I'm not talking sales. As we all know, sales are good and all, but as gamers, we're concerned about games. I'm talking games. Let's look at what system won this year solely on the basis of games.
Remember how 2012 was supposed to be the year of the PS3? Remember how lemmings started claiming ownage after every PS3 exclusive started flopping, and they got a lucky break with Fable: The Journey? Let's see if it really turned out that way, shall we?
Here's a list of every single exclusive for every single platform that released this year that scored a 7 or higher.
XBOX 360
Halo 4
Forza Horizon
Fable: The Journey
Trials: Evolution
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Dance Central 3
NBA Baller Beats
Akai Katana
Total Games: 13
Wonderbook: Book of Spells
Twisted Metal
Papa and Yo
LittleBigPlabet Karting
Tales of Graces F
Derrick the Deathfin
Total Games: 11
The Last Story
Xenoblade Chronicles
Pandora's Tower
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Fatal Frame 2
Total Games: 5
New Super Mario Bros. U
Nintendo Land
SiNG Party
Total Games: 3
Liberation Maiden
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Resident Evil: Revelations
Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Paper Mario Sticker Star
Mutant Mudds
Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword
Code of Princess
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Total Games: 12
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
Wipeout 2048
Unit 13
Touch My Katamari
Super Stardust Delta
Uncharted Golden Abyss
Total Games: 8
Guild Wars 2
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings
Hotline Miami
Torchlight II
Diablo III
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Total War: Shogun 2: War of the Samurai
Lone Survivor
Wargame: European Escalation
Natural Selection 2
Football Manager 2013
FTL: Faster Than Light
Orcs Must Die 2
Endless Space
Tribes: Ascend
Crusader Kings II
Dear Esther
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
War of the Roses
The Secret World
Thomas Was Alone
World of Battles: Morningstar
Warlock: Master of Arcane
The Sims 3: Supernatural
They Bleed Pixels
Microsoft Flight
Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass
Total Games: 36
Therefore, for 2012, here is how the standings are:
- PC
- Xbox 360
- Nintendo 3DS
- Playstation 3
- Playstation Vita
- Wii
- Wii U
So no, lemmings and cows. Neither the Xbox NOR the PS3 won 2012. The PC massacred everything else.
What's that? You're right, that's unfair. Let's remove PC, because it always wins. It's the master race. Instead, let's try and see what wins if we have just the dedicated games machines battle it out. One of you's gotta win if we did that, right?
Well, Xbox 360 won the competition then, fair and square. Counting all exclusives that scored well, no holds barred. The Xbox 360 lands well ahead of the PS3.
Hey, at least the PS3 can come in third, right?
No, tough luck. The 3DS handily beats everything else, with twelve exclusives this year worth owning, and unlike the consoles, its list isn't padded with unheard of names, these are all big games, Paper Mario, New Super Mario Bros., Kid Icarus, Professor Layton, and Resident Evil. PS3 trailes behind that.
And the funniest thing is, there are still some major exclusive releases left on at least two of these platforms: the 3DS gets some major eShop releases fsuch as Aero Porter and Crashmo, while PC still has stuff like Planetside 2 left. These two systems will end up even more on top by the end of 2012 than they are right now!
Keep fighting for scrappy thirds. 2012 was the year of the PC, and of the Xbox 360 and 3DS.
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