Yep. Very sad situation on consoles. But look, you still have TLOU, very solid AA shooter. I heard it got 8Â :P
We don´t need it. Consoles need to have their own games, too. Pc Gamers will be happy with Rome 2 and Star Citizen.
dat niche for a reason platform :lol:
PC can and should be able to offer more to us than that, all this power and that's it?
Come on
You have no idea what you are talking about.
- Stalker series (3 amazing games in the series)
- Total War series (Shogun2, Empire and now Rome Total War II)
- Don't Starve (fantastic survival indie game)
- Sang Froid (Great tower defense game mixed with strategy and rpg)
- Rising Storm (The best online shooter since TF2 imo)
- Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes (RPG mixed with Strategy)
- All the awesome kickstarter rpgs that are coming out (Shadowrun Returns, Project Eternity, Grim Dawn, new PLanscape Torment, Wasteland 2 and Divinity Original Sin)
- World Of Warcraft and all its expansion packs
- ARMA3 (the alpha is fantastic, full game will be even better)
- Dayz Standalone (comes out end of this month)
- DayZ mod (still fun as hell, worth playing until the standalone drops)
-The Witcher 1
- Crysis Warhead
- Age Of Wushu
- Akaneiro: Demon Hunters
- Sim City
- Amnesia: A Machien For Pigs (Sequel to the best horror game ever made)
- Company Of Heroes 2
- Dirty Bomb (Devs of Wolfenstien ET and Quake Wars)
- DOTA 2
- League Of Legends
- Elderscrolls Online
- End Of Nations
- Mount and Blade Warband
- Mount and Blade 2
- Firefall
- Civilization 5
- Fortnite
- Gone Home
- Hawken
- Heroes and Generals
- Marvel Heroes
- Mechwarrior Online
- Mechwarrior Tactics
- Neverwinter
- Nuclear Union
-Â Outlast
- Path Of Exile
- Patterns
- Planetary Annihliation
- Prison Architect
- Reus
- Rise Of The Triad
- Scrolls (New game from minecraft devs)
- Shootmania Storm
- Slender: The Arrival
- Smite
- Starbound (new game from Terraria devs if im not msitaken)
- Starcraft II
- Starcraft II Heart Of The Swarm
- Strike Suit Zero
- Survarium
- Trackmania 2 Valley
- A Valley Without Wind 2
- Warface
- Warframe
- Wildstar
- World Of Warplanes
And so many more... not to mention multiplats are better on PC 99% of the time. You mad bro?
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