Which is why the Xbox ecosystem started to appear on PC and Windows phones in 2012 before the release of the xbox one right?
That is not even close to what is being done here Delta.
The best way to think of the Xbox Games on Windows is as a PC-based version of Xbox Live Arcade. Like the console-based game download service, Microsoft will directly control game approval and release scheduling on Xbox Games on Windows. Developers will still be able to submit normal downloadable games for sale through the regular Windows 8 Store, of course, or just release PC games on their own. But those titles won't be launchable through the preinstalled Metro-style (sorry— Window 8-style UI) Xbox on Windows app. Nor will they be integrated with existing Xbox Live features like Achievements, friends lists, Avatars, leaderboards and in-game rewards. A representative told me that Microsoft hopes to roll out games regularly every week, just like it does on Xbox Live Arcade, but that the company hopes to speed up the release process down the line.
This is nothing like what is being done here,what you linked talk about an xbox live arcade like store,where multiplatforms games will be release,not MS exclusives.
you know as well as i do that they where laying the groundwork for what they are doing now, it was pretty obvious when games like Ryse and Dead rising 3.
Whether or not the Xbox one will suffer over this i not yet clear, it's likely it will but i don't think Microsoft cares and anyone who bought there console thinking they would is a fool anyway.
anyone who thinks any of these companies care personally about there customers is deluded, they are there to make money that's the point of running a business.
And theres no point in Xbox one owners who bought there console for the exclusives whining they feel they have been ripped off by this, they bought the damn console they can live with it.
will the Xbox one suffer through this? Probably though lets wait and see.
But PC gamers will benefit from this move and so will Microsofts bank balance.
Screw MS anyway, the only reason i bough there damn console was to play multiplats and because i got a deal on it from a mate so it was a 100 quid cheaper then any of the consoles sold in the shops and money is an issue right now.
i couldn't give a monkeys about Microsoft or the Xbox live ecosystem beyond what i can get from them, they take a mercenary attitude towards there customers so i take a Mercs attitude towards them.
they don't deliver what i want they get kicked out of bed.
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