@dynamitecop said:
Why must you people put on horse blinders, why must you stupidly act like everyone with consoles has gaming PC's or interest in them, they don't, that is a gross minority.
You're speaking of fanboyism and ignorance on the part of others yet your entire post is derived from both...
Reality is no one knows how big or small it is,you can't prove is a minority any more than any one can prove it is huge.
And you are grasping and with a terrible damage control i may add kingtito.
@dynamitecop said:
I game on PC primarily so I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish here or what "you guys" is supposed to mean like I am other people or something.
It's plain to see you have some illogical attachment to a Sony branded piece of plastic and act like a dipshit as a result. I throw allegiance to nothing, but what I do see taking place is a bunch of people like yourself attacking what is for all intents and purposes a good thing, it's no coincidence that you're all Sony fanatics and I could list you one by one.
What do you get out of trying to make this look bad and twisting the contextual basis for what is being said? What purpose does it serve, the Xbox One is going to share games with PC, exclusives could very well not exist anymore, woopdie doo, what does it matter? It doesn't, people are still going to buy the console and now people on PC are going to buy the games as well...
It's like you're trying to invent a problem that doesn't actually exist, why?
You are a lemming and you are not fooling any one..hahahaaa
You throw allegiance to nothing yet you only defend the crappy xbox one,funny isn't how it is always lemmings who defend the xbox the ones that want to project them self an some kind of impartial or non biased gamers who games mostly on PC.
You,Kingtito,blackace,Nyadc,B4X you name them but all of you have 1 thing in common and is a profound love for defending the xbox brand,and the problem is that you can't see what you do.
To you know it doesn't matter to lemmings last gen and this one before the whole windows 10 unity crap it did matter,so pretending now that exclusives don't matter here is a joke,specially since we all know this account is a alter for either Kingtito or Stormyjoe which are the 2 poster that usually reply back to posters insulting their intelligence,you just gave your self in easy.
The problem exist is there the is no point in buying an xbox one if its games land on PC,the XBO will be a closed windows 10 PC with non of the benefits and a $60 online toll both.
@tdkmillsy said:
Xbox Division is more than just games on Xbox. Phil doesn't mind you buying it on Windows 10, as long as its not PS4 he looks good.
WTF...hahahaa The xbox division is XBOX is all it is,it is now being merge with PC in a pathetic way,because on PC you get openess and no online fee + many m ore games the xbox one doesn't get,this is a deal were only PC gamers are the real winners,the xbox loss its identity what make it unique,its games what you lemmings for 2 generations claimed as the reason to get an xbox is no more,hell it benefits me if i want to play QB i can with my PC and now i don't have to buy an xbox,same for gears forza and other games to.
@delta3074 said:
Which is why the Xbox ecosystem started to appear on PC and Windows phones in 2012 before the release of the xbox one right?
That is not even close to what is being done here Delta.
The best way to think of the Xbox Games on Windows is as a PC-based version of Xbox Live Arcade. Like the console-based game download service, Microsoft will directly control game approval and release scheduling on Xbox Games on Windows. Developers will still be able to submit normal downloadable games for sale through the regular Windows 8 Store, of course, or just release PC games on their own. But those titles won't be launchable through the preinstalled Metro-style (sorry— Window 8-style UI) Xbox on Windows app. Nor will they be integrated with existing Xbox Live features like Achievements, friends lists, Avatars, leaderboards and in-game rewards. A representative told me that Microsoft hopes to roll out games regularly every week, just like it does on Xbox Live Arcade, but that the company hopes to speed up the release process down the line.
This is nothing like what is being done here,what you linked talk about an xbox live arcade like store,where multiplatforms games will be release,not MS exclusives.
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