Phil Spencer Says It's Okay to Not Buy an Xbox

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#101  Edited By delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

@tormentos said:

@delta3074 said:

Which is why the Xbox ecosystem started to appear on PC and Windows phones in 2012 before the release of the xbox one right?

That is not even close to what is being done here Delta.

The best way to think of the Xbox Games on Windows is as a PC-based version of Xbox Live Arcade. Like the console-based game download service, Microsoft will directly control game approval and release scheduling on Xbox Games on Windows. Developers will still be able to submit normal downloadable games for sale through the regular Windows 8 Store, of course, or just release PC games on their own. But those titles won't be launchable through the preinstalled Metro-style (sorry— Window 8-style UI) Xbox on Windows app. Nor will they be integrated with existing Xbox Live features like Achievements, friends lists, Avatars, leaderboards and in-game rewards. A representative told me that Microsoft hopes to roll out games regularly every week, just like it does on Xbox Live Arcade, but that the company hopes to speed up the release process down the line.

This is nothing like what is being done here,what you linked talk about an xbox live arcade like store,where multiplatforms games will be release,not MS exclusives.

you know as well as i do that they where laying the groundwork for what they are doing now, it was pretty obvious when games like Ryse and Dead rising 3.

Whether or not the Xbox one will suffer over this i not yet clear, it's likely it will but i don't think Microsoft cares and anyone who bought there console thinking they would is a fool anyway.

anyone who thinks any of these companies care personally about there customers is deluded, they are there to make money that's the point of running a business.

And theres no point in Xbox one owners who bought there console for the exclusives whining they feel they have been ripped off by this, they bought the damn console they can live with it.

will the Xbox one suffer through this? Probably though lets wait and see.

But PC gamers will benefit from this move and so will Microsofts bank balance.

Screw MS anyway, the only reason i bough there damn console was to play multiplats and because i got a deal on it from a mate so it was a 100 quid cheaper then any of the consoles sold in the shops and money is an issue right now.

i couldn't give a monkeys about Microsoft or the Xbox live ecosystem beyond what i can get from them, they take a mercenary attitude towards there customers so i take a Mercs attitude towards them.

they don't deliver what i want they get kicked out of bed.

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#102 Pedro
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I love reading the generic twisting of words. I don't know why PS4 fanboys care so much about the Xbox One but I guess it makes sense, MS is making a move that can surpass the PS4 and Nintendo userbase combined. To make matters worse MS cross platform system would allow devs to easily make their games for either system. This is the future of gaming. Sony is going to follow suit if MS succeeds with this strategy and the likely hood of success is really high. PS4 games on PC is coming, mark my words. :)

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#103 Shewgenja
Member since 2009 • 21456 Posts

@Pedro said:

I love reading the generic twisting of words. I don't know why PS4 fanboys care so much about the Xbox One but I guess it makes sense, MS is making a move that can surpass the PS4 and Nintendo userbase combined. To make matters worse MS cross platform system would allow devs to easily make their games for either system. This is the future of gaming. Sony is going to follow suit if MS succeeds with this strategy and the likely hood of success is really high. PS4 games on PC is coming, mark my words. :)

LMFAO!! How do they surpass a userbase when they've been synonimous with PC gaming the whole time. Face it, XBox was a distraction from where their strength was all along and gaming has suffered for it.

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#104 tdkmillsy
Member since 2003 • 6617 Posts

@dynamitecop said:

@tormentos: I'm not even talking to you so stop quoting me, get it through your thick skull, I'm never having any discussion with you again so never quote me again because from this point forward I will never respond to anything you ever have to say.

You're a mindless, illiterate waste of my time, I have nothing else to say to you.

He seems to have that affect on people.

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#105  Edited By dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

@tdkmillsy said:
@dynamitecop said:

@tormentos: I'm not even talking to you so stop quoting me, get it through your thick skull, I'm never having any discussion with you again so never quote me again because from this point forward I will never respond to anything you ever have to say.

You're a mindless, illiterate waste of my time, I have nothing else to say to you.

He seems to have that affect on people.

He's too over the top, I can handle bullshit and people woefully ignoring what I'm saying and then continuing to press their nonsense, but not to his degree, it's too much.

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#106 Pedro
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@Shewgenja said:

LMFAO!! How do they surpass a userbase when they've been synonimous with PC gaming the whole time. Face it, XBox was a distraction from where their strength was all along and gaming has suffered for it.

MS did not have a PC userbase because they did not have a viable avenue like the Windows Store. Simply making Windows does not equate to them having a gaming userbase. Steam has a userbase but MS didn't until more or less now. Gaming has benefited from MS intervention, failure to recognize this is foolish and its not good to be foolish. :(

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#107 naughtyottsel
Member since 2016 • 1801 Posts

@R4gn4r0k said:
@naughtyottsel said:

The head of the Xbox division says he wants it to be ok for people not to buy an Xbox?

