Well the PS3 isn't failing, in fact I think it's been doing quite well up till now at the price it was at. It has higher sale numbers in both Europe and Japan, and is now the same price as the 360 which I think will boost the sales in not only both of the countries aforementioned, but America as well.
Final Fantasy started on the Nintendo, whereas Grand Theft Auto has been on Windows, Gameboy and the Dreamcast when it first started, and Virtual Fighter was a Sega game. So I don't know what your getting at. The only games that started on the Playstation was Tekken and Devil May Cry, but they were never owned by Sony so it's not like they lost an exclusive. So what was your point again?
Yes, it is selling better than they did due to the PlayStation brand, but it's not a really good comparison don't ya think? The fact is the PS3 was and is too expensive, I'd even consider the 360 too expensive.
Final Fantasy X and XII were exclusive to the PS2, and GTAIII series was exclusive for the PS2 for a long time which helped push tons of PS2 units, and Virtua Fighter was just better on the 360. My point is Sony lost too many exclusives to care about them anymore. Their franchises aren't Nintendo's (Nintendo can survive with poor third party support), and they just aren't worth buying a $300 system for, especially when most can be beaten in under 7 hours (ie Heavenly Sword, MGS4, Uncharted, etc. etc.).
If you can beat MGS4 in 7 hours than you must be a game guru. Besides, Halo 3 and Gears 2 both can be beaten in that time frame, so you kinda lose argument there.
You still don't have an argument, the games you mentioned were never Playstation exclusives. In fact GTAIII was on the Xbox, so how do you even bring that up? The Playstation has had many great exclusives from it's first party developers such as Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Shadow of the Colossus, GT, ICO, GoW, SOCOM and many Metal Gear Solid games.
You have mentioned the games that went to the 360, but what about the ones that went to the PS3? Such as Bioshock, Ninja Gaiden, Tales of Vesparia, Lost Planet, Oblivion. There is probably more, but need I go on? Compared to what the PS3 lost, I think the 360 took just as much of a blow.
But the difference between the PS3 and 360, is the PS3 actually has more than third party developers to back them up.
MGS4 is all movies, skip the movies and you get 2 hours of gameplay, seriously. Game wouldn't be so bad if you could play the cutscenes instead of watch them, and if the graphics weren't so ugly. Gears of War and Halo are shooters and have fine lenghts - multiplayer is were they are at.
GTAIII was on the Xbox when it was irrelevent, like 2 years later after the PS2. A lot of people forget that. And yeah the PS2 had tons of good games but the PS3 does not, and it's reflected by sales and scores.
Bioshock came out a year after the Xbox 360 version, same with Nina Gaiden, TOV, Lost Planet, Oblivion.... if you're going to steal exclusives (and none of these are as important as Final Fantasy and GTAIV), at least steal it for a day one release. Seriously, I beat all those games you mentioned by the time they came out on the PS3.
Xbox 360 has better first party - Gears of War and Halo sell more systems than any of Sony's franchises, and they score higher too.
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