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The point is, when you buy a game that has the "games for windows" logo on top of the box, Microsoft is making money off of that purchase. I love how hermits are pretending that Microsoft plays little or no role in PC gaming, it is truly pathetic.tader-salad
They lose money on such games, not make it (unless it's their own published game which are few and far between).
Microsoft doesn't own PC gaming.rimnet00
/thread... Xbox360 and PC are not related.. The only close relation now is the supposed Xbox live connection which has been released on a few subpar games for the pc that few bought..
And if anything the game for windows thing, microsoft is paying the companies to do that.. Why? So set standards can be made.. Even then not every game agrees with it.
The point is, when you buy a game that has the "games for windows" logo on top of the box, Microsoft is making money off of that purchase. I love how hermits are pretending that Microsoft plays little or no role in PC gaming, it is truly pathetic.tader-salad
any GFW title purchase doesn't gives MS a cent unless it devloped or published by them
[QUOTE="tader-salad"]The point is, when you buy a game that has the "games for windows" logo on top of the box, Microsoft is making money off of that purchase. I love how hermits are pretending that Microsoft plays little or no role in PC gaming, it is truly pathetic.naval
any GFW title purchase doesn't gives MS a cent unless it devloped or published by them
Then why put the "games for windows" logo on the game? To make it look pretty?[QUOTE="naval"][QUOTE="tader-salad"]The point is, when you buy a game that has the "games for windows" logo on top of the box, Microsoft is making money off of that purchase. I love how hermits are pretending that Microsoft plays little or no role in PC gaming, it is truly pathetic.tader-salad
any GFW title purchase doesn't gives MS a cent unless it devloped or published by them
Then why put the "games for windows" logo on the game? To make it look pretty?Gives the illusion of ownership over something they have no control over.
[QUOTE="naval"][QUOTE="tader-salad"]The point is, when you buy a game that has the "games for windows" logo on top of the box, Microsoft is making money off of that purchase. I love how hermits are pretending that Microsoft plays little or no role in PC gaming, it is truly pathetic.tader-salad
any GFW title purchase doesn't gives MS a cent unless it devloped or published by them
Then why put the "games for windows" logo on the game? To make it look pretty?advertising for which MS most probably pays the dev, same as the 'nvidia/ati' logos you see many times on starting a game
[QUOTE="naval"][QUOTE="tader-salad"]The point is, when you buy a game that has the "games for windows" logo on top of the box, Microsoft is making money off of that purchase. I love how hermits are pretending that Microsoft plays little or no role in PC gaming, it is truly pathetic.tader-salad
any GFW title purchase doesn't gives MS a cent unless it devloped or published by them
Then why put the "games for windows" logo on the game? To make it look pretty?Yes it is to look pretty as well as
The Games for Windows brand on games means four key things:1)Quality. Games for Windows branded titles undergo extensive testing, and not just by the publisher. Microsoft also invests in quality checking each title to ensure they meet performance and reliability standards.
2)Compatibility. Games for Windows branded titles work on Windows XP and Windows Vista based PCs, including both 32 and 64 bit editions. Games for Windows titles that support controllers are also compatible with the Microsoft XBOX 360 controller for Windows, including the XBOX 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows. They even support widescreen resolutions and more.
3)Safety features. You can be confident that any title carrying the Games for Windows brand will support the new parental controls and family settings features in Windows Vista.
4)Easy to Play. Games for Windows branded titles are easy to install, find and remove, especially in Windows Vista. Every Games for Windows title appears in the new Windows Vista Games Explorer (no more hunting around the start menu for that game you just installed). And Games for Windows branded titles all offer some form of "easy install", putting you in the game more quickly.
See they don't make a dime off of anything with the logo, the logo is just saying those points above. No wonder crysis worked with my 360 controller so well.
