You have no idea what you are talking about.
- Stalker series (3 amazing games in the series)
- Total War series (Shogun2, Empire and now Rome Total War II)
- Don't Starve (fantastic survival indie game)
- Sang Froid (Great tower defense game mixed with strategy and rpg)
- Rising Storm (The best online shooter since TF2 imo)
- Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes (RPG mixed with Strategy)
- All the awesome kickstarter rpgs that are coming out (Shadowrun Returns, Project Eternity, Grim Dawn, new PLanscape Torment, Wasteland 2 and Divinity Original Sin)
- World Of Warcraft and all its expansion packs
- ARMA3 (the alpha is fantastic, full game will be even better)
- Dayz Standalone (comes out end of this month)
- DayZ mod (still fun as hell, worth playing until the standalone drops)
-The Witcher 1
- Crysis Warhead
- Age Of Wushu
- Akaneiro: Demon Hunters
- Sim City
- Amnesia: A Machien For Pigs (Sequel to the best horror game ever made)
- Company Of Heroes 2
- Dirty Bomb (Devs of Wolfenstien ET and Quake Wars)
- DOTA 2
- League Of Legends
- Elderscrolls Online
- End Of Nations
- Mount and Blade Warband
- Mount and Blade 2
- Firefall
- Civilization 5
- Fortnite
- Gone Home
- Hawken
- Heroes and Generals
- Marvel Heroes
- Mechwarrior Online
- Mechwarrior Tactics
- Neverwinter
- Nuclear Union
-Â Outlast
- Path Of Exile
- Patterns
- Planetary Annihliation
- Prison Architect
- Reus
- Rise Of The Triad
- Scrolls (New game from minecraft devs)
- Shootmania Storm
- Slender: The Arrival
- Smite
- Starbound (new game from Terraria devs if im not msitaken)
- Starcraft II
- Starcraft II Heart Of The Swarm
- Strike Suit Zero
- Survarium
- Trackmania 2 Valley
- A Valley Without Wind 2
- Warface
- Warframe
- Wildstar
- World Of Warplanes
And so many more... not to mention multiplats are better on PC 99% of the time. You mad bro?
A Quote for "Quad4Life" incase he missed it.
PC has TONS of exclusives. Only someone who doesn't game on PC at all woudl say that sort of nonsense you say.
At that list.
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