This clown never ceases to amaze.

What's the difference with Sony being OK nobody buys a Vita or develops any games for it ?

Did I ever state it was ok?

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#108  Edited By Frank_Castle
Member since 2015 • 1982 Posts

@BigBadBully said:

@frank_castle: but say someone doesn't like any of those games, they wouldn't need a PS4 then if all they play is call of duty, fifa, NBA 2k and the majority of other multiplats that dominate the charts yearly.

Yeah, if that's all they play.

Bottom line: From here on out, if you have an interest in Microsoft "exclusives", then you don't even need one of their consoles to play said exclusives if you have a decent PC.

But if you have an interest in any Sony need a Playstation.

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#110  Edited By caryslan2
Member since 2005 • 2486 Posts

Do people even bother reading before they post "The Xbox is doomed! Phil Spencer is telling people not to buy one?"

He's targeting PC gamers that will likely never touch a gaming console with a ten foot pole. The kind of gamer who tends to turn their nose up at anything the Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo have to offer.

Nintendo and Sony have both Handhelds and home consoles(although Sony has pretty much let the Vita die, but the fanboys tend to ignore that.) In recent years, both have tried to tie their handheld and home consoles together more and more.

Microsoft has the Xbox and their PC business, and for over a decade they have had both brands exist in a bubble separate from each other. The Xbox is not going anywhere because Microsoft can't afford to let it go now.

What Microsoft wants is for Windows 10 to power your computer, your tablet, your phone, and your living room through the Xbox.

Its no longer about PC or Xbox for them. They want to sell Windows 10 and they want to have a unified OS that runs on every device a consumer could want.

Why kill the Xbox One now? It has sold at least 20 million units so far. No, the Xbox is not going anywhere.

What we are seeing is Microsoft finally acting on their intent with Windows 10 and that is finally having an OS that is unified across several different devices. The Xbox is their key to getting Win 10 into the living room.

The days of home consoles, handhelds, and PCs being in their own separate bubble is almost over. Nintendo is looking to unify the console and handheld market with the NX(if all rumors are true) while Microsoft looks to integrate Windows 10 into everything they can get their hands on.

Apple and Google are also doing the same thing.

Sony seems to be the only one who is not in a rush to unify their products under a single OS and as market leader, perhaps they see no need to. But the days of every console existing in their own bubble is slowly ending. Nintendo and Microsoft are pushing this, but in their own separate ways.

The Xbox is not going anywhere anytime soon.

Besides, have people forgotten that Microsoft has done ports of Halo, Halo 2, Gears of War, and other games to the PC in the past?

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#111 Wiiboxstation
Member since 2014 • 1753 Posts

What is he supposed to say?

You have a great PC but buy something that's not as good.

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#112 deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
Member since 2010 • 3984 Posts

@tdkmillsy said:
@dynamitecop said:

@tormentos: I'm not even talking to you so stop quoting me, get it through your thick skull, I'm never having any discussion with you again so never quote me again because from this point forward I will never respond to anything you ever have to say.

You're a mindless, illiterate waste of my time, I have nothing else to say to you.

He seems to have that affect on people.

Relax and take a deep breathe, don't like tomato head get to you like that LOL.

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#113 gago-gago
Member since 2009 • 12138 Posts

Lol I love how some didn't even bother to read and just come up with their own interpretation of what he really meant. Since Microsoft gaming goes beyond consoles, he's letting consumers know that whatever platform you have, they will have fantastic Microsoft gaming products available. I mean just look at Nintendo. They have great Nintendo products and even if you don't support their consoles, they have other platforms like handhelds which you could access these great products. Nintendo are still successful with one or the other. Same thing is happening with Microsoft gaming. With hardware and network getting better across their platforms, they could finally expand the Xbox brand to a larger base. You can't say that with PlayStation products since their stuck on one platform, so if that platform dies, every thing else dies with it. But I have a feeling they will be forced to put PSVR on other platforms to give that DOA product some life.

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#114 ni6htmare01
Member since 2005 • 3990 Posts

@Pedro said:

I love reading the generic twisting of words. I don't know why PS4 fanboys care so much about the Xbox One but I guess it makes sense, MS is making a move that can surpass the PS4 and Nintendo userbase combined. To make matters worse MS cross platform system would allow devs to easily make their games for either system. This is the future of gaming. Sony is going to follow suit if MS succeeds with this strategy and the likely hood of success is really high. PS4 games on PC is coming, mark my words. :)

Just like how Xbox fan boys love to talk about PS4 bad news right? All fan boys are the same, love to talk about bad news on the other systems. You know the reason why you don't see Xbox fan boys talking much about PS4 right? That is because there aren't much bad news about PS4.. Xbox on the other hand...

