While I missed the FFVII during its glory days, I played FF8 shortly after it was released before I even knew about how amazing FFVII was supposed to be. I bought Ape Escape with some birthday cash and saw the plain PAL boxart with a cool logo design. I thought the name was interesting and the case was thick which made me curious. Got home, loaded up Ape Escape and forgot about FF8.
A few weeks later I had nothing to do and remembered I'd bought that game called FF8. I popped it in and was hooked from the first cut scene. Absoloutly blown away. Then after the PS2 came out and I saw FFX on Gamespot and in magazines I was so hyped, but I didn't buy a PS2 for quite some time. When I finally bought one, the first thing I did was buy FFX and FFX-2... And, well:
I didn't really match the experience I had with FF8. Turns out I really liked the more serious tone in FF8.. I guess I'd love FFVII also. I never finished it FFX, and never opened FFX-2. I might have to buy it again one day.
Edit: Wow. I actually was going to reply to this thread on topic but got side tracked and forgot what I was talking about. I want FF to go back to its roots, but be more serious and darker in theme. None of this 'We'll save the world with the power of love and friendship!" kind of stuff.
'We'll save the world with the power of love and friendship!" kind of stuff.
LOL as I said earlier they try waaay too hard to be poignant and emotional and just comes off as really really cheesy, just thinking about some of the dialogue form XIII makes me cringe,. Do they actually listen to these dialogue sequences?
Main reason why I have fallen out of favour with JRPG the writing is terrible, say waht you want about Mass effect , dargon age ( yes even dragon age 2) and other WRPG at least they are better written with normal dialouge as opposed to "heros always save the day" and "moms are tough" Bulls***t from FFXIII
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