I dont understand how the best can be over rated. graphics arent a matter of subjective opinion. This isnt about personal feelings its a tangable thing.
saying pc graphics are over rated is like saying the worlds tallest building is over rated.
PC graphics are overrated to me. After beating both Crysis, 3 STALKER games etc and playing many other PC games. After i played those i was bl owedaway by U2 and God of War 3 still graphicaly.. So those games are underrated graphically?
In a technical perspective, U2 and GOW3 don't look as good as some PC exclusives.
Artistically, that's totally your call.
If someone said "Oh I like the graphics of U2 more than the graphics of Crysis" That's ok that's subjective.
But if someone said "U2 has better technical graphics than Crysis" That's objective grounds and a false statement.
Um doesn't the PC has more powah then the consoles? Lol, of course can have have greater technical capabilities. What i'm going by is what my EYES tell me. PC games do look better more crisper graphics etc etc, but guys saying Crysis is a gen ahead looking to my EYES compared to U2 is ridiculous and live in fantasy world cause at 720 p U2 looks better than 98% of PC games i played. Like STALKERCoP for example i just started the game and it looked so damn bland graphicaly i was pissed and i was playing at like 1600x1000 somthing res. Bottom line for me i go by my eyes and not technical capabilities cause the only game i played that hermits can really brag about as far as technically superior is the first Crysis.. and yea i played demos of the latset RTS games etc etc... i just don't see the hype on SW regarding the PC's graphics.
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