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#115 mariokart64fan
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@nintendoboy16: once the servers are cross play xbox one is definitely going to lose

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#116 Pedro
Member since 2002 • 74021 Posts

@ni6htmare01 said:
@Pedro said:

I love reading the generic twisting of words. I don't know why PS4 fanboys care so much about the Xbox One but I guess it makes sense, MS is making a move that can surpass the PS4 and Nintendo userbase combined. To make matters worse MS cross platform system would allow devs to easily make their games for either system. This is the future of gaming. Sony is going to follow suit if MS succeeds with this strategy and the likely hood of success is really high. PS4 games on PC is coming, mark my words. :)

Just like how Xbox fan boys love to talk about PS4 bad news right? All fan boys are the same, love to talk about bad news on the other systems. You know the reason why you don't see Xbox fan boys talking much about PS4 right? That is because there aren't much bad news about PS4.. Xbox on the other hand...

This is not even bad news so your point is void.

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#117 lamprey263
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I actually think the Windows 10 / Xbox One ecosystem is a good idea if it can be improved. I think everything everybody is overreacting to are things that will get ironed out with time. Where they need to improve though is the game support on the Windows 10 store or it will seem kind of pointless, they need to offer more third party games available on both Xbox One and PC and allow for more cross platform ownership that way.

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#118  Edited By kingcrimson24
Member since 2012 • 824 Posts

I'm thinking the next Xbox will actually be a small windows PC probably with different set ups and Prices . sort of like Steam machine . but with an Xbox app in it that will emulate Console gaming with xbox live and stuff . Microsoft is giving up on console . all the hints are there people .

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#119 ni6htmare01
Member since 2005 • 3990 Posts

@Pedro said:
@ni6htmare01 said:
@Pedro said:

I love reading the generic twisting of words. I don't know why PS4 fanboys care so much about the Xbox One but I guess it makes sense, MS is making a move that can surpass the PS4 and Nintendo userbase combined. To make matters worse MS cross platform system would allow devs to easily make their games for either system. This is the future of gaming. Sony is going to follow suit if MS succeeds with this strategy and the likely hood of success is really high. PS4 games on PC is coming, mark my words. :)

Just like how Xbox fan boys love to talk about PS4 bad news right? All fan boys are the same, love to talk about bad news on the other systems. You know the reason why you don't see Xbox fan boys talking much about PS4 right? That is because there aren't much bad news about PS4.. Xbox on the other hand...

This is not even bad news so your point is void.

Is ok. No news are bad news in front of the eyes of Xbox fan boys AKA Lems.. Oh yes. you are not one right?? Sureeeeee!!! Just like all the Xbox MS defense forces claim here!! "I"M NOT A LEM.."

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#120 Pedro
Member since 2002 • 74021 Posts

@ni6htmare01 said:

Is ok. No news are bad news in front of the eyes of Xbox fan boys AKA Lems.. Oh yes. you are not one right?? Sureeeeee!!! Just like all the Xbox MS defense forces claim here!! "I"M NOT A LEM.."

Yes you got me. I can't slip anything by your innate brilliance. I should have known better than to take on the infamous lem hunter. :|

I know its hard accept the reality that console loyalty is going to be a thing of the past in the coming years. Games being locked to hardware is not going to be the driving force of gaming and MS is finally accepting this reality after decade. Sony and Nintendo will be following suit and all of this hardware loyalty bullcrap will die and I will enjoy watching all of the fanboys buckle especially the Sony fanboys; they are the loudest and most ignorant this time around. :)

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#121 ni6htmare01
Member since 2005 • 3990 Posts

@Pedro said:
@ni6htmare01 said:

Is ok. No news are bad news in front of the eyes of Xbox fan boys AKA Lems.. Oh yes. you are not one right?? Sureeeeee!!! Just like all the Xbox MS defense forces claim here!! "I"M NOT A LEM.."

Yes you got me. I can't slip anything by your innate brilliance. I should have known better than to take on the infamous lem hunter. :|

I know its hard accept the reality that console loyalty is going to be a thing of the past in the coming years. Games being locked to hardware is not going to be the driving force of gaming and MS is finally accepting this reality after decade. Sony and Nintendo will be following suit and all of this hardware loyalty bullcrap will die and I will enjoy watching all of the fanboys buckle especially the Sony fanboys; they are the loudest and most ignorant this time around. :)

Sure.. yes..Let me know when that days comes lol Maybe not in my life time lol

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#122 Pedro
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@ni6htmare01 said:

Sure.. yes..Let me know when that days comes lol Maybe not in my life time lol

Unless you are in your 90's then you will see it in your life time and within the next 5 years. Hold me to that if you dare. :)

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#123 ni6htmare01
Member since 2005 • 3990 Posts

@Pedro said:
@ni6htmare01 said:

Sure.. yes..Let me know when that days comes lol Maybe not in my life time lol

Unless you are in your 90's then you will see it in your life time and within the next 5 years. Hold me to that if you dare. :)

Sure.. yes in 5 years Sony and Nintendo will turn all its exclusives to PC like the xbox... yeahh ok everyone will be happy... sure..ok..... Sony and Nintendo will tell all consumers. Is ok please, you don't need to buy m\our hardwares.. Just pay money to MS and support their Window 10... ah.. ok.. II will see that in 5 years right?

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#125 Pedro
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@ni6htmare01 said:
@Pedro said:

Unless you are in your 90's then you will see it in your life time and within the next 5 years. Hold me to that if you dare. :)

Sure.. yes in 5 years Sony and Nintendo will turn all its exclusives to PC like the xbox... yeahh ok everyone will be happy... sure..ok..... Sony and Nintendo will tell all consumers. Is ok please, you don't need to buy m\our hardwares.. Just pay money to MS and support their Window 10... ah.. ok.. II will see that in 5 years right?

No, no. That not what I am talking about. I am saying that their games would not be tether to their console. Do you know about services like Steam, Origin and Uplay? Are you aware that they services exist on Windows and that no money is sent to MS for these services? Are you trying to validate your incorrect assertion and misguided counter argument that the only way Sony or Nintendo can have game on the PC is by paying MS? Does the concept of Sony and Nintendo making their games available outside of their handhelds and console sound too alien to you when Sony has already started and Nintendo already has plans for mobile games? So, if you are going to counter argue at least try. :)

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#126 ni6htmare01
Member since 2005 • 3990 Posts

@Pedro said:
@ni6htmare01 said:
@Pedro said:

Unless you are in your 90's then you will see it in your life time and within the next 5 years. Hold me to that if you dare. :)

Sure.. yes in 5 years Sony and Nintendo will turn all its exclusives to PC like the xbox... yeahh ok everyone will be happy... sure..ok..... Sony and Nintendo will tell all consumers. Is ok please, you don't need to buy m\our hardwares.. Just pay money to MS and support their Window 10... ah.. ok.. II will see that in 5 years right?

No, no. That not what I am talking about. I am saying that their games would not be tether to their console. Do you know about services like Steam, Origin and Uplay? Are you aware that they services exist on Windows and that no money is sent to MS for these services? Are you trying to validate your incorrect assertion and misguided counter argument that the only way Sony or Nintendo can have game on the PC is by paying MS? Does the concept of Sony and Nintendo making their games available outside of their handhelds and console sound too alien to you when Sony has already started and Nintendo already has plans for mobile games? So, if you are going to counter argue at least try. :)

Yeahh I know what it is and I'm sure MS wants that pie of gold. And keep dreaming with Sony first party games going to PC lol... Not in 5 years dude with the way all Playstation 1 to 4 selling!

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#127  Edited By cainetao11
Member since 2006 • 38078 Posts

@tormentos: Maybe you do that with your friends but I don't. I accept them and their preferences in anything the way they are. I am responsible for only myself.

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#128 R4gn4r0k  Online
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@naughtyottsel said:
@R4gn4r0k said:
@naughtyottsel said:

The head of the Xbox division says he wants it to be ok for people not to buy an Xbox?

This clown never ceases to amaze.

What's the difference with Sony being OK nobody buys a Vita or develops any games for it ?

Did I ever state it was ok?

Answering a question with another question makes things overly confusing.

I'm saying both companies have massive screw ups.

Spencer ain't a clown. He's actually trying to fix all the damage done by the previous fool that ran the Xbox devision, the one that closed so many PC and other developers.

He actually re-instated Rare to being a proper developer again. Is focusing on other IP besides Halo/forza/gears over and over. Oh, and gotta thank that Don Mattrick for the focus on Kinect and DRM that the XBone was gonna launch with, right ?

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#129 naughtyottsel
Member since 2016 • 1801 Posts

@R4gn4r0k said:
@naughtyottsel said:
@R4gn4r0k said:
@naughtyottsel said:

The head of the Xbox division says he wants it to be ok for people not to buy an Xbox?

This clown never ceases to amaze.

What's the difference with Sony being OK nobody buys a Vita or develops any games for it ?

Did I ever state it was ok?

Answering a question with another question makes things overly confusing.

I'm saying both companies have massive screw ups.

Spencer ain't a clown. He's actually trying to fix all the damage done by the previous fool that ran the Xbox devision, the one that closed so many PC and other developers.

He actually re-instated Rare to being a proper developer again. Is focusing on other IP besides Halo/forza/gears over and over. Oh, and gotta thank that Don Mattrick for the focus on Kinect and DRM that the XBone was gonna launch with, right ?

Once again, where did I ever state that Phil Spencer was the only clown?

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#130 R4gn4r0k  Online
Member since 2004 • 49139 Posts

@naughtyottsel said:
@R4gn4r0k said:
@naughtyottsel said:
@R4gn4r0k said:
@naughtyottsel said:

The head of the Xbox division says he wants it to be ok for people not to buy an Xbox?

This clown never ceases to amaze.

What's the difference with Sony being OK nobody buys a Vita or develops any games for it ?

Did I ever state it was ok?

Answering a question with another question makes things overly confusing.

I'm saying both companies have massive screw ups.

Spencer ain't a clown. He's actually trying to fix all the damage done by the previous fool that ran the Xbox devision, the one that closed so many PC and other developers.

He actually re-instated Rare to being a proper developer again. Is focusing on other IP besides Halo/forza/gears over and over. Oh, and gotta thank that Don Mattrick for the focus on Kinect and DRM that the XBone was gonna launch with, right ?

Once again, where did I ever state that Phil Spencer was the only clown?

This conversation is tiresome.

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#131 naughtyottsel
Member since 2016 • 1801 Posts

@R4gn4r0k said:
@naughtyottsel said:
@R4gn4r0k said:
@naughtyottsel said:
@R4gn4r0k said:

What's the difference with Sony being OK nobody buys a Vita or develops any games for it ?

Did I ever state it was ok?

Answering a question with another question makes things overly confusing.

I'm saying both companies have massive screw ups.

Spencer ain't a clown. He's actually trying to fix all the damage done by the previous fool that ran the Xbox devision, the one that closed so many PC and other developers.

He actually re-instated Rare to being a proper developer again. Is focusing on other IP besides Halo/forza/gears over and over. Oh, and gotta thank that Don Mattrick for the focus on Kinect and DRM that the XBone was gonna launch with, right ?

Once again, where did I ever state that Phil Spencer was the only clown?

This conversation is tiresome.

It's not a conversation, you assumed I was singling out Spencer and to your defense, I've went on record with stating that I don't like the man so that's understandable.

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#132 2mrw
Member since 2008 • 6206 Posts

This guy is just too nice. He must be a serial killer.

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#133 FireEmblem_Man
Member since 2004 • 20389 Posts

@caryslan2 said:

Do people even bother reading before they post "The Xbox is doomed! Phil Spencer is telling people not to buy one?"

He's targeting PC gamers that will likely never touch a gaming console with a ten foot pole. The kind of gamer who tends to turn their nose up at anything the Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo have to offer.

Nintendo and Sony have both Handhelds and home consoles(although Sony has pretty much let the Vita die, but the fanboys tend to ignore that.) In recent years, both have tried to tie their handheld and home consoles together more and more.

Microsoft has the Xbox and their PC business, and for over a decade they have had both brands exist in a bubble separate from each other. The Xbox is not going anywhere because Microsoft can't afford to let it go now.

What Microsoft wants is for Windows 10 to power your computer, your tablet, your phone, and your living room through the Xbox.

Its no longer about PC or Xbox for them. They want to sell Windows 10 and they want to have a unified OS that runs on every device a consumer could want.

Why kill the Xbox One now? It has sold at least 20 million units so far. No, the Xbox is not going anywhere.

What we are seeing is Microsoft finally acting on their intent with Windows 10 and that is finally having an OS that is unified across several different devices. The Xbox is their key to getting Win 10 into the living room.

The days of home consoles, handhelds, and PCs being in their own separate bubble is almost over. Nintendo is looking to unify the console and handheld market with the NX(if all rumors are true) while Microsoft looks to integrate Windows 10 into everything they can get their hands on.

Apple and Google are also doing the same thing.

Sony seems to be the only one who is not in a rush to unify their products under a single OS and as market leader, perhaps they see no need to. But the days of every console existing in their own bubble is slowly ending. Nintendo and Microsoft are pushing this, but in their own separate ways.

The Xbox is not going anywhere anytime soon.

Besides, have people forgotten that Microsoft has done ports of Halo, Halo 2, Gears of War, and other games to the PC in the past?

Intelligent post! It's a shame fanboys will ignore it...... I cannot wait for PC to Xbox streaming to come true soon!

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#134 ni6htmare01
Member since 2005 • 3990 Posts

@FireEmblem_Man said:
@caryslan2 said:

Do people even bother reading before they post "The Xbox is doomed! Phil Spencer is telling people not to buy one?"

He's targeting PC gamers that will likely never touch a gaming console with a ten foot pole. The kind of gamer who tends to turn their nose up at anything the Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo have to offer.

Nintendo and Sony have both Handhelds and home consoles(although Sony has pretty much let the Vita die, but the fanboys tend to ignore that.) In recent years, both have tried to tie their handheld and home consoles together more and more.

Microsoft has the Xbox and their PC business, and for over a decade they have had both brands exist in a bubble separate from each other. The Xbox is not going anywhere because Microsoft can't afford to let it go now.

What Microsoft wants is for Windows 10 to power your computer, your tablet, your phone, and your living room through the Xbox.

Its no longer about PC or Xbox for them. They want to sell Windows 10 and they want to have a unified OS that runs on every device a consumer could want.

Why kill the Xbox One now? It has sold at least 20 million units so far. No, the Xbox is not going anywhere.

What we are seeing is Microsoft finally acting on their intent with Windows 10 and that is finally having an OS that is unified across several different devices. The Xbox is their key to getting Win 10 into the living room.

The days of home consoles, handhelds, and PCs being in their own separate bubble is almost over. Nintendo is looking to unify the console and handheld market with the NX(if all rumors are true) while Microsoft looks to integrate Windows 10 into everything they can get their hands on.

Apple and Google are also doing the same thing.

Sony seems to be the only one who is not in a rush to unify their products under a single OS and as market leader, perhaps they see no need to. But the days of every console existing in their own bubble is slowly ending. Nintendo and Microsoft are pushing this, but in their own separate ways.

The Xbox is not going anywhere anytime soon.

Besides, have people forgotten that Microsoft has done ports of Halo, Halo 2, Gears of War, and other games to the PC in the past?

Intelligent post! It's a shame fanboys will ignore it...... I cannot wait for PC to Xbox streaming to come true soon!

Good luck with them trying to have people use window 10 for phone and tablet....

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#135 BigBadBully
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@frank_castle: but you'll need a Xbox one if you don't have a decent pc or care for a pc.

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#136 lamprey263
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I can partially see why he says this. With the Windows 10 store out the console isn't the only way to make money (rather they don't make any money selling hardware most likely). The money is in the royalties. Microsoft gets like 30% royalties on all games published on either system, 30% revenues of all games sold on their storefront. I don't think he cares where you play just as long as people are using their storefront. Again, on that end, they need to share more than just first party content, they're going to need third party support on cross platform ownership and gameplay. They also need to figure out a way to allow people to share their Windows store content with a Steam functionality. I thought I heard someone say back when people were buying like $11 Rise of the Tomb Raider from Ukraine from Windows store that there was a way to tie the keys to Steam but it was a complex convoluted process, curious about how this works, if it's possible for MS to do third party games with some kind of Steam rights sharing.

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#137 tormentos
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@tdkmillsy said:
@dynamitecop said:

@tormentos: I'm not even talking to you so stop quoting me, get it through your thick skull, I'm never having any discussion with you again so never quote me again because from this point forward I will never respond to anything you ever have to say.

You're a mindless, illiterate waste of my time, I have nothing else to say to you.

He seems to have that affect on people.

I have that effect on fanboys who don't like being expose for what they are.

@R4gn4r0k said:

Spencer ain't a clown. He's actually trying to fix all the damage done by the previous fool that ran the Xbox devision, the one that closed so many PC and other developers.

He actually re-instated Rare to being a proper developer again. Is focusing on other IP besides Halo/forza/gears over and over. Oh, and gotta thank that Don Mattrick for the focus on Kinect and DRM that the XBone was gonna launch with, right ?

That is not even close to be true,and even phil him self stated that he was part of that vision had,nor Phil or Don were in charge of things on the xbox brand they are just a face to give to the public the orders for them come from a higher ground inside MS.

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#138 GameboyTroy
Member since 2011 • 9866 Posts

The guy has spoken!

Where are the gifs?

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#139 delta3074
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@flyincloud1116 said:
@delta3074 said:
@flyincloud1116 said:

@delta3074: Yeah, now give us a date when the focus became clear the Xbox ecosystem was more important than the actual Xbox console, historian.

theres no need, it's been pretty obvious for ages now to most gamers with a brain.

People seem to forget that Microsoft is a software company first not a hardware company and it's pretty obvious in 2012 that microsoft wanted the Xbox ecosystem across all of there devices and operating systems to unify those systems.

not that it matters, they are doing what they are doing and the only people that see a problem with it are the people who won't benefit, Xbox one owners are fine with it and PC gamers are fine with it as long as MS sorts out issues with it's windows stores.

you also eed to look outside your little bubble, it's only been issue here on system wars outside of system wars no one really cares, people will carry on buying Xbox ones, they will carry on buying Ps4's and PC gamers will continue to upgrade there rigs.

you see what Phil is saying, from my perspective, is 'we don't care if you buy an xbox or not because we are going to take your money anyway when you buy our games'

the Smart person knows that the Money is in Software, Games not hardware and the more platforms you can release your games on the greater potential earning capacity you have.

I also feel his statement was aimed at those PC gamers who will never buy a console, they cannot take there money for the hardware but they can take there money for the games.

This is all about BANK for them at the end of the day just like it is for any Efficient, successful company, whether the Xbox one will suffer in sales is something we will have to wait and see but i think it's pretty obvious that they will make much more Bank on there games if they are released on multiple platforms.

there reasoning for why they are doing it is actually irrelevant really the point is they are doing it.

You can white knight this all you want, but the facts are the shift in focus for the Xdivision is directly related to the X1 not being as successful as the heads would have liked. Anyone with half a brain that head is not up MS butt can see that.

I own a X1, but I dare not try to speak for everyone that owns a X1 by says that they are all okay with MS shift in focus. Only a real tool would make such an asinine excursion.

You people sound like you are reading off of a MR PR pamphlet.

Believe what you like, at the end of the day I do not care what you think.

Read my reply to tormentos and you will realize i am not white knighting anything, i couldn't give a monkeys about MS o there Eco system i am just telling it the way it is.

you lot make the big mistake of thinking Microsoft is trying to monopolize one market at a time, Microsoft's aim is to dominate every market like every other insidious company on the planet.

i don't do brand loyalty mate, i work on the rule 'if i want what you are selling i will buy it.

Company wars is BS wars.

You want a product you buy, showing so much loyalty to a particular company is kind of weird in my view.

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#140 lhughey
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microsoft is a services company. They don't care if you use a PC or Xbone.

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#141 blueinheaven
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@caryslan2 said:

Do people even bother reading before they post "The Xbox is doomed! Phil Spencer is telling people not to buy one?"

He's targeting PC gamers that will likely never touch a gaming console with a ten foot pole. The kind of gamer who tends to turn their nose up at anything the Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo have to offer.

PC gamers that will never touch a console with a ten foot pole aren't gamers, they're elitists who care more about what framerate they'll get from games on PC than the games themselves. They are not gamers. If you think all PC gamers are like that you couldn't be more wrong despite a small subsection of total asshats on here giving PC gamers a bad name.

PC gamers tend to have more disposable income. They buy expensive graphics cards that cost more than either PS4, Xbox One or Wii U because they want to play games at their best because they love games and they buy consoles because they don't want to miss out on Uncharted, TLOU, Halo, Gears, Zelda, Mario etc etc because THEY LOVE GAMES.

Every hardcore PC gamer I know also has consoles. The people on here claiming to be PC gamers are just completely alien to me, constantly sniping at consoles, claiming to be superior it's f***ing embarassing tbh don't let internet dimwits paint a picture of PC gamers that in my REAL WORLD experience is completely wrong. I hope Spencer knows what he's doing shipping all Xbox games to PC because he has basically told PC gamers you don't need an Xbox One, now or ever. Some of his superiors are going to have something to say about that so he had better get the Windows Store up to speed sometime very soon or his 'ecosystem' bollocks is going to cave in on him bigtime.

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#142 Frank_Castle
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@BigBadBully said:

@frank_castle: but you'll need a Xbox one if you don't have a decent pc or care for a pc.

Yeah, no shit.

That's what I said.

But even if you have a mid-high range gaming PC, you still need a PS console to play Sony'e exclusives regardless.

Can't say the same about Microsoft's consoles from here on out.

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#143 tdkmillsy
Member since 2003 • 6617 Posts

@frank_castle said:
@BigBadBully said:

@frank_castle: but you'll need a Xbox one if you don't have a decent pc or care for a pc.

Yeah, no shit.

That's what I said.

But even if you have a mid-high range gaming PC, you still need a PS console to play Sony'e exclusives regardless.

Can't say the same about Microsoft's consoles from here on out.

You need a gaming PC running Windows 10 and Windows store or a Xbox One for future Microsoft exclusives. This only matters on this forum where some are having a hard time with change.

Does it dilute the Xbox One attraction, yes but only in the direction of another Microsoft product. Xbox brand has always been multiplatform ever since they put games on Windows phone (way before Windows 10).

Never before have Microsoft had their own app store on a Windows platform (not counting windows 8), these 2 platforms have never been so close and the tools so easy to build for both. Microsoft cant win here, if they put the games on both platforms Xbox One owners moan, if they kept them all on Xbox One, PC owners would moan.

Any company in Microsoft position would do the same. They want their games on their produced products. That being Windows 10 desktop, Windows 10 tablet, Windows phone and Xbox One. On top of that if developers can develop for all these platforms in one go (with minimal effort) its better for owners of any of these platforms.

Xbox One the poor mans PC isn't far from the truth, but the GAMER has choice. Play it on Xbox One or invest as much as you want to play as good as you want on a PC. Microsoft don't mind, as long as it means more games Xbox One owners wont mind going forward (annoyed now but that will pass), in fact the main people moaning about it are Sony Fanboys on these forums.

If you where a developer who could develop for Windows platform including Xbox One (and even Windows Phone if you really wanted) wouldn't that be an attractive prospect?

The dust is yet to settle, but don't doubt for one second Microsoft don't know what they are doing or don't have a bigger picture,

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#144 finalstar2007
Member since 2008 • 27952 Posts

I like Philly, he's trying to make the xbox be irrelevant which is good, wont be long now till its back to being playstation and nintendo only in terms of console gaming :)

thanks philly! love ya!

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#145 crystos
Member since 2003 • 1040 Posts

Maybe it's a good thing I decided to skip this gen... I have been an xbox gamer since Dreamcast went under. but man the Xboxone has been a damn disappointment overall

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#146 lostrib
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@finalstar2007: why is that good?

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#147  Edited By Opus_Rea-333
Member since 2013 • 1238 Posts

Microsoft secretely manages Playstation guys :P

Of course no source here but it is apparent if you put the pieces together.

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#148 kvally
Member since 2014 • 8445 Posts

Great news from Phil. Love that the focus is on gaming and Xbox and Microsoft Windows. Also explains why this is the best selling Xbox yet. Looking forward to more and more games! They keep just getting better and better.

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#149 Antwan3K
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@ellos said:
@dynamitecop said:
@lundy86_4 said:

They're appealing to both crowds, and that's great. If they get their shit together with the W10 store and the game releases, then i'm all for it. Less reason for me to personally own an Xbox, but that's only because i'll spend money on a decent rig.

That's exactly what is going on, don't let people fool you into thinking it's something else, I can't believe the doomsday nonsense and vitriol some of these fangirls are throwing out. Some people game on PC and some game on consoles, they're trying to bridge the gap and appease their customers and users on both sides of the fringe with like minded experiences.

For the cross console/PC owner this allows them to break away from the console hardware if they so choose and purchase the games on PC, and for console gamers absolutely nothing has changed. I don't see how anyone is taking this as "don't buy an Xbox", that's just silly, all he's saying is if you don't want to buy one and still want to play our games, you can go the other route if you like, if a PC suits you better then play on PC.

In the end they're going to get money from you either way, and with this route they also get money from the straight PC crowd, the PlayStation/PC crowd and Nintendo/PC crowd which they would have previously not have gotten.

Your right but I think the point is MS will loose share on the xbox hardware making it redundant for the people who own pc as he states. I think there this misconception that the console market is all made by pure console gamers. There is a big chunk of the % of console market that would have loved to know this sooner. Sure this might have been coming all along. Xbox hardware sales will or would have been effected by this if not already. Who knows the biggest benefactor could have been the wiiU actually. In the end as you say MS will recuperate that on win10 which might be a better venture for them any ways. They changed the windows market.

Neither Microsoft or Sony make more money from hardware sales than they make from software sales.. hardware is sold in order to sell software, plain and simple. And if a person who already owns a gaming PC decides to buy Gears 4 on his rig rather than invest in an Xbox One in order to play that game, Microsoft still received a software sale regardless (which is the entire goal)..

And more than likely, that was a software sale that they would have not received if they kept Gears 4 on console..

Despite what System Wars would have you believe, someone who is a PC gamer and prefers to game on PC would probably pass up buying Gears 4 if they had to buy an entire console for it.. but if all they have to do is download the game directly to their PC, then that's a more attractive proposition by far.. sure a hardware sale was lost but software sales were gained..

And as long as there's a console market, the Xbox isn't going away. Microsoft has just simply found a way to increase their market share while at the same time, no longer having to depend on hardware sales from consoles in order to make software sales.. They are in that unique position and even though it won't win Xbox fans any console wars arguments, it's a genius move that will likely benefit both PC gamers and Xbox gamers in the long run in the form of PC/XB1 exclusives thanks to that larger combined presence of the Windows Store on both platforms..

heck, rumor has it that Microsoft is going to partner with Steam in order to release Universal Windows games on Valve's store but with the option to use the same Xbox Live benefits of the Microsoft Windows Store. Again, at that point, Microsoft is just further combining the ecosystem and gaining leverage with developers via Xbox Live user metrics across both PC and Xbox One..

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#150 deactivated-583c85dc33d18
Member since 2016 • 1619 Posts

@finalstar2007 said:

I like Philly, he's trying to make the xbox be irrelevant which is good, wont be long now till its back to being playstation and nintendo only in terms of console gaming :)

thanks philly! love ya!

That wouldn't be good. It's clear the PS4 is wholly inspired by the Xbox in terms of design and focus on Western games, indie games, and online play. Nintendo isn't good competition for Sony.

Anyone who thinks the PS4 is good should be thankful for the Xbox brand.