@RoboCopISJesus said:
@Cranler said:
What good is a big list of exclusives no one cares about?
See, a statement like this is 100% something PS4nogames, m3dude, or AM-Gamer would say.
It's 100% fucking troll. No one cares about Civilzation of Wasteland? Sure...fuckwad.
Fuckwad? Is that really necessary? I'm not saying these are bad games but they're too niche with limited appeal. I don't think too many pc gamers care about most if not all of these games:
Five Nights at Freddy's, Xenonauts, Wildstar, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2, Broken Sword 5, LIfe Goes On, Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming, Betrayer, Age of Wonders 3, Smite, Banished, Loadout, SW The Old Republic Galactic Starfighter, Strike Vector, Insurgency, Blackguards, The Banner Saga,aunted House Reboot, J.u.l.i.a.: Among the stars, Ghost of a Tale, Ancient Space (awesome space RTS **** YEH), Dreamfall Chapters, Stronghold Crusaders 2, Gauntlet, The Sacred Tears True (JRPG), The Talos Principle, Solarix, Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm (2d Japanese fighter),
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