[QUOTE="Pinkyimp"][QUOTE="Forensic-Klown"][QUOTE="PlaystationDudo"][QUOTE="Forensic-Klown"]Can't stand PC gaming, honestly. I feel like smashing my PC, but i can't its how i go online and use the net.
PC isn't made for gaming PURELY, console are, pop in and play, cheaper, controllers are better over Mouse and Keyboard, IMHO.
I don't like having to configure settings to get the best out of a game and updating my card every few months, etc.
If your a true gamer, Consoles are the primary choice.
Your just a dumb consolite. Enjoy your limitations cow!
just cause you can't afford a gaming rig... (but they're really cheap!)
uh huh. you done?
its my opinion.
I just don't see the point in PC gaming, All hermits do is talk about upgrading there systems to better play a few very good looking games CRYSIS is mainly brought up.
Consoles have superior online, quick and easy interface for playing and graphics thats stand on there own. Hermits go on and on about playing the PC version for a extra resolution boost and better added crisp visuals. (PC ports of a console game)
BTW, i'm NOT a cow...i own all consoles. i just hate fanboys.
and i see no point in console gaming..
1.) you have the worst online multiplayer in existance
2.) you pay for mods/updates/maps/ EVERYTHING!
3.) pc and do all the console does and more, internet, games, chat, etc..
4.) because of #3 there would really be no need for a console
the only reason why sony,nintendo and MS make consoles are because there cash cows.. my pc can play every game you have in your library just buy buying a wireless 360 controller and hook it up to my pc. presto, instant 360,and PS3 right there. All i need is an emulator
and no you have the WORST online community EVER. XBL just SUCKS!, 5 years olds all over the place and you pay for everything while we get superior mods for free..and me and my bro own a pc and we dont talk about crysis all day, pc is a hobby gaming platform, not some braindead POS weak machine in which people fight about pointless graphics all day.
God PC gaming is rubbish, I cant stand it!
1) you must upgrade everything every few months just to get an extra few pixles on your small 20" monitor! Whilst i enjoy my 42" HD tv!
False, I havnt upgraded in nearly 2 years now, still maxxing every game except Crysis, and it only cost £750 ( 8800 , Quad, 3GB)
False, 20' monitor is just as immersive, not that it means anything, I have my PC optinally plugged into both my 20' monitor and 32 HDTV.
2) Its incredibly anti social, you cant really do spilt screen play (unless yiu like sharing one office chari between 4 people). I will enjoy my conole which can support 7 players 9ps3) on sports game.
Depends on your idea of social, I only play games when I cant be with my GF or Friends, I end up playing casual games with her online, and hardcore games with my other friends. thats not sociable to you? pretty floored idea of what social is.
3) the keyboard is hopless for racing games.
LMAO yea right :roll: thats why PC has the most raceing games? :roll: you have the option for every input device.
4) wh=ith every new game you must spend half an hour just twaeking the settings. Then you find it cant do everything on ful, and you must spend ages figuring out the best settings. I think I will just put my game in and play.
No, I slide everything to max ( Which isnt what the consoles have, so if you fall short, so what? ) and play, with the 1 exception of Crysis, and 30 mins? ... try 5.
5) my ps3 keeps all of my music and videos on the smb which is incredibly easy to navigate and I can chat with those on the ps3 easily and go online if I please.
LMAO and your PC cant do that? :lol: I was suggest upgrading from windows 91.
6)We have to pay for mods becuase compainies know they cant charge on the pc due to pirates stealing the mods. THE SHAME!!!!!
Or the fact that Microsoft and Sony force the developers to charge? ( See EPIC GAMES , and Bestheda ) at first.... but yea, keep beleiving that.
7) Actually the online community is fine, no 5 year olds on COD4 thanks.
Yup your right, because I never saw screaming kids on CoD4 or Halo 3 :roll: ... thats the bain of everyone having mics.
Have fun with your console ports, will play MGS4 and other exclusives on my couch with my 42" tv now.
MGS4, one good exclusive, have fun, we'l play all the PC Exclusives ( which has the most ) , and then all the console multiplats' best versions.On my OPtional visual input :lol:
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