The point is, when you buy a game that has the "games for windows" logo on top of the box, Microsoft is making money off of that purchase. I love how hermits are pretending that Microsoft plays little or no role in PC gaming, it is truly pathetic.tader-saladActualy it's MS that's paying publishers to put the logo on the box, not the other way around
The point is, when you buy a game that has the "games for windows" logo on top of the box, Microsoft is making money off of that purchase. I love how hermits are pretending that Microsoft plays little or no role in PC gaming, it is truly pathetic.tader-salad
Its an open platform, you have no clue what that means.
You may as well claim that roads own all cars because cars drive on them.
OK, let me ask this. What is the OS that you all are currently using?tader-salad
i use xp , then again I use nvidia'a gpu, intel's cpu etc which i have bought specifically for gaming where as xp i would have bought regardless of the fact i game on my pc or not. so who makes money because i play games on my pc ?
OK, let me ask this. What is the OS that you all are currently using?tader-salad
Running a Parallel right now, so have both Leopard and XP going right now.
OK, let me ask this. What is the OS that you all are currently using?tader-salad
Why does it matter? MS doesn't make money off games they don't publish, and they have no say over what developers put through Windows. If we weren't using Windows, we would be using something else. MS doesn't own PC gaming, and whenever I buy a game for PC thats also out for the 360, MS loses that sale.
I would have to agree with you I think that sony is catching on sony is now starting to realse games for both pc and concole however Ms has the upper hand because of operating systems that alot pc usetitle is bound to attract a lot of attention. well hear me out.
1. MS wants more games for the 360 that arent on PS3. Makes sense if you want to be competitive.
2. To do that, why not leech off of upcoming PC releases and strike deals to make ONLY a 360 port?
So basically the PC is helping the 360 to compete against the PS3.
Has anybody thought of it like this?
No system is a pawn to another, but 360 is a pawn of MS(duh) and pc is a pawn to any and everyone who contributes to it.
[QUOTE="tader-salad"]The point is, when you buy a game that has the "games for windows" logo on top of the box, Microsoft is making money off of that purchase. I love how hermits are pretending that Microsoft plays little or no role in PC gaming, it is truly pathetic.tenaka2
Its an open platform, you have no clue what that means.
You may as well claim that roads own all cars because cars drive on them.
Games for Windows is just a campaign by MS. They make no money of it at all.....[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="rimnet00"]The only claim you made is that the oil industry owns the car manafactuerers, which doesn't exactly relate to my signature. So it begs the question: what are you talking about?
Your sig proves your ignorance.
There's no cars without oil.
Thinking otherwise is ignorant.
Did that clear it up?
Please explain to me how the message being portrayed in my signature is ignorant. Claiming someone is ignorant, without backing it up with anything substantial just makes you look like a fool. Anyone can make accusations, even babbling 3 year olds. Quite clearly you are missing the humor behind the signature, which only goes to show that you are taking this message board way too seriously, and personally.
Full version of Mass Effect coming to PC? How is that NOT being ignorant? maybe even a little arrogant also. Even if it is a joke, it's in your sig which represents you and your personal beliefs on a certain brand or game. Joke or not.
Mass Effect is comming to PC................... With all the techincal and design issues fixed + extra content.Full version of Mass Effect coming to PC? How is that NOT being ignorant? maybe even a little arrogant also. Even if it is a joke, it's in your sig which represents you and your personal beliefs on a certain brand or game. Joke or not.
It was announced ages ago.
What are you rambling on about?
[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"]Mass Effect is comming to PC................... With all the techincal and design issues fixed + extra content.Full version of Mass Effect coming to PC? How is that NOT being ignorant? maybe even a little arrogant also. Even if it is a joke, it's in your sig which represents you and your personal beliefs on a certain brand or game. Joke or not.
It was announced ages ago.
What are you rambling on about?
Definitely a case of "who's the ignorant one here?" :lol:
Full version of Mass Effect coming to PC? How is that NOT being ignorant? maybe even a little arrogant also. Even if it is a joke, it's in your sig which represents you and your personal beliefs on a certain brand or game. Joke or not.
You have to admit its funny though :)
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