Think bout it, i bet at least 99% of people using this board are using a PC to use this site, i think the average cost of standard PCs here in the UK is £400-£500? Then you go and spend another £280 (PS3 price for example) on a console. Thats at least £680 now. You can get a custom built pc with much better parts for the same price as places like PC world, even cheaper if you build it yourself. Not to mention the standard price for PC games is about £25 where as console games are £40.
Good 1680x1050 TFT £150
5 year future proof rig £500 (even after that the only expensive upgrades are CPU and GPU, new consoles coming out after that much time will cost more than upgraded hardware)
Games £25
=£650 + £25 each game
HDTV 32" (as most people have 32" it seems) £500 for good brand
Console £180 - £300
Games £40
= £800 (PS3) + £40 each game
The price of console games alone make it far more expensive than PC gaming in the long run.
I have a a decent PC and a 32" HDTV with a 360, i much prefer PC gaming and it does work out cheaper, but the problem is the PC game market is getting slower and slower with little good exclusives and watered down console ports.
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