Again, define better game.
*walks into console game hell* Hmmmm, no flight sims, no train sims, no ship sims, no RTS's, no tycoon games, no true racing games and no mods for games*walks back out*
Sims, tycoon, and rts games? Eww, I'd rather stay in hell. Heaven looks too boring. There also seems too be too much whining, and why does heaven even care about what's going on in hell? Most of us are perfectly happy down here. Well, define a better game. Name a game from 2001 that is still played on a daily basis on the consoles? What about mods? Where are the mods for games on console games? With the exception of maybe 2 games, I do not know of any other games that offer console gamers the ability to create mods.
The types of games I listed are just a part of the PC game family. They do not exist on the consoles just as some console games do not exist for the PC. Fact is, there is no console that could handle a game like Flight Simulator. There can be hundreds on AI in a small area (think the New York City/Newark NJ area) where there are 3 major airports and numerous smaller local airports. When a console can handle that much going on at one time, in one shot without stopping to load the area, then maybe console hardware will be able to compete with the PC. FS is whole world and not just a small area like GoW is.
Better game is defined by the person playing said games. You definitely do not define them for me. If you like rts, sim games, and mmos, knock yourself out. My point is that you are in no way going to make console gamers jealous of those type of games. I personally find them to be crap. I don't think any console gamer doubts the PC has superior hardware. The hardware might "obliterate" console hardware, but the games....not so much IMO.
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