@finalstar2007 said:
If a new game from the CoD makers which received a lot of marketing couldnt do it aka titanfall then its highly unlikely that an HD collection of already released games and probably the least selling racing franchise out there to do anything for X1
Nobody cares about people in western cultures outside the older ones, it's always company brand. COD creators mean nothing if Infinity Ward and/or Activision is on the box.
Also even then, it did do something, it sold over 2 million on Xbox One awhile back (probably 3 now because it sold 3 million in total, the Xbox 360 version nor PC version have broken 500,000 so...)
I mean in only a few months the game is at 3-4 million units. To say it did not do anything is silly. Arguably, the Xbox One would have been dead and hit a wall if that game did not come out.
Also if my least selling you mean third (After NFS and GT) then uh ok.
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