.Luxen90
But PC gamers do care, they want to delete the game off their harddrives just because Crysis 1 is heading to PS3/360. It hurts their pride.Read what i said again..PC gamers want games that take advantage of the PC's hardware..after that they really don't care if the game gets ported or not. You think PC gamers really care that Crysis is about to head to the 360? No..because they already got what they wanted..a PC title with tons of mods. What PC gamers don't want to see is former PC series get butchered to work on a console..
[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Obviously you don't get it. He means that multiplatform devs should cater to the PC audience by making different design choices FOR the PC VERSION. NOT that they should be exclusiveLuxen90
[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Obviously you don't get it. He means that multiplatform devs should cater to the PC audience by making different design choices FOR the PC VERSION. NOT that they should be exclusiveLuxen90
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]But PC gamers do care, they want to delete the game off their harddrives just because Crysis 1 is heading to PS3/360. It hurts their pride. Because a few elitist retards make up the whole community right?Read what i said again..PC gamers want games that take advantage of the PC's hardware..after that they really don't care if the game gets ported or not. You think PC gamers really care that Crysis is about to head to the 360? No..because they already got what they wanted..a PC title with tons of mods. What PC gamers don't want to see is former PC series get butchered to work on a console..
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]But PC gamers do care, they want to delete the game off their harddrives just because Crysis 1 is heading to PS3/360. It hurts their pride.Read what i said again..PC gamers want games that take advantage of the PC's hardware..after that they really don't care if the game gets ported or not. You think PC gamers really care that Crysis is about to head to the 360? No..because they already got what they wanted..a PC title with tons of mods. What PC gamers don't want to see is former PC series get butchered to work on a console..
This guys' posts are almost as bad as the TC's.
[QUOTE="CODMan2014"][QUOTE="dkdk999"] wait, wait ,wait. Are you saying you bought a 360 AND a ps3 ? You spent $600 on gaming consoles ? Oh looks like he must be a rich snob too.DiviniuzYes i own both the 360 and PS3, the 360 was free with my laptop, and the PS3 i've had since the start of the year. so what the heck have you been gaming with for the past 3-4 years? I've mainly been playing the PS2 and Wii.
Wait what? PC MP communities are ghost towns? What about older console games? Their communities dissappear super quickly unless it is mega-popular.
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]But PC gamers do care, they want to delete the game off their harddrives just because Crysis 1 is heading to PS3/360. It hurts their pride.Read what i said again..PC gamers want games that take advantage of the PC's hardware..after that they really don't care if the game gets ported or not. You think PC gamers really care that Crysis is about to head to the 360? No..because they already got what they wanted..a PC title with tons of mods. What PC gamers don't want to see is former PC series get butchered to work on a console..
LOL.. random generalization... You may have for example some random fanboy who may do that just as you could have some sony fanboy breaking all his metal gear solid disk because a game is coming to another console. That would not mean all sony owners do that. In the end, lets not just lump in random generalizations and suggest Pc gamers do care....
I would say all just want developers to not form a game on the lowest denominator and copy paste it out on all platforms without taking some care to give each audience what it deserves. This goes for consoles as well. To many times we are seeing multiplatforms designed for say the 360, made on the ps3 but loss some features or grainy, less crisp and copy pasted to PC with all the controller lolness etc (press X to preceed, no graphical options, no real keyboard mouse schemes, no improvement to adjust AI for k/m, not optimized etc etc)
I think you might have misunderstood me. . I agree pc gaming is cheaper. you were saying that initially console gaming would be cheaper and the price of games on pc would make up for it. I was saying they would be about the same initially. though that's great you can buy games like that even though their so expensive where you live. I didn't even think about that. dkdk999Ah, I see. I read it as you can get a console and a pc for less or something like that, A little brain fart. Consoles are great and everything, I love them. Still play my PS2. But it just annoys me how many people are fooled by the small price of a console and then just get bashed by costs being added into other areas, like games, XBL, repairs, etc.
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