Now that the PS3 is priced the same as the 360 (the good model) and has more than the 360 and free online, I told my co-worker who owns a xbox and is an avid xbox360 about it. He like normal started bashing it for no reason atall. His brother in law let him borrow his ps3 while he went overseas 2 weeks ago. I lent him MGS4 and he couldn't stand it, His reason, was "It's just not right having a japanse game focusing on American charcters....blah blah blah...." You can imagine the arguments at work about this.
So I lent him uncharted, he loved it and finished the game in 3-4 days playing every day. But today when I told him about the slim, and another co-worker got in the mix, he just went off bashing it again. He asked me: "Name the best ps3 games." i did , I gave him about 6 exclusives, he said, "well I have never heard of any of those, they must not be good. I bet if you asked a random person on the street they wouldn't know them, but they would know halo and COD4." I said "just because a game isn't as marketed as halo doesn't maen it's a bad game." He said "If the game is good like halo people would know it....blah, blah , blah" It remeinded me a lot of some lemmings views on this forum.
This led to an argument, my thought is why do some people only follow what is popular or marketed to the extreme? Why do they not even give other games a chance? This same question can be done to genres too. It makes no sense to me why it's so important to him that a game be known by everyone. What happened to new ips, and good games in genral. Why are some people stuck on populartiy and trends? The PS3 has an incredible lineup, it's just makes me think that maybe people are to absorbed in the "MTV", "Trendy attitude" to recognize what great games are there or coming out., or they may not even try them becasue they're not Halo or COD4. It's sad to think that a big chunk of America is just like him, only following the "Trend of the day" ...what's your take? Do you think more people will try ps3 games now that the price is down or do you think people are going to still be like my co-worker... "It doesn't have halo" mentality